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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Are you printing wings?
  2. Some small updates about Äran, I have got more of the electronic set up. Getting the right connections isn't easy. However now it is coming down to switches and locations on upper deck. Have created longer wire extensions for this purpose. Motors are in place, batteries charged!
  3. Kurt, set up a virtual background and you don't have to worry about a messy shop.....
  4. To answer the 35T vs 80T change; The 35T will provide slightly higher rpm than the 80T, with the small propeller it will give a better "kick" to get moving. This will be direct drive no gearbox involved.
  5. Love my Byrnes table-saw but need to learn more how to use it properly and safe. Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend live but looking forward to the recorded session. Thank you for setting this up!
  6. Another program to consider which also can be found as a free version is Sketchup, can do 2point and 3point radius.
  7. Got new power connectors on my ESC, now matching the battery. But also new motors 35T instead of the 80T.
  8. Oh boy, the previous pictures are so clean...... Experimenting with electronics and with that layout it's suddenly a mess. But again, it will all come down to me since there is no instructions or how-to. Batteries are not that heavy but still I like to get in the center of gravity. This type of battery with a 80t - 540 motor will provide about 12k rpm with the three wing propeller. This will be a dual setup. The wood base is not part of the setup anymore. With only a primer layer and a first coat of paint, she got a second coat today. Only one side of upper hull got the coat. The paint I am using for upper part is Krylon Gloss Smoke Grey. Now this is where the paint got interesting since it changed its character. It's not Glossy, but rather semi-gloss and also slightly darker. Since there aren't any color picture Äran , I am going on pure judgement from black and white picture to get her somewhat okay. Considering she will be an RC model, the detailing will not be the most essential part to begin with........ yet. I want to get her maiden voyage before heavy detailing will be attached. Below are the ten vents painted and drying, ready for the matte coating. The paint work on an early 20th century ship was rather boring, especially when nations learned how to camouflage their ships. Äran was repainted several times during her life span. This is a simple paint job her first years. I did learn she had a deep green color below waterline. Learning the new technology with RC and computer radios (I am an old schooler - Sweden with 27Mhz band and .40 engines) plus combining two electrical motors for drive is a new area for me.
  9. God Lördag morgon Håkan, I hope all of your treatments are coming along well, as a Swede I know you should be in good hands. Those are very nice updates...... medical and modeling wise.
  10. That's a nice way to do them. And they look great. Should had thought about that jig idea before I made mine.
  11. Mark, unfortunately it's a know issue. The brass gear in Creality printers (Chinese) are much softer than American/European made (gear I mean).
  12. Dave, From another Washingtonian, Warm and Dry Greetings after all the rain we had. Are you into Catamaran sailing? Just wondering considering your "nick name". You may know there are a lot of Model building clubs in our area. Please look into www.pssm.club as I am part of them. Our next meeting is the upcoming Saturday in Kirkland. Btw, Mark has a very good point - start small. If you go to NRG shop website you can find a half hull model to start with and learning the essential about planking. Even though I have been building models for a long time, I recently bought this "model" to become more experienced with planking! Once again Welcome to MSW!
  13. I have been moving forward with my Aran, A lot of details and parts has been added or dry-fitted. She now has a painted hull along with a simulated wood deck, painted superstructures. Oh, here is a rendered picture of her stranded on dry land. other pictures:
  14. Thomas, I bought the PM40 a long time ago, and it is very much used. You will like it!
  15. I saw this topic and found it interesting, specially with the AYC "corridor" where I live. So I did a search and found so many mills nearby providing this amazing wood. Yes, I did buy some sheets from Chuck and love the quality and hue of color.
  16. Floyd, use a caliper - measure the wire either in mm or fractions or inches.... now use the table of wire and you will find that higher wire number the smaller diameter it has, lower wire number - larger diameter. 28 0.0126 0.32 Gauge , inches, mm 24 0.02 0.51 Your friend
  17. Smokey, a warm welcome to our big corner of ship modelling. 3m! That will be a very impressive ship. Looking forward to see the progress.
  18. Radek, I think Byrnes thickness sander is available for 220/240 V, just like the saw.
  19. All models from Nordic Class Boats has precut planking.
  20. Mir, first of all, a warm welcome to MSW! If you haven't done any sort of rigging this including rigging plastic kits, which several of them has a very complex rigging, I would suggest to start with a kit without any rigging. Many times just the planking (creating the hull) can be overwhelming. There are a lot of kits that will take you aside from the rigging. Again, a warm welcome!
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