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Shipyard sid

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Everything posted by Shipyard sid

  1. Hello Jerry So you are off and running again, and fitting the cannon balls into the garlands. I loaded up all the garlands before I fitted the garlands to the deck. I also put 2 coats of varnish on after glueing cannon ball onto the garlands which really secures them. Prob telling you the road you know. Keep enjoying it. DAVID
  2. Hello Jerry Welcome back from your world tour of Alaska!!!! So now you are off to the upper deck, so good luck there, it should keep you entertained for a while. I have been working on the masts for a while now,and it is slow progress. At the moment I am fitting the last dozen or so of the blocks, and then I shall start whittling some dowel to make the yards which will also keep me busy for a good while. So as I have said before the photos are all a much of a muchness, so I have not posted for a while, but will do once all the blocks are on. Anyway here's a couple of photos of my present position, and one of the ship you once walked the decks of some years ago. It was taken a few months ago on a drab Sunday. I do not like the way they have encased the hull so it is not visible. Anyway , be good and enjoy the upper deck DAVID
  3. Hello yon By August !!!!!! Come of it, it's less than two a day!!!!!!!! DAVID
  4. Hello yon Without a shadow of doubt, your method is by far the best. Thread looks perfectly straight. Have you got a couple more to do??? Yep well done yon. DAVID
  5. Welcome back Wonderful , yep this is a cracking build. The netting is very good and I have not fitted any yet. You are ahead of me, and now I have some one to follow, which is very helpful for myself. Thanks a lot for reposting. Keep enjoying it. DAVID
  6. Hello yon It's everybody to there own, but I would keep all the lids open. What I would do is make up all the lids for one side, with the rigging through the two eyelets, and the hinges angled, and the fitting of them is very easy, it's just a couple of dots of CA on the hinge and the back edge of the lid. Yep I would jig up up for the hinges. It is also possible if you close the lids, the hinges will not sit correctly against the hull. But as I say it's everybody to there own, but that's my best bet. Regards DAVID
  7. Hello per -Olof So it's back on the oven!!!! And now you are starting the coppering. Make sure you keep the tiles clean and free from glue on the surface, clean them as you go. And you have taken a break and started the masts a little bit early but why not, it's a break from the glue fumes. One point the bands on the masts go underneath the cheeks as well as over them. Keep enjoying it . Regards DAVID
  8. Well done yon Yep its looking good, and you are enjoying the laborious lids, is the starboard side finished??? Regards DAVID
  9. Hello yon So you are on with the chainplates and gun port lids, and as you say it is repetitive, but we still expect plenty of photos!!!!!!!! And you also may decide to go on another world tour of the Caribbean . So yes photos please. Regards DAVID
  10. Well done derek. Good work on the bowsprit. You ahead of me on those masts. It's getting big now ain't it. I cannot see were its going in the house. It could well be a small greenhouse. Any way well done . Catch you later DAVID
  11. Thanks a lot klaus I have page 185 of longridges anatomy of ships in front of me. No you will definitely be correct!!. I will have a look and try to understand the mistake. It may take me a while to sort it (its an age thing) I am a beginner and didn't even know what a bee block was till I seen it on the drawing. Gil middletons log may also help I will report back to let you know if I understand. Hopefully I will be able to sort it, and have plenty of time, as the bowsprit will not be assembled for a while yet. Thanks for informing me of the mistake, there will proably be lots more. It's much appreciated DAVID
  12. Greeting all Well it's a while since I reported in. What has been done up to date . All the mast parts are completed and ready for assembly, and the foremast has all it's fittings on. The bowsprit can be assembled when the time comes after I purchased the missing yard rings . I am now concentrating on the main mast which you will see in the photographs to follow. I have dropped a few clangers on my way, including making up wrong size blocks. Yes it's very good this rigging lark, but I do not believe derek s, ( ocean clipper) he said its a piece of cake, just a few reef knots and some clove hitches, and he is in charge of our build!!!!. Anyway I thought I better call in and show you some photos. Thanks for all your comments. He we go chaps photos galore no order whatsoever, DAVID
