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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Greetings all Well I have not reported in for a while because of redecoration of the house which included the shipyard, and now I have at last sorted out things and put them back to we're they do not belong and I am sorted . I have completed all the mast building, and have fitted the blocks to all but the mizzen mast. The platforms need the handrails fitting and then as far as I can see its just a matter of tidying things up and securing the masts. Then what??? I don't know, it's ask around time, as I am in no mans land. The last time I did any rigging was circa1978 when my late father was here to guide me. Mind I do believe he is about at times when I do a bit of bodging, I am sure I can hear tutting from over my shoulder. Anyway I have posted a few photos of the rigging of the blocks on the masts and a few of the figurehead. All being well the masts should have all the blocks plus the handrails fitted by the end of the week. Thanks to you all for viewing and all your comments which are always appreciated. Here we go just a few photos DAVID
  2. Welcome nick Every thing is very neat and tidy, and you are doing really well. You have many friends who will all be be following your build,so you any advice you may need is always there. There is nothing wrong with your English at all. So nick just take your time and enjoy your build, and we will all enjoy watching you. DAVID
  3. Hello derek Well done young man. Well you've done more than me in a month. I have only just finished the fitting of the blocks on the masts. All the decorating is finished so I am sorted now and started up again on Saturday night, and back to to my two and a half hours a night building. I need to sort what the next phase is now, and getting lots of advice from some of the excellent builds with rigging being fitted. You've done some cracking work on your yards. I will get back to you later today, DAVID
  4. Greetings Patrick Well there you go Patrick . It's pretty obvious by just looking at the coppering you have completed that this is going to be really really good when it's finished. Yep cracking stuff. Regards DAVID
  5. Hello Keith Well I would like to wish you the best of luck with this project. There appears to be lots of back issues on eBay Regards DAVID
  6. Hello Danny Alas I cannot recall the position of the anchor cables, but I think it may be worth having a chat with flipperphil who is at the moment building the billing bounty. You could also check out a construction of the bounty by...... Mark willemain hms bounty..... Which shows the cables running from the windlass and disappearing through the deck aft of the windlass. Regards DAVID
  7. Jerry Excellent , I thought it might be a bit of a problem, as you may have guessed. Well done DAVID
  8. Hello again Jerry Ok good luck with fitting of the rings, it will be interesting to see how snipping the shaft off goes. Regard DAVID
  9. Hello Jerry Looks like you are getting things sorted ok, just a quicky, if you find it awkward to feed the thread through the eyelets with the eyelets fitted in the carriage side, you could thread the eyelets onto the thread then locate the eyelets already threaded which is simple. As you are fitting breach rings you will need to thread only the eyelets for one side then the thread through the breach ring before you thread the eyelets for the opposite side, if you follow. You never know it may help you. Crack on Jerry. DAVID
  10. Hello there Well done, your build is coming on very well. Just keep enjoying it. You don't appear to be chatting at all, and it would be nice to here from you. Anyway as I said just enjoy yourself. DAVID
  11. Hello Neale Welcome back, I wondered were you had got to. I think we are all looking forward to seeing further progress on your victory. Best wishes DAVID
  12. Greeting Danny This is a cracking build. And I look forward to following your progress. This was my first build back in the late 70s. The billing version which I also sold. Just enjoy your build and there will be lots of us enjoying watching you. DAVID
  13. Hello Jerry. Well there you go !!!! 30 cannons ready for assy, and all the wheels have stayed on. Yep you have been doing some cracking work since you came back off your holiday. I look forward to seeing them all completed. Nothing going on in this neck of the woods at the moment, decorating finished, but we are not used to this glorious weather and need to make the most of it while it lasts. Ok get on with your cannons and have a barrel of fun. BOOM !!!! BOOM !! DAVID
  14. Hello Patrick It's all looking really good, very clean and tidy, and from what you are saying you are very happy with your progress, keep up the good work. Regards DAVID
  15. Hello grant That really is a cracking little job, exellent. Well done DAVID
  16. Hello lecsandro It looks like it is coming together nicely, keep posting photos. Can you please reply in English?? Good luck with your build DAVID
  17. Hello derek Well done derek, you got it right in the finish!!!!!! Butt on seat and cold beers. I have spent an hour in the garden cutting the grass and tidying it up. I was only rewarded with ice cream banana and strawberries. Catch you later. DAVID
  18. Hello young man Looks like Lawrence will soon be catching us up, how are you keeping. Decorator has been and gone, was here about 8 days. And we put the new laminated flooring down before he went. It's a doddle with two putting it down, but pretty awkward doing it on your own. So it's tidy up time, cut the grass and back to rigging blocks, I think!!! But only a few hours in the evening, it's to nice outside to miss it . Catch you later. DAVID
  19. Hello Patrick Snap !!!! I did exactly the same as you when I started my coppering , laid them in a parallel line, and had to take lots of tiles off after realizing they should narrow off as they went around the waterline towards the bows and stern. I tiled from the waterline all the way down and think I got a bit lucky, as it worked out ok. I am sure it will all turn out fine for you, and know how tedious the whole thing is. Regards DAVID
  20. Hello Patrick Ok Patrick you have realized it has to be done. That hull looks nice and smooth to lay the tiles on. I don't know how to add text under the pictures, but don't know if it is possible using an ipad. Anyway good luck, and keep the tiles clean throughout the laying process. Regards DAVID
  21. Greetings all If you ever go to Glasgow, don't miss this. The transport museum. Hundreds of ships. You could spend hours. DAVID
  22. Greetings Jerry You are doing well, but why have the wheels fell off?? Just counted my rigged ones, and I have rigged ten. Anyway keep enjoying it. I have no shipyard at the minute, I have been thrown out for a couple of days, until the new paintwork dries. I have orders to keep it tidy, but if I put things were they belong I won't be able to find a thing. Keep posting loads of photos. DAVID
  23. Hello yon Yep I remember my father once started to join rigging cords at times to make things easy at times, I think he used copydex, but over time some of them would come apart. So I reckon Len is 100% correct, but as you say you are just stiffening it to keep it straight and not putting a joint in. DAVID
  24. Hello derek Yep good idea if styrene is a prob, card will be simpler as you know from the mast rings . DAVID
  25. Hello Patrick Welcome back, I look forward to following your progress once again. Crack on and enjoy your build DAVID
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