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Everything posted by Javlin

  1. Well to be honest brother when you are mastering the 1/700 scale Dios are next they can look so real it's unfathomable that's the next leap.
  2. Craig this is looking really Good I have done some 1/700 but not to the extent you are going just some rails and ladders I would be blind by now! Top Shelf Stuff!!
  3. That would be if one was still looking for brownie points not the case anymore so name her after an ole Girlfriend the wife knew Kevin murder on 34th street
  4. Something about building these old kits it's called .............nostalgia! I have two Hurries on the desk getting decaled one is the the ole Monogram about 66-72 abouts.I have one done and two to go all Africa and Sicily will be looking in if you don't mind. Kevin
  5. In the states acrylic is on the rise Testors the company I have used for 50+ years is fazing out it's line of paints I think they were bought out by Rustoleum?I agree lost one airbrush my first was 30years old to acrylics forgot to clean it IF I do that with lacquer and come back the next day no problem and it happens.I order Rie Field kits tonight Kevin
  6. Dan was the Grand Daddy of card modeling and a Gent to boot.
  7. Like the results Jorgen esp.like the subtle weathering! Kevin
  8. It must be the train thingy I like these old cars if that's the right term nostalgic methinks. Kevin
  9. Looking the part thus far.I have been using lacquer paints all my life shame they are on the way out by most companies.Will poke a head in occasionally Kevin
  10. Sounds like Guberment all sounds interesting will be popping in Craig/Lou Kevin
  11. Thks Dan.I have it on good advice from the fella in Canada working on the restoration of a Mossie up there straps area grey-green so they were completed last night and the wing finished and fitted to the fuse just not glued up yet.The engines ......how far do I go? Kevin
  12. Not alot to show just sub-assemblies I also have the engines painted black only ATTM.The straps on the tanks black/silver?This is one tight fitting kit so much almost scares you and you have to look at the instructions more than twice been lucky to back out more than once.Have you ever heard the story of the Dragon instructions for the Scharnhorst..............?
  13. I did not see were else this would be appropriate so clutter this one up but it is pretty coll a Type VII sub 1/48 with forward firing tubes RC take a look.
  14. That came out Very Nice Denis your skills are getting honed in plastic and quickly and again very Nice!! Kevin
  15. The copit is basically finished I did make the frames for the back of the seat on the radio operator.I just took some .020" square stryene put needle nose to the stryene and channel locks to the needle nose and got a flat spot then cut the angles to the back of the seat worked well.I am not reaL fond of the pilots belts but think the radio seat looks a little more animated.The bomb sight was the last thing I did tonight it was testing the patience. Kevin
  16. You do some Nice work Bob and I really like the Idea on the antenna attachment stored/filed.My eyes are starting to have a problem even in 1/32 up close hence the reason 1/48 are relegated to OOB anymore.Looking forward to the foil and paint think I have the an idea of what's going on sure the evolution will provide the details. Kevin
  17. !! You Sir you need to be in a movie studio or a museum Kevin
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