  13. Derek Well done, you are ahead of me. I as you are really enjoying this phase. So you are waiting for some 4mm that is 4mm are you? And you filed out that ring!!!!!!!! Wow!!!! . Yep it's looking good, DAVID
  14. Thanks yon and Lawrence. Yep this is slowish but enjoyable. Hope you are both well DAVID
  15. Thanks a lot grant, I am surprised how easy I am finding the making of the masts, and as I said no necessity for any turning help. I can go out in the garden and whittle away. Thanks for the advice for not installing the boomkins, but you forgot the bowsprit that was dry fitted and left on, and alas I smashed it. I shall be visiting yours and other builds looking for info on the rigging. Once again thanks a lot DAVID
  16. Hello Marvin This is looking very good indeed, very smart stern. It's a cracking build. Keep enjoying your build. DAVID
  17. Hello Jerry Well done, it looks really good , bet you are glad to get it over and done with. Have yourself a cracking holiday DAVID
  18. Greetings everybody So at last I have installed all the canons and completed all the hull work . I have now turned my attention to the masts and yards. So my first couple of photos show the last few photos of the hull sides. Honest!! Ok I have completed the three parts of the bowsprit ready to assemble, but waiting for a missing yard ring to be delivered. I have finished all three of the fore masts and they are ready to fit together once I get the cross tree and trestle tree assembly sorted, which is a bit fiddly. I have just started the main mast and will continue to finish all three parts next. I have found it surprisingly pretty easy to make the masts, and only used craft knives, David plane files and sanding. I cannot see were there is a necessity for lathe or improvised lathe work. I have only one mishap which was the breaking of my bowsprit. Yep one of those sticky out things, and there was no need for it to be fitted in place. Still I am really enjoying this part of the build. So here's a few photos, I am off to enjoy whittling ( is that how you spell it?) some pieces of dowel. Thanks for viewing and all your comments. DAVID
  19. hello young man Well done Derek, keep up the good work. This is a good place to be on the build, and I reckon it can all be done by hand. The yard rings ? I have not got any 686 rings, I emailed caldercraft asking for the missing parts, and they mailed me back saying 686 on the bowsprit is an error it should be 689 and that was it. Have a look at Gil's bowsprit on page three of he's build log and tell me if the two rings are the same size, of course they are not. Don't bother about them derek I will send you some 686 s from shipyardsidsdockyard, forget about using 689. OK get outside in the sun with your knife and fork and whittle a piece of dowel DAVID
  20. Hello Really good build. Everything is very crisp and clean, and useful jigs are always welcome. Keep up the excellent work, this is one to follow DAVID
  21. Well this is simply brilliant , and a first build. Your work is outstanding. Keep posting the photos . DAVID
  22. Hello Tom Good to have you back. Hope you are well now. OK now lets all enjoy your cross section build. Best wishes. DAVID
  23. Hello again Kooyu. Happy birthday, and how are things with you? Welcome back, I think we are all waiting for the completion of the updates of your cracking build. Best wishes DAVID
  24. Greetings Well it looks like we are in for a treat. Yep it is truly excellent. Keep enjoying it. I am also on with the masts, it's a good place to be, but gave the netting a miss for now. I will come back to it later as a break. Regards DAVID
  25. Hi yon Well done ,you are moving along nicely and all is looking spick and span. With the chainplates, I would not fit the channels to the ship to fit them. I would put them on a jig of some sort to make the linking up etc easier to see, if you follow. I am prob telling you the road you know but never mind. I made a simple jig, it's on my log, I am making masts, it is a good place to be. It might be a good idea to fit the gunport lids that are below the channels before you fit the channels on, makes it easier Hope all is well. DAVID
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