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Everything posted by AON

  1. Then I sketched the outline of the outer top side of the wing transom on the angled plane Then inserted another plane offset from the angled plane and sketched the rounded corner outline to it. You will see I still had the bad "extended corner" loft feature turned on to see it When I was doing my sketch on the offset plane it created a shadow effect below the angled plane (where it cut through the loft feature) and I added my line along the shadow.
  2. First I managed to get the angled plane.... I might add it was simple First I created a horizontal plane at exactly the point the wing transom upper outer corner intersects with the keel on the sheer plane Then I inserted an AXIS at this point on the new plane... This is my pivot point Second I picked INSERT > REFERENCE GEOMETRY > PLANE I picked that I wanted it inserted at an angle and typed in the angle of the slope of the wing transom I picked the new horizontal plane and then I picked my pivot point (the axis line) and it inserted the plane on the opposite side I wanted I picked reverse and there it was
  3. I think I've got it!!! Will post later today Have to get ready to go out and get the paint for my workroom Hope to be moving everything back in to it next weekend
  4. It is 6:07 am The sun has yet to grace the horizon to reveal the glorious crack of dawn I had a fantastic sleep and awoke with an idea A simple idea I might add If this works all I can say is "isn't that they way it always turns out when things seem impossible?" Wish me luck as I may not be beaten yet
  5. Once again I apologize for airing my frustration with completing this shaping challenge of the wing transom. I am worried I may have put some good people off. I said I'd post warts and all and today's there were some warts. If my Solidworks skills were at all better I would have nailed this ages ago. I reference the excellent photo of the Bellona build at the following link (go to entry #272) to see the shape I strive to achieve http://modelshipworld.com/index.php/topic/196-hms-bellona-by-sjsoane-scale-164-1760-english-74-gun-as-designed/page-19 In my two photos below (one is in profile the other in isometric) I have just deleted (in a copy of the model) all the guidelines Using the waterlines and the sketch I made of the wing transom shape I get an extended corner that I just cannot seem to get rid of. The green line in the isometric view depicts the intersection of the wing transom with the frame at that elevation. Of course it will actually be lower as can be seen in the slope of the wing transom timber sketched on the stern post the back ground. This line helps me visualize where I am at that point. Hex nut mentions a "variable round once the surfaces are stitched together". I confess I do not understand what is meant by the latter part but the variable round is a feature applied to solids and the loft feature is not a solid. At least I cannot get it to work just as I cannot trim or extrude cut a lofted feature. At this point I feel I have two options: 1) continue my struggle for a few more days 2) accept that I haven't the skill level to get the proper shape in the lofted feature and when I have made it a solid to cut the frames I can then reshape the wing transom with fillets and extruded cuts and then there is plan B: take a rasp/file/sanding stick to the wood and reshape it when I get to that stage of modelling. Sorry again if I transferred any of my pain to any of you. Members here are a God send and I'd be nowhere without your helpful comments and encouragement. Regarding my "corner" problem ... for now I will sleep on it.
  6. Don, Sorry (I apologize but we Canadians are famous for apologizing when not necessary) but this is exactly what I did on the 29 Aug and was told it was incorrect. It was simple to do and since then I've been trying to imitate something that now I think I am being told I should not (????) Either I'm just thick in the head or I'm mighty thick in the head. I don't get it. It has been a trying day on all fronts ... and I am supposed to be working so I have got to go. Going to have to take some time to clear my head, and re-read it all to understand what I am not getting. I am however glad it makes sense to someone. :^) Don't youse guys go anywhere 'cause I have a strong inkling I'll be a need'n all the help I can get. Alan
  7. Thank you for the comments and guidance Druxey and Don I will definitely take another look at my "corner" issue. Don, the answer is both Yes and No. I do not think the wing transom shape is quite correct... look at where I have a corner problem... you have no "corner". Take a look at the photo Druxey posted on the former page. There is a definite "shaping" of the wing transom that I guess I haven't quite gotten correct as yet I can see it on the Bellona build also. BTW... I hate that you could produce the shape so (seemingly) easy. Tell me it wasn't that easy (even if you have to lie to me)
  8. Had a moment before breakfast so I gave it a go and all lofted easily except the last bit left undone which gave me grief As there are no timbers in this area from which this loft would be used for the templates I am considering leaving well enough alone and attacking the stern top half
  9. I have been trying to get the lofting of the stern done and had continuously "failed" (between that and my computer crashing) I sketched in a grid work of guide lines to improve the shape I sliced and dice it I broke it up into wee pieces in an attempt to get portions of it to work Finally last night I had an epiphany I turned it all sideways in my mind used the horizontal lines to be the profile lines versus the guide lines Used the vertical lines to be the guide lines versus the profile lines The damn thing finally seemed to work on the upper wing transom area or at least about 80% as it did not follow all the curves I had but the shape is seemingly more proper in that there are no waves, folds or creases. I will continue on this path a wee bit at a time until she hopefully fills in
  10. Finished Chapter 3 What have I learnt? She was faster than any other ship in the fleet due to the skill of her crew and likely the skill of her builders (?) Possibly some anomaly akin to the first Bluenose Seems breaking yards and top gallant masts was a common occurrence as every other week a ship had to turn in for repairs Starting Chapter 4 The Glorious First of June This book is a keeper for me
  11. Sorry guys! I have been away more then here the last little bit. I have been reading the book, having gotten through a good quarter of it, a description of the build (I will be inserting loose sheets about the builder having gone bankrupt and his notice of death), painting scheme, what life was like for a seaman of the time, and now reading about her time at sea in the early years when she was just launched. I am thoroughly enjoying the book but only have time to read four or five pages a night ... just before lights out ... in the hopes I might enjoy it even more in my dreams. The type is large enough, I suppose that would be to get the requisite number of sheaves in it to qualify as a book? As I am getting "more experienced" in aging I will not complain about the font size.
