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Everything posted by Nirvana

  1. Phwee, Lot's of reading and lot's of ideas. Maury, thank you very much for this part of the cross section. I am very very tempted, but have so many other on the hold. One of your build logs will truly be a great help for one of my next build. And that is your Emma C. Berry.
  2. Geez, can't you get a better picture? lol, Dirk, don't get me wrong..... but that picture is amazing, the detailing and depth of field. Very Nice! Can be used in other builds as well. Thank you. ​
  3. Oh my, And only 4000 dollars, maybe a trip to Bozeman to pay this little company a visit. Well, it's out of my pocket as well. But thank you posting this. This is what I call enterprising.
  4. Tony, The Sherbourne is beautiful. I like the way you are describing by words and picture the detailing that's put in.
  5. Mark, Seems like the bars from Lee Valley is cheaper.... which is great. Another great source for tools and draining my account. ​
  6. Gabe, Okay ,this one is from me ...... WOW! That is a nice build log. Now I have question: Where on earth did you find those nice clamps (brass but I also saw black ones). I would like to get hold of those.
  7. Burnside63, or what your name is.... I am glad to hear you have an Admiral requesting for something different than a ship. You have great support! To bad this is not the right forum that build, but please provide us all for a link to that tram or two, I am certainly looking forward to a build log.
  8. Erik, What size of hooks did you use? I think I bought to small hooks from Chuck, the 3mm. Very nice and clean job you have done.
  9. The Admiral and I are in the process of moving. Due to that I have to store my kits in another location for time being. Yes, sealing them up with plastic wrapping is to be done, but is that good enough? They have all been stored in my office closet so far. For a while the kits will be stored in a non-heated garage. Inputs would be appreciated. ​
  10. Burnside63, That very nice. I like the warm glow. How about a christmas tree on the foredeck. All this types of ships had a tree during christmas time.
  11. Mobbsie, nice start as I stood up for the first part. lol, now I am sitting with my own cup of joe. Since this is a fairly small hull kit,I would have replaced the stubborn walnut planking with basswood or boxwood. I guess it is a double planked hull?! Looking forward to next episode. Hmm, so it wasn't doubleplanked. I found several builts on youtube, some shorter other longer.
  12. I am so sorry, shame on me, but Happy Birthday Remco.
  13. Tim, I just finalized reading through your build log, my hat off to you. Outstanding job. I have a couple "scratches" I like to do, to my dis-advantage gathering info regarding the two in my "line" is extremely hard to find. Looking forward to see more from your USS Basilone.
  14. So I looked into the website the rasps, and oh yes, they are on the higher price side, but now since I know how they are made ......one by one, and probably getting a life time warranty along with them. It's time to reconsider. If I only have to buy one set of rasps to be used for the rest of my life time, yep definitely I will do it. And yes, I prefer to help a small company like that..... those are the roots of true quality companies.
  15. Dee Dee, if you have a scanner, I would suggest to scan the bulkhead from the plans and then cut each out, fold it in the centerline and then compare to the physical bulkhead. Someone in here has mentioned about this technique.
  16. Bob, Thank you for the link, I can see a usage of the templates.
  17. Paul, sell of some of your plastic kits, then you can get more tools or another wooden kit....
  18. Oh, I forgot to ask you... the profile of yours show a dog that resembles very much with a dog breed I have. I have a Coonhound dog, her name is MerSadie, but goes by Sadie. Just a side story.
  19. Jonny, I am glad you have time with all three of your's..... that is Lily (first) and then the two ships of yours.... the Longboat is coming along beautifully. Is my decieving me as for the picture or is the transom offset?
  20. Hamilton, Yes, the bulkheads patterns versus the plans they were off for me as well. I think all of mine (material wise) was larger the the plans.
  21. Hamilton, no matter if the name is Gretel or Greta which I am considering naming her. If you remember the fairy story of Hansel and Gretel (English), Hänsel und Gretel (German), Hans och Greta (Swedish), I don't know what to make out of it. Name wise all is good. Af Chapman was a Swedish ship designer. Investigation will go on ....... maybe.
  22. Paul, What can I say but WOW! Amazing nice build with short instructions but also with valuable info. Thank you. You make the some of us building this longboat working in a snail pace. Nice work and I do look forward to your next build. And why not build the Bounty Launch parallel with the USF Confederacy? You will have two different builds to do. I could go for it if I had the Bounty Launch.
  23. Hamilton, I truly like the mookups of the cabins and interior, certainly I will have in mind once I start my Gretel. Btw, the name Greta in Swedish is Gretel in English and German as well in Dutch. So the name is a mystery I will try to look into more. I am afraid I will be stranded very soon in the search. ​
  24. Thank you Bob, this Longboat is both a challenge but a pleasure to build. The longboat is probably one of the kits that truly is coming out differently to one and each builder. I think all of us differs a little bit from the instructions, either by shortcuts or updating to our own standard. It's a fun kit which I recommend, and you can truly hone your skills.
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