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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. It's just about complete one more sanding up top and the top was a PIA.This is my second octagon top and the last one came out better the problem is the center everything is heading to the center very hard for me ATTM to get perfect hence the round plug (Symbolizes coming full circle completion) That's my story The other issue was the Diablo blades I use on my 7 1/4" miter saw/radial was flexing the cuts were not fully straight gave me fits last night.I said sleep on it look at it with fresh mind/eyes.I checked the radial smooth and true,then was the blade shaft wobbling no wobble standard front/back motion and then I looked at the blade?The blade is .028" thick I started to wonder went and pulled a cheap 40T Avanti blade down .048" I started cleaning up the remaining pieces of high points on the previously cut pieces and able to save the work.It's not perfect but Momma is happy that's the important part. The other pic is one I did for my Sis she lives in a house over 100 years old and had a vase that sat on the floor>The top is Leopard Wood with Zebra for the inlay with three curved legs of Aromatic Cedar.Well I thought I had a pick of the legs ??
  2. Thanks Craig I am cruising on this subject.Starting the oil process now another 2/3 coats should do the stand.Got to eat some breakfast @1PM steak/eggs then start the top.
  3. Not really Mike Life is to short even though the Lord tells me I am getting younger everyday so push on.Everything went together just great nothing like a plan in motion working properly.The stand is one of the tightest I have ever built using the mortise/tenons !I have switched gears this morning on the top weras I was going to do Sapele it will now be Maple with 1 maybe 2 inlays of Sapele the color change will break up the monotony.I deplore stains for the most part when you want to change the color change the wood.
  4. Thanks Alan thought not perfect it's close and so close I hope to be able to hide any imperfections.Today was the very first time in 35years of doing wood work my finger ever touch a blade took some nail and shred some skin but no blood,I lower the blade after that doing 30'angle cuts.
  5. Thanks Robert coming along well thus far had a SNAFU but hid/fixed.The side you see now is not glued together just the mortise/tenon holding it together the middle rung is about .010 to short I hate that I will take it out and see if will fit one of the other sides better other wise I have shimed before.The tablesaw I have set up for box joints and doing tenons in this case(usually do by hand ) the measurements depth of the blade has changed.The wood is going to pop once I apply my oils and I have started on the top yet.
  6. My wife has been pestering me about a new table/nightstand type deal for the living room to go by her Lazy Boy.Well,I decided on a triangle base three corners,three braces(7") with three 1/4" stringers.The top will be an octagon with a basic quarter round.The woods I am using is my favorite Sapele(cheap African mahogany) is the main wood and minor is a Birch.I find my self when building pieces using the numbers of God alot like 3,7,8,10,12 and 13 the 12 tribes,apostles and Jesus.That formula lends itself to small pieces like this one and the last one,my way of honoring God in my work.I am pretty useless otherwise The rubber band method works great for holding together pieces of wood of odd shapes learned it on tour in Lafayette LA one day from an old man maybe 10/12 years ago first time I have used it works better with ole bicycle inner tubes.The angles have been perplexing at times and just had to trust my math from back in the day when going to school for engineering.The Birch up front was somewhat of a Birch knowing all along relative angles exist/abound in the pieces on the table/floor think and one will persevere.I did not want to have to look at a 60' angle up front hence the solution.
  7. The first presentation is an Italeri Kit 1/48 Me-109 G-6 U-3 ANR,Tenete(Lt) Ermete Ferrero,3 Sq,2nd Gp,VillaFranca N.Italy 1944.I think I went a little heavy on the mottling but I was having fun and the swirl for the propeller well........... Time=8/12hrs=1week most being in paint/decals
  8. I have been having the sense to build OOB of late like the Mig-3 of late just trying to build something that looks somewhat half way decent to the eye.I will dive into some of the 1/32's that deserve it and do full build logs but here it will be mainly 1/72 and 1/48 that just happen to hit the desk to fill the gaps in-between a full log.
  9. I think he's using .17HMR cases cut down looking good Craig
  10. We've gone from raised rivets as a kid to engraved smooth as adults and now seniors/kids sometimes back to raised rivets again In all honesty looks really good Rob I was wondering about the silver so another coat of gloss black?I await the final results.
  11. Thanks Craig it was a simple build nothing fancy and what needed to be ordered
  12. Shelf of Doom.I have been pulling out old unfinished kits for the last month had to start a new one an easy one.
  13. Holy Cow!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!!
  14. This was no SOD build but a kit I bought at the Covington ,LA meet very simple and basic strictly OOB except for the IP I punch various instruments from the 1/48 ICM He-111 I had left over the kit provided zero(keep learning).As I said nothing special but I have another WWII era Soviet Fighter in the cabinet.//forum.largescalemodeller.com/uploads/emoticons/default_wink.png The kit has maybe 15/20hrs in it.//forum.largescalemodeller.com/uploads/emoticons/default_hsmack.gif
  15. The Nazi's underestimated the Russkies and what millions thrown into the fray could do.
  16. Thanks Alan I am getting more comfortable with it but WWI and "The Wooden Wonder"are perplexing to me .
  17. I have built one MiniArt kit and it was a Nice fitting enjoyable build looking forward to the end result.
  18. Thanks Mike I wish I had not missed up the upper insignia I layered it in wash but forgot to clear it.
  19. I am ready to position this one in the cabinet feels good to get her finished!I learned a bit with this one using mask and more weathering I have like 8 more mask coming from Hannants.Thanks for looking in guys and the support along the way even a Trumpter can look OK.
  20. Thanks Craig been trying to teach myself different techniques on this one she is not perfect but that is OK by me learning is the important part.
  21. She might come out a good looking "Girl" after all?The canopy is not glued down and neither is the tank.The 250lb bombs are drying and need to be weathered .The whole model got covered with Tamiya brown wash with a 1/2" brush sit for thirty minutes and started the wipe.I then came back over that with Tamiya light dust on the upper surfaces and sand on the bottom.The flat clear went on very low pressure and light from a distance so as not to soak the pastels then you can lay it.The prop was painted silver way back and Nato Black very thin on top use a knife to chip.The wheels is the most I have ever gone after a set and think it will pass AK mud paint mixed with the Tamiya pastels from earlier thinking the mud was a waste here but needed to play with it.She's going to look the work horse when done!
  22. Nice room and layout mine is about 1/2 size @6'X16' and cramped.
  23. Brian we have a local mill shop of sorts stocks some exotic woods and those of the area which are semi-rough cut 4/4 and 8/4 and I finish the planing.You may look around for a place like that if it suits ya that cedar runs under $4 a b/f in my neck of the woods.I really like your shop wish I had a concrete floor but was working to keep those pesky inspectors away after Katrina she's endure a few more storms. Keep up the excellent work!!Kevin
  24. Brian I have not had any issues with this door on the shop it's Aromatic Cedar main boards are 1" thick with the outside layers bring it to 1 3/8".I did like you glued and biscuit with clamps with a marine varnish.Termites had eaten 3 steel doors and two frames I live on the MS Gulf Coast so they are an issue here.
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