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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. CC You have certainly chosen the best forum to get help! With almost 40k members there will tons of information for you. We are here to help.
  2. Happy anniversary! Unfortunately I have "little to many" ship projects in order to undertake one of these magnificent kits. It's more about time than money.....
  3. Chuck and Joe, that is great news and a missing resource for many of us. As I have purchased some sheets from Chuck and the quality of the wood. I am very happy to buy from Joe in near future.
  4. That's a sweet stand, and yes the included one are not the best.
  5. Hi and welcome to MSW, I am glad seeing an Albatros again. I did an editing and added two tags. This way it will be easy for others to find your build. You are off with a great start and it certainly looks good. Looks like the progress of your build is going fast. Again, warm welcome to MSW and please sign up as a member with NRG. The membership fee is worth it!
  6. Did you use any water in the container of the iron for steam or just dry-ironed? The small irons are really nice to use. Which model of Nikon are you using? And is that a Manfrotto tri-pod?
  7. I don't know about the bubbles you got from the epoxy. This might be a heat/resin related problem (epoxy do generate heat) and the topcoat of the resin is separating. As for the deck I don't see any warp, please show us a picture of this. However, what I see regarding this build I like it very much. What I understand this is a fairy fast quick build and you are doing very well. From a personal point of view I would have painted the hull before attaching the deck.
  8. John, on their website you see what you will pay in USD. Many years ago I ordered two kits from them and at the same time some items from ModelExpo-online, guess what arrived first? Yes, the kits from England arrived within a week, had to wait additional eight days before I got the ModelExpo items. Best part of it even though I had to pay for the freight - no taxes what so ever! Maybe I was lucky.
  9. I only use heat for bending, yes it's very warm for your fingers but works very well. Water will also expand the wood which can create gaps between planks when drying in place. I planked the longboat using heat only.
  10. A photo-table is highly recommended, they come in various sizes and qualities. Choose a table that has an acrylic flexible top. Blue or green back drop paper will work amazingly if you like to post-edit picture and insert a background. The sweep is important as it will eliminate shadows, and using in-direct backlight your model will certainly stand out. See this one
  11. Richard, go into your setting and change from color to b/w. I am an avid pro-amateur photographer (40 years experience), and considering going back to regular analog camera along using digital. I still have my equipment except the darkroom items.
  12. Chris, with that type of single piece hull you can convert her to an R/C ship. There's plenty of space inside for all the equipment.
  13. 400 dollars and 48 inches long! 1600 parts.... That will be a showcase kit!
  14. Daniel, that planking is spot on, perfect lineup. With that perfect first layer, the second will fit without any modification. Well done.
  15. I have a 3d printer and with my brand there is attachment for laser engraving. Some guys has even been able to cut card stock with the 3W laser head. And yes, with laser and 3d printing safety is important. There is a lot of heat involved. But also having proper air extraction. There are a lot of fumes involved. The bed for 3d printing is heated has a working temperature from 55°C to 80°C depending of material. Next the extruder head has even a higher temperature. Best thing you can do is learn the drafting of components and send the files to a company for laser cutting. You will be able to order quite a lot of cut material for the price of a laser cutter.
  16. The desktop laser machines are not meant for cutting (maybe very thin veneer) but mostly for used for engraving. Laser cutter has a steep learning curve. In order to get a good "cutting" laser you will find ones starting at 2400 dollars. Anything below 1000 will not hold up for what we are doing. Ask Chuck what he is using. He certainly know the laser cutter. You need a good vector based program something like Corel Draw, which has a steeper learning curve. I do have a suggestion, search if you have a MakerSpace in your area, they will certainly have a good laser, with that you will find a person who knows how the machine is working and will certify you for it. It's fun once you learned it.
  17. Bradley, it's to bad when work takes your time away from recreational hobby. Hope to see you back at the FF very soon.
  18. So I also noticed with my hands..... it's not the 25 year old steady hands anymore....lol
  19. John, the metal work will look even better after blackening or being painted. I had fun doing the metal work, and there's more of it.
  20. Zooker, That's what ModelShipWorld means "The help you can find from an unexpected corner in the world" I am glad that the plans and instructions will be to good help for you. And have to say to the "unknown person" - Thank you for the help, this is what drives MSW forward.
  21. After viewing the video, I am surprised seeing the 3D printed parts. If one is not careful when removing the supports you will damage the printed part. So they invested time and effort for those parts while creating a cheap ship stand. I had hoped a little higher standard from Mari-Stella. I look forward seeing a build log.
  22. But I so glad you are showing us the details before disappearing into the ship. Thank you.
  23. Kev, I like your idea and that would surely work when doing a few, but 4000! Not so much. That would the time when I say "no rivets".
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