  12. Received my book on Friday! What perfect timing as I had just finished reading the book I was on (about the Great Deportation of the Acadians) two days prior
  13. Having read and re-read both messages, I've slept on it yet again and am leaning towards attempting to continue with the lofting feature for now although switching to a solid feature might be easier ... something to work out over the weekend. In either case I find this part is quite challenging
  14. FORGIVE MY ANCIENTNESS Are you suggesting I not use the loft feature but rather complete the aft portion as a solid which will allow me to extrude shapes and "trim" away to get what I need? Holy old bald headed saint dulibon... I think that would do it!
  15. Thank you Hexnut. Your sketch along with Don's helps quite a bit... but I'll still need time to digest it all and formulate my plan of attack Divide and conquer, eh?!? (Did my Canadian just slip out?) I was just starting to attempt my idea and it made more sense early this morning Having a wee bit of difficulty executing it. Alan
  16. Thank you Don I'll have to chew on this for awhile to figure out "how". Working with a thin loft feature does not seem to allow me to "trim" or "extrude cut". I think my last idea has some merit particularly when I join the thought with what you've described above. Wish me luck! Alan
  17. Having slept on it last night I tried something new early this morning.... shorter guidelines that start/end at the two profile lines. This failed also. Then I had another idea while having my morning shower... I've always found that I "cracked the code" to many design conundrums during my morning shower.. this might be a strange way to resolve a problem but it usually works for me. I will try my new idea tonight if I have the time. The idea is to create a multitude of new horizontal planes beginning just below the top side of the wing transom and then drawing new guide lines of the sliced profile at these decreasing elevations... adding these to the loft feature and hopefully the result will be what is wanted. I may need to remove the original guide lines after the new sketches are complete if the loft should fail with them. Once again, if someone has another idea please let me know.... and thank you for following.
  18. So I created three new guide curves at 15, 30 and 50 degrees down from the top side of the wing transom being horizontal. These guide lines connect (pierce) a profile line.... stern post rabbet line. I then added these to the guidelines in the loft feature and the result is not what I imagined Now the hull has, of all things, FOLDS! Don - I've seen your work. If you have any idea how I should have done this I would be greatful to hear If anyone else can offer some guidance I am at this moment your attentive student. Other than those options... I'll be chewing on this for a wee bit in an attempt to imagine how else I might do this properly
  19. Well! Should be easy.... right? I drew in two additional guidelines offset from the sheerline at 5 feet and 10 feet I then attempted to add them to the lofted feature. ERROR the guidlines do not intersect with the profile line JFTHOI I switched them from being guidelines to profile lines ERROR So I shall attempt to draw new guidelines that intersect with the profile line and see what new error message appears
  20. My NRG mentor is reviewing the whole model at the moment and I am certain he will have similar comments! I am late off to work this morning as I have a cracked tooth that will be tended to in less than a hour... so I have a moment to see the example. I see the sharp bend on the aft underside of the model you are referring to and I am thinking I'll need more guidelines to remove it. Hope to have an opportunity to tackle it tonight Thank you Druxey DON: I'm glad it looks easy! If I were better at this 3D stuff I might believe you
  21. I've been busy with the expansion of my workroom and am now down to taping and mudding the joints. Then is painting and moving all the gear back in. That gets me that much closer to building my model. After looking at a few books, builds on the forum and my plans I think I understand the upper wing transom comment. I made adjustments by adding reference points and manipulating the guide line to the shape on the plan. here are the results. I'll have to get some of the dents out of the hull that I noticed at the stern before I start slicing the frames and making templates.... but I am that much closer.
  22. at the moment it seems like it I am transferring from the almost 300 year old plans to a fresh 3D model in an attempt to create templates for material cutting....albeit it is going much slower than this old feller thought it would. Learning tons along the way.
  23. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'll have to take another long look at volume 1 of TFFM as there is a pretty good tutorial in it
  24. I now have two issues to deal with 1. the hull near the stern is not so "fair" and needs some tending to 2. the top edge of the lower transom should be angled or sloped downwards and it isn't I thought I would simple create a sketch and "extrude cut" out the slope You can see when I tried that the program does not give me the option to extrude cut I think I need to create a sloped plane to draw the upper guide line on so the lofted feature will end properly at the top edge but not now... time for breakfast and getting ready for the work day.
  25. I turned of the distracting layout I drew a shortened station 30-2 I drew a couple more guidelines at the keel and stern post rabbet lines Opened a new loft feature picked my guidelines picked my profile lines and there it was
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