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Everything posted by Gahm

  1. Very nice work on the bowsprit, Sal! Can't wait to see it mounted! Thomas
  2. Congratulations to a little master piece, Sal! Thomas
  3. Nils, Dirk, and Sal, thank you for your compliments! It is always very motivating to get this type of feedback! Dirk, I knew that you could not help yourself but point out the next wonderful task on hand, the carronade rigging! Thomas
  4. George, Mike, and Bob, thank you so much for your kind comments! And thanks for all the 'likes'. I am quite happy not to touch a carronade for a while! But then there are still the long guns . . . Thomas
  5. I finished the carronades. Below are some images showing the final result. Thomas
  6. Very nice job, Jesse! Your wood simulation looks great! Thomas
  7. Frank, thank you so much for your kind words! I learned a lot of new techniques and good ideas from build logs of other members in this forum. For me this really is part of the fun besides building the model - the exchange of ideas and solutions to modeling problems Thomas
  8. Looking very good, Sal! I love all the additional details which you are including on your Syren! Thomas
  9. Your wood simulation on the decorative trim looks very convincing! As far as I remember Chuck published once in his original Syren build log how he did the wood simulation with paint. There were several layers involved and I think he also used the Golden Oak wood stain as a "wash". Thomas
  10. Richard, your figurehead turned out very nicely! And I fully agree, it is quite rewarding and a lot of fun to scratch build the one or other part and replace the kit provided pieces. And so far you do an excellent job on these parts! Thomas
  11. This is such a clean and precise build! My compliments, Bob! Thomas
  12. I am always amazed how full the Syren deck gets once you put in all the details! Beautifully done! Thomas
  13. I am just in the process of building the carronades for my Syren model as well. The 18 pounder carronades from Caldercraft (Jotika) fit Chuck's plans perfectly. I ordered mine from Cornwall Model boats (http://www.cornwallmodelboats.co.uk/). I converted them a little bit like described in my build log. The final result was satisfactory. Thomas
  14. I agree with Dirk, this is very well done! Thomas
  15. Excellent paint job! And your skylight is superb! I keep repeating myself, but it is a joy to watch your Cheerful progress! Thomas
  16. Beautiful work, Sal! And amazing progress! I change my prediction for you having finished your Syren from Christmas to Thanksgiving Thomas
  17. Dirk, if you continue to build another couple of ship models before you turn back to your Syren I may perhaps be able to catch up with you Thomas
  18. George, Brian, Greg, Bob, Sal, Nils, JP, thank you so much for your kind comments! And thanks for all the likes! Feed back in general, and this kind of positive feed back in particular, is always very welcome and highly appreciated! Thomas
  19. I finished the remaining 11 carronade barrels. I used Cladercraft’s 18 pdr barrels (image 1) which - as already mentioned several times in this forum - fit Chuck’s Syren carronade drawings very nicely. I modified them a little by reducing the elevation screw holder in size (image 2a, lower barrel original size, upper barrel reduced size), milled 2 slots for breech ring and gun sight pieces (images 2b and 2c), milled a flat area over the predrilled hole to mount a little brass cube with a pin as basis for the barrel hinge (image 1 and image 3a), and after silver soldering, drilling the hinge hole, and a “little clean-up” with a rotary tool and diamond burr ended up with the finished barrel (image 3b). Image 4 shows the 11 finished carronade barrels after blackening and coating them with Model Master’s Flat Lacquer overcoat. Thomas Image 1 Image 2 Image 3 Image 4
  20. The deck furniture is always a lot of fun. You did a wonderful job on your Cheerful - as usual! I just love watching your progress! Thomas
  21. I just learned about you being sick. I hope you get well again quickly! I am missing your progress reports! All the best, Thomas
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