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Everything posted by Gahm

  1. Thank you so much for all your nice comments! And thank you for all the likes! Both are always highly appreciated! Building these carronades is a bit of a perseverance test as each of them has >60 parts and worst of all 29 holes which need to be drilled with a #80 drill and a pin vice through brass. So a little encouragement is very welcome Thomas
  2. Excellent job on the rigging, Bob! Your Essex is an absolute beauty! Now that the finish line is so near what are your thoughts for the next project? Thomas
  3. A little sign of life: I finished the first 5 carronades – see images below. Unfortunately this time in the year there are always too many other projects that need to be taken care of. So right now I am following the philosophy of Confucius: ‘It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop’ Thomas ,
  4. Very nicely done, Sal! And I fully agree with Augie, the details are a lot of work, but they make all the difference later on! Btw, depending on how you build the cannons, they are a lot of (repetitive) details, too Thomas
  5. Excellent work, Augie! And yes, the quality of your model clearly reflects your time investment! Thomas
  6. Nice framing job, Robert! And you are absolutely right in making sure that the framing is done as precisely as possible. It will pay off big time later on! Thomas
  7. Wonderful work! Your cannon and your metal work in general are simply outstanding! Thomas
  8. Looking very good so far! And don't worry about breaking parts . . . probably everybody does that sooner or later. If I would count all the discarded parts during my Syren build they may add up to a second hull . So just have fun and enjoy the build. Thomas
  9. Have fun! I am in the midst of my Syren build and I am enjoying every bit of it! Thomas
  10. Your rudder turned out very nicely! And I have no idea concerning the copper versus bronze question Thomas
  11. Fantastic rigging job! It is a pleasure to watch your Essex sail towards the finish line Thomas
  12. Great work, Augie! I specifically love the last picture which gives an excellent impression of the fine details and the construction of your Confederacy. She is a real beauty! Thomas
  13. Those gudgeons and pintles look great! I like your method of making those copper strips! Thomas
  14. What a beautiful model! It must be a proud moment to have a complex model like the Connie finished. Congratulations! Thomas
  15. The coppered hull of your Syren looks great! I found this to be one of the most satisfying parts of the building process. And where the finishing process is concerned I belong to the more lazy guys and let mother nature do it. One piece less I can mess up Thomas
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