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Ulises Victoria

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Posts posted by Ulises Victoria

  1. Update april 18


    Cutting 68mm planks



    First batch of deck blanks for testing. 



    A little sanding to planks sides



    False gun decks installed, glued and nailed







    Test run of planking. I know this doesn't look good. I am using leftover planks from other previous builds to test different methods of caulking. Two black smears in the middle is where bowsprit and fore mast holes are located. No wood from the kit has been used yet in this step. This area will be covered by an upper deck, so it will be almost invisible. The area to the right, which starts looking better, is the area that will be seen after the decks are done. Sanding and finishing will make this look better.


  2. demonborger: You seem to know a lot about this build.

    Instructions say, or that's what I understand, that after placing the lowermost false decks to plank from frame 2 to frame 6 and then from frame 12 to the end, leaving the area between frame 6 to 12 unplanked.

    The way I see it it is exactly the opposite, as it's the area between frame 6 and 12 what is left uncovered by the upper decks, so this is the area that should be planked.

    What are your thoughts?


    Thank you very much in advance.

  3. Tim: I think it's too soon to make a fair evaluation, but so far I am a bit (just a bit, it actually is not that bad) disappointed with the amount of metallic parts. Some things I feel MUST be wood, like the steering wheel, belaying pins, the boats. I agree that making some of them at scale in wood has to be nearly impossible.So I guess we have to compromise certain things. One batch of wood, looks like its called Tulipie, measuring 1 x 2 mm is awful. Looks like it was ripped instead of cut. The rest of the wood looks very nice, though. Instructions are definitely for the advanced builder. The instructions are included within the plans, and even at my early stages of build I have seen some things not very clear, but I have managed nevertheless (I think). All in all, so far I can say I have no real complaints with this kit. No kit is perfect. In every kit you will find good and bad things. The thing here is that I love this ship. It was in my dream list for so many years but just couldn't afford it at its regular price. When Model Expo put it at 450 dlls, I just couldn't pass the offer, and I don't regret it. 


    Thanks for your interest.

  4. Demonborger: Did you glue the frames first and then the false decks per the instructions? GaryM said he had to place the frames without gluing, then adjust the decks and once the decks in place, glue the frames with the decks in position. My frames are already glued, but I'd like to know if the decks can be adjusted once the frames are glued.... of if I quit this build altogether. :P  :P  :P

    Thank you.

  5. Thank you Azzoun.It is indeed a large model, and to me is so very beautiful. I am actually surprised there are so few build logs of this ship here in MSW as well as some other ship modeling forums I visit.

    It's not a cheap kit, so that may be one of the reasons.

    If I'm building this right now, is because I got it at a super discount at Model Expo back in 2010. I couldn't afford it at its regular price.

  6. Update April 15.

    Glued all the frames, the 2 square bars that go all the length of them and a small piece that seems to be some sort of a holding place for the main mast.


    Making sure frame one is 90o to the keel



    Double check



    A few more frames





    Making sure at every step along the way, that everything is as it should.... and still mistakes happen :P



    Completed all the frames. Views from different angles.











    So far, so good!


    Thanks for watching.

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