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Everything posted by robboxxx

  1. The first two gun ports cut. I'm spot on with my measurements....... At last.
  2. Hi All I lost the description booklet of this kit. Can anybody tell me the gunport opening sizes? I now they are lined with 1x3 mm walnut but what are the raw cut sizes?
  3. What a wonderfull News. I was always a fan of mamoli. Especialy their choice of models. A lot of them you won't find at other ship model producers. I like especialy their models of french ships.
  4. A gun was never made out of brass. Only shipkits have brass guns. http://www.modelships.de/San_Felipe_1690_authenticity/San_Felipe_1690_authenticity.htmIs a good reference for spanish ships.
  5. Both sides planked and smooting them is in progress. Soon I can start on the gunports.
  6. Hi Tomasg My first post in this topic explains that the gunport template was missing from my kit. I contacted Mantua but they redesigned the kit and didn't used the template anymore. They send me a hand drawn template that was far off. On my last attempt I didn't use the vertical dummy gun columns but I build a wooden wall so I can put the guns anywhere I want. You cab see them in the second last picture.
  7. After a long, long absence on the forum I'm slowly startend up again. Today I went to the attic to get my model. This is how far I am at the moment.
  8. Yes. I now the scraping technique. I uses it a lot. I used razorblades. Worked fine. I also had good results with a piece of glass. Used.... because at the moment I'm not modeling butt soon I will start again.
  9. I sometimes grind down a (thick) nail to a razor sharp point and use it as a chisel.
  10. I've just received Infield's "The Fifty Gun Ship" from were you get your build data, by mail. I was able to get it 2nd hand. It is a great book with lot's of good pictures and drawings. Some day I'm going to build the HMS Leopard myself.
  11. i've build the Corel Victory Cross section. That is a very nice model and much, much cheaper than the D'agostini one. I doubt if it's that much better. Edit: the D'agostini that is
  12. At last the new decks are in. Now I can start with the re-planking. This is the third time I plank this part. I really start to hate this boring job. Hope to finish it soon so I can start with the fun parts. Photo made with my phone, so not the best quality.
  13. A smal update. At last I found the time to work on the model and I've started making the new gundecks.
  14. The choice for the mantua model is purely based on personal preferences. The wood quality of the mantua model is better. Constructo uses african walnut, that has much coarser grain. Also is constructo using contrasting wood colors and lots of shining brass. If thats your thing it's fine. Instructions are a bit better on the constructo one. But "hang" your decision on it. By the way: I've build the Mantua model. Rob
  15. I had also never had serious problems with Mamoli drawings. They use a different approach to most other manufactures so it takes some time getting used to it.
  16. I've bought years ago a kit (victory midship section) from Corel and it had a spiral bound book with the translation in Dutch written by modeler who actually build the ship. The build was a breeze. So I guess it also depends on your importer. Is he only pushing boxes or is he really supporting modelers and the brand he's representing?
  17. Well.... I think that a lot of people are not really interested in accurate ship models. They just want a nice looking ship model on their mantle piece. With beautiful walnut and lots of shining brass. I now somebody who refuses to look at shipway kits because they have no walnut and are therefore inferior. As you may now I do some work for a local model shop and I have seen that people go straight for the typical AL/OCRE kits and don't look at the other brands. Typical as in rich wood & brass. People who are really into ship modeling (In the means of accurate represented ship models) are either scratch building or now what kits to pick. But, please don't get me wrong. This is a beautiful hobby and I don't want to put people who are building such kit down. As long as you enjoy your build or model it is fine by me. I think that If there would be only accurate ship model kits on the market this would be a boring hobby because we would build all the same 3-4 kits.
  18. I think it is safe to forget the Ben Hur picture of rowing chained slaves. They were also not seated but standing (edit: on the Swan class ship). And yes that were some large and heavy oars.
  19. Congratulations on your purchase. Now fire it up and start your build so we all can enjoy the look of your precision cut wood.
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