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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Cannon Fodder, I would recommend to let your ship have a seperate trip in your car, this to avoid any sort of damages while moving. The Admiral and me moved just recently and I let my ships travel "first class". Good luck with the move and setting up the new yard, which is also a lot of fun.
  2. Steve, if all decks are supposed to be planked I would suggest working from lowest deck, plank then install. But On the other hand someone else might have better ideas. Just thinking logical with my two cents ... lol
  3. Gil, those are nice very nice cases. Making justice to both HMS Victory and Connie. Hmm, you downsizing, is that possible....lol
  4. Erik, If this is the second model you are building and showing us this high quality build log, I am starting wondering if you are not a pro-builder. That look so nice. Great job! ​
  5. Cannon Fodder, I would recommend blade #12, which is a mini curved blade, meant for that type of cutting. But your Emma is turning out nicely.
  6. Ken, They have changed that part, they accept paypal and have "shopping bag". Did a trial buy but not accepting the final stage.
  7. That modular system could be a savior to cluttered work tables, for us in the US the Polish Zloty, the exchange rate is 1:4, in other word 1 zloty costs about 25 cents. And I am in the design stage of my new shop.
  8. Corey, How on earth do you get into the freezers? Or are you storing the next whaling ship model there? ​
  9. Cannon Fodder, I just found your build log and pulled out a chair to sit on while enjoying this build. Emma is one of the ships I have waiting in my yard. This looks very good and take a lot of pictures, please.
  10. Erik, I have tried out both the regular and the air brush paint of Vallejo. Amazing stuff!
  11. I totally agree with Mark, Cases..... something I am starting considering. However, you Longboat is another one that should please Chuck. Very nice.
  12. Charlene and Jerry, wow Your Bounty is coming along nicely. I have McKays book as well, a true bible and guide.
  13. Bob, no wonder the rats are so fat..... leaving food on the table like that...
  14. Bob, I hope those plants are of the legal style, don't want to see your captain in trouble with the customs. That is amazing, I like it.
  15. Jack, that sewing of sails are real good, when I built my Marie-Jeanne I screwed up the sail material so badly, I left her "naked"..... on the other hand I was 13 years old at time being(which is almost hmmph 40 years ago, and MSW wasn't even born at the time. Now I have my own sewing machine, The Admiral doesn't know how to sew. Leaving curtains and other things to me. Your Marie-Jeanne is beautiful, much better than mine.
  16. This ship is no more, the in-accurecy and lack of history made this build to a very sad story. Along with the move from one location to another, Harley got the most decent ending for a ship. A viking funeral. Left over parts and material has been saved along with plans. This is now a closed chapter. Thank you all for reading and having inputs!
  17. Bug or Sean; don't know which name you prefer to go with, in my opinion that is what I think what Augie would have done. Beautiful done!
  18. Bug, Seems like you are doing what Augie did, Confederacy will be a masterpiece.
  19. Sean, After reading your blog I am even more certain you will fullfil Augies project of the Confederacy. Looking forward of the next step.
  20. It is with heavy heart, learning about Augies passing. Now I take my hat off, to both Augie but also Bug, who I think not only do justice to Confederacy but knowing what Augie had in mind. In an earlier part in the build log I wrote how much this one will help me once I am getting started. Thank you
  21. Erik, Amazing and beautiful build, I have no words to express. But Tom had an interesting word, hybrid build.
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