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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. I like it. It's almost a shame to cover up all the details with a body.
  2. Robert, my warmest We have an extensive database for you to go through before making up your mind, just take your time and set for a model you think will be good for you. Look into build logs of a model that you think off and see whether it could a choice of yours. All models vary quality and details. As I know everyone in here will say: "Stay away from any kits from China" When buying look into our sponsors, as they are accredited and reliable, and there might be a small discount going that route. Best of luck of your choice and again Welcome to us.
  3. Rod, from another West-Coaster but further north, I welcome you warmly to ModelShipWorld.
  4. Looks like my cat "Tigger", looking at a new toy - thinking "what the heck is that"😁 Nice raft though.
  5. I did a small purchase of various Winsor & Newton promarker. I painted one dead eye ( Chucks) with 0523 Coffee stain. That will second from left, the other eyes are chucks but has been exposed to workshop weather for three years. Don't know if I should stay with the old ones or cover them as the other eyes will be attached. Another option is to with the peach. Thats the pen.
  6. Very nice Echo. Toni, you are amazing.
  7. Are you clearcoating the whole body after you have applied the decals? Looking real good, leave the engine hood open to show the details of the engine.
  8. When I built the MS longboat, I used dry planks "per Chuck's method) with a heat gun to form them. Yes, it is extremely hot air for your fingers but not for the wood. Worked like a charm.
  9. I went back to the material board and didn't like the outcome of the masts. The material was way too soft and started to warp very quickly, a trip to Home Depot for other items and I found oak dowels. This has so far proven to be much better and holding up to the shaping. I used "sanding sponge" 80 grit for the second mast, which was easier to work with.
  10. Gabe, another reason for me to get 3d printer up and running, unfortunate it's not a resin printer.
  11. Keith, that was a real good one. Specially regarding bird photography. Patience, waiting and never give up!
  12. Arthur, don't stress and push to get things done. Here is very example to stop,don't glue anything into place. Take pictures for us to look at so we can help.
  13. My simple solution; drill, dowel sandpaper in hand and half an hour work. And here's a link.
  14. Worked oak mast to the left - untouched to the right
  15. Home depot of all the placed....😀
  16. The dowels I am working with are oak.
  17. I headed over to one of the local hardware store to get new dowels for the masts of Bluenose, I went with round dowels from start. I had to go through some 26 dowels to find myself 4 usable straight once. I placed them on the floor and if they could roll without any major effort they were fine. Sighting from one end to another didn't show any warp at all. These dowels are larger than what plans says so there was a lot of sanding to get the proper shape. And yes, I put the dowel in my power drill and sanded it by hand. I use a leather glow that holds the sandpaper, this to avoid the heat build up from the turning.
  18. Arthur, first of all - A Warm Welcome to MSW! I am glad you got the Bluenose as a starter. Yes the dowels for the mast and booms are a disaster in the kit. Mine was badly warped as well - and today again - I went to my hardware store and got some straight dowels. This to start all over again with the masts. As for the Bluenose herself, I would suggest to get going with her before attacking the dories. This will give you the skills to handle the smaller and more delicate items in the kit. However I am looking forward to see your progress, and if you have questions - don't hesitate to ask!
  19. I built the longboat from MS using a heat gun forming the planks. Worked as a charm, no messing around with water.
  20. Ed, I wish I could and a wow to the like. This is so much better than the instructions provided from MS. I might go back to the table and redo everything regarding the rigging.
  21. Oh my, but once all is painted the blemishes will be gone! Thank you, Thor Oden and Frej and Ymer! Yes I am Swedish!
  22. Allan, the amount to the family was 300000 dollars!
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