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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Can anyone shed some light regarding the oar locks as these are supposed to be made out of 26 gauge black wire. The material list only shows 24 and 28 gauge. Which size has been used on others longboat?
  2. As I stayed Sunday with intention of heading home Monday morning, this allowed me and Floyd to work on our longboats. So, yes I made the oars for both of us. A set of for each.
  3. Toni, Somewhere in our forum there is a topic regarding "Bondo" with the recommendation to stay away from it. Elmer's Wood putty do work.
  4. Kurt and Dave, Many times when it comes using the optical visor of some kind we will experience a light issue. This to illuminate the work we are doing using the visors. For the mentioned visor there is something to consider and that is the led attachment. I have another type of visor that I am not happy with so, I thank you for this lead.
  5. Jerry, Great job! I am just waiting to get started with my Bluenose.
  6. Aydin, That decking is looking fantastic, I hope you used epoxy for laying the strips. Or are you to cover the deck with fiber-glass as well? I am concerned you will have issues with the water otherwise. It would be such a shame if you get problems. Have you done any interior water protection at all? I hope you have as you have put down the deck already. Everything needs to be protected, sadly to say but necessary since you are to RC her.
  7. As Cathead mentioned and I also learned, more fairing is needed. But otherwise looking good.
  8. Question not related to the Bluenose but the dremel scroll saw. One local second hand store has the old one at 80 dollars plus tax. Should I pick it up? For the Bluenose build, I like it it very much. One step plus one and then it will be more than two..... ​
  9. Wow that was fast, Less than two hours - too bad I was engaged with vacuuming the house otherwise I would have had it! Congrats Pete!
  10. Hi Zoran, Warm thank you for the update. That Trupa looks very nice, I would like to make that kit and use it on the table either for decoration or even maybe treating the wood and have fruits or something similar in it. I can see small grapes, dades and more being part of a fantastic model.
  11. Okay, I must have lost my mind, either the modell is extremely large or the the tools are very small. But the outcome - well I wish I had some top words for this. Just fantastic!
  12. Julie, Don't use steam, use a hair dryer and the heat from it, Chuck is using that method so it should work for you too. However, with a steady pace you will be done sooner than you realise. Looking good.
  13. Julie, Decide where she is to stand, then open up the ceiling for the part of the master, or make her an Admiralty version, like up the first spreader.
  14. Julie, That's a very nice "wrap" Beautiful done! I know it's way down the list but how are you planning of attacking the mast, this considering the two parts that has to be joined and tapered?
  15. Mark, No problem on my side, got the news article. Lately on the Smithsonian TV channel there has been two very interesting programs. One is called Hell Below which being broadcasted Sunday evenings. The other one is called The Battle of The Atlantic. Well worth to watch.
  16. Julie, that looks so good. A friend of mine didn't put in material between the bulkheads and got problem with the planking.
  17. Amazing and extremely superb craftsmanship!
  18. I wouldn't worry to much about rugginess and roughness, use a light touch with steelwool on top .... not to much and you will have a surface that will with time look amazing. This looks real good!
  19. This tool is still sold by WoodCraft, in store running at 260 dollars. At one time my local store had a demo of the machine with a "person representing ArborTech", unfortunate he broke three machines within half an hour. He couldn't believe it and claimed it had must happened during the shipping. The local store owner was extremely unhappy and canceled the remaining one and half hour of demo giving out vouchers for 50 dollar in store for tools for 8 people that had shown up. What happened afterwards I have no idea. Personally I bought hand chisels and got additional rebate.
  20. Here is the link for our fellow members located in the USA Minislip
  21. Mati, I don't have any words to express your delicate finish. Outstanding!
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