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Well I got the kit last night. UPS came at 8:00PM. I had ordered it from Model Ship Building College in Australia. (it was little lower cost) According to the internet tracking it made 27 transfer on it's way here. the shipment came through Europe,London, New York, Miami, to Palm Beach Gardens









I am not going to unpack it any further than that. I'll do it as I need the parts


I do not intend to finish it like the pictures in the box. I am going to paint the hull flat white, and tone down the finish everywhere. 


Also I intend to put lights in it like the model of the "Portland" that I just finished. 


A quick review of the drawings and part show that Mantua took some liberty  in making this kit a true "Scale Model".


The paddle wheel scales out to be 28 ft in Dia where it should be in the 16 - 18 range. The aspect ratio of the model makes it appear short and tall. 

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket



Well here is the first step.




The kit is roughly 9" wide and 40" long. A quick look at the parts trouble me a little in that some of the parts look out of scale. For example the paddle wheel is 7" in dia. That scales to 28 feet. I would think it should be around 16 to 18 feet. The cabin height also looks a little tall. I am not sure what realistically they should be. I'll take any input.

After I get the hull planked I'll mock it up and see how it works out. 


I am certainly goig to cut down the wheel and try to get everything in the right proportions. I have Built the Chaparon (MSW), and it appears very true to historic drawing and pictures so I will use the as a guide.


Another note on the kit. The supplied plywood is very soft and porous. Using  thin quick set CA the glue gets absorbed by wood, and a second coat has to be used. I switched to the thicked CA and it works ok.




Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


I'm excited to follow this build, as I don't know much about these kits and want to learn more about their content and quality. I agree, every steamboat kit I've seen looks foreshortened to me, like someone squeezed the plans in their drafting program. Do the included materials say anything about what they based the design on?


I can't tell from the photos, but does the main deck have any sheer to it? My understanding is that decks gradually flattened over time, as builders realized they didn't need to copy ocean-going vessels in that regard. It would certainly make various aspects of the kit easier!




Here is a side shot of the main deck. You may not be able to read the ruler, but it is  5/8" and over all length is 40"


The names that show up on the drawing are:  "The River Prince Company" on side of Engine room, "Tennessee - New Orleans" on the side of the boiler room  & "Matthew V Spress"  on the side of the Pilot House.


Here is a picture of the Chaparon (MSW) that I built which has good proportions and is in agreement with a picture of it in real Life.

I'll copy it and include in future post.



Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket




There was also the name "The Bourbon Nearly"  shown on the front of the Pilot House. Sorry I missed it last time. Also below is a old photo of the

Chaparon it is essentially identical to the kit.



Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


Thanks for the names. I asked so I could look them up in my copy of Way's Packet Directory, which lists most known riverboats from 1848-1994, and see if I could identify a boat the kit might be based on. Unfortunately, there are no listed boats with names anything like Matthew Spress or Bourbon (anything), so that was a dead end. 


Regardless, I'm very interested in how you approach this kit. Thanks for the profile photo, there's definitely still some sheer there!


 I am going to finish planking the hull, then try to mock up the decks to see what the kit hieghts are. Then I may have to scratch build or modify portions to get it reasonable. I am certainly going to reduce the wheel to around 18ft. 

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket

  • 3 weeks later...

 sorry it took so long to continue, but a few personal issues have held me up. I have finished the hull planking, and have done a little mock up of the superstructure. Without knowing any facts I would say the model is a little “to tall”. The paddle wheel is 28ft in dia, the boiler room is 12ft tall

 The other decks have a ceiling height of 9+ft.

I have spent quite a bit of time trying to modify it to something less, but with all the laser cut parts that fit so well it means that if you change one it cascades through the whole model. So I have decided to follow the plans except where change does not create a mountain of problems. I have cut the paddle wheel down to 18ft. and am going use flat finishes instead of the varnish. I have pained the hull white and tan below the water line. 






The planking on the bottom of the hull is not to good. It calls for double planking, but when I decided to paint the hull i decided to leave the bottom as is. If someone turns it over after it is built,, so be it.


The paddle wheel in the background is painted dark red, and the paddles are dark red  mahogany. I get a better picture next time.

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


 sorry it took so long to continue, but a few personal issues have held me up. I have finished the hull planking, and have done a little mock up of the superstructure. Without knowing any facts I would say the model is a little “to tall”. The paddle wheel is 28ft in dia, the boiler room is 12ft tall

 The other decks have a ceiling height of 9+ft.

I have spent quite a bit of time trying to modify it to something less, but with all the laser cut parts that fit so well it means that if you change one it cascades through the whole model. So I have decided to follow the plans except where change does not create a mountain of problems. I have cut the paddle wheel down to 18ft. and am going use flat finishes instead of the varnish. I have pained the hull white and tan below the water line. 





Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


I see I posted the last twice. Sorry. I get the hang of this soon.

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket

  • 2 weeks later...

Here is the status to date. I have the main deck structures in place and painted. I used tan for the hull. I saw it in a picture of the Bertram in Cathead's forum and I thought it look good and different. 





Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


The first photo made me jump, as the paddle was backward, but I let out a sigh of relief when I saw you were just test-fitting it. Good progress. I can't tell from the photo, are those structures already planked,  or does that happen next?



I appreciate your keen eye.  I took one picture then realized I should show the paddle wheel so I just set it there. The structures are planked, and I have just started planking the deck. Here I am using another idea I got from you. I have cut the strips in "20 and 10 ft" lengths and stained them Minwax natural then randomly layed them. I like the effect. I think I mentioned before I do not intend to "Gloss" anything. Just going to keep it flat finish.

Since the kit has no real name I am trying to come up with my own name for it. I may use my wife's maiden name.


I have practiced using decal paper with an ink jet printer and things have come out pretty well. When I come up with something I like I'll put it on a 1/32" plywood and mount it on the side.




This picture shows the wire that will got to the spotlight that is on the foremast.


Glad you are following, and keep the comment coming




Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


Thanks for that photo, I can see the structure planking now. And I agree that I like the look of decks done that way, though I'm hardly unbiased.


Adding lighting is very neat.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have completed the main deck to the point that I will add the next (boiler deck??). According to the plans I will add the rails etc on the main deck latter. 




I have added lights to the engine room, boiler room and over the doors. I'll get a better photo of the effect next time. I thing I want to add a red led to the boiler room to get a little more effect. 

I had to add ceilings to the boiler and engine rooms because of the lights, and prevent them from shining through to the upper deck.





I finished the planking with MinWax wipe on poly (wop). Really couldn't tell the before and after finish.

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket






I have completed the main deck to the point that I will add the next (boiler deck??). According to the plans I will add the rails etc on the main deck latter. 

I have added lights to the engine room, boiler room and over the doors. I'll get a better photo of the effect next time. I thing I want to add a red led to the boiler room to get a little more effect. 

I finished the planking with MinWax wipe on poly (wop). Really couldn't tell the before and after finish.

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


Sorry I did it again post a reply twice. 

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


Hi chborgm

I love this paddlers, yours is looking great now! The lights do a good effect!




Problems just mean: solutions not yet found


Models in progress





Baby Bootlegger 1/10



Swiss paddlesteamer RIGI 1848 1:50, after plans from the Verkehrshaus Zürich, rescaled to original length

Anchor tugboat BISON, 1:50, plans from VTH, scratch

Finished models

See-Ewer ELBE, Constructo kit 1:48

German fastboat after plans from german Reichskriegsmarine measure unknown (too ugly to show up!)

German traffic boat for battleships WW2, 1:50, after plans from Jürgen Eichardt, scratch

German Schnellboot TIGER P6141 VTH plans, scratch



The lights are a nice touch, that's something I've never played with. And yes, the next deck up is the boiler deck, despite not hosting the boilers.


I finish the main staircase and the lights for that area. All the lights are 12v 1.8mm LEDS. I have a variable resistor that I may have to use to dim it a little. I'll wait till after I finished to see if I need it.



Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket

  • 2 weeks later...

I have progressed to the point of adding much of the boiler deck. Thought that I would add some up to date pictures. 







Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket

  • 4 weeks later...

I am progressing slowly. I thought that I would add a few status pictures






I am making afew modifacations to the plans. Mainly am moving the Stacks outboard. The plans have them going through the cabin area. I will do the same with the steam engine exhaust stacks

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


Slowly but very nice indeed, I'm curious as to how those stacks will turn out ...




"Desperate affairs require desperate measures." Lord Nelson
Search and you might find a log ...



Carl the main change is on the boiler deck. Initially they blended into the cabin area at the top. I lowered this blend to the bottom of the deck. On the Hurricane deck I moved the stacks about 1/4" out ( thast a foot in scale). In engine room exhausts I haven't placed them. should be in passage way.They are now in the cabin.


The Hurricane deck is planked I will get some pictures of it.

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket


I mislabled the decks I refereed to. I meant the Salon Deck not the Hurricane. (I still think they ought to be called the 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc)

Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket




After all the research you have done how do you feel about the finish on the top? I intend to make either Black as if it was tared, our planked with heavy chalking between planks. I am leaning toward the tar.


Flying Fish --  MSW

Essex ---  MSW

Constitution  --  MSW

Confederacy -- MSW

Philadelphia -- MSW 

Chaperon -- MSW

San Felipe -- Panart

Portland -- Bluejacket

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