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When I opened the first manual ( there are three) of HMS Victory, I saw Admiral Nelson's prayer which was right there on the very first page. On the same day that Nelson was said to have uttered this prayer, he was fatally wounded by a musket shot from the French Ship Redoubtable. My immediate reaction was "Oh my God!", what have I gotten myself into. Since I already spent about $1200 for the kit and had parts of it strewn all over the floor of my office, I figured it was too late to change my mind.


About 12 years ago I built my first and only ship model, Cuttysark, post-545-0-29037300-1367278475_thumb.jpg and when I finally placed the Union Jack on Cuttysark's rear stay, I know for sure that I said, "I'll have to have a screw loose to do this again." But when one is lucky enough to reach my age most sports are taboo, television sucks, there is no job to go to and even the grandkids are off on their own; I needed something to do; so, on February 22nd of this year, I began my build and what follows is a record by pictures and date, of what has been done so far. However, before I go further I'd like to give a shout to Dave (Shipyard Sid) and Kevin for their encouragement to do this and for their kindness and patience with my rookie endeavors. Also a big thank you to Derek S. for letting me use his log as if it were my own.


Feb 21, 2013

post-545-0-93824700-1367279281_thumb.jpg   When I looked into the BOX... Boy! was I bewildered. So much stuff and weighing 36 pounds.


Feb 22

post-545-0-79800000-1367279394_thumb.jpg    post-545-0-65918300-1367279452_thumb.jpg  I used the saw blade to remove the bulkheads from the 5mm plywood


Feb 23

post-545-0-73403500-1367279940_thumb.jpg  First gluing, keelson and stem to keel


Feb 26

post-545-0-15339300-1367280368_thumb.jpg  Fitted bulkheads and middle gun deck to keel


 Mar 1

post-545-0-77857500-1367280544_thumb.jpg   With Barrel strips, stern extensions and bow forward supports


 Mar 4      

post-545-0-67725300-1367280698_thumb.jpg   Fitting first gunport patterns


Mar 5

post-545-0-16871700-1367327640_thumb.jpg  Adding gunport strips       post-545-0-63902500-1367327747_thumb.jpg     post-545-0-31741700-1367327848_thumb.jpg    With top and middle gunports


Mar 9

post-545-0-31741700-1367327848_thumb.jpg   Start of first planking


Mar 13

post-545-0-80027800-1367328170_thumb.jpg  16 rows of first planking   post-545-0-63853000-1367328328_thumb.jpg   Close up of first stealer needed












































Greetings Jerry!!

, Welcome to MSW. And another CC Victory build log to follow. Just enjoy your build and we will all enjoy watching you build it. Create something special for yourself . Best wishes DAVID.......gunport linings finished yet????


Hi David..


I haven't started to paint the hull yet.  I plan to do this tomorrow.  Gunport linings after that.  Thank you so much for your good wishes and for being my first responder.  have a good night, my friend.



Posted (edited)

Jerry: Am looking forward to watching your build. That is one nice Cutty Sark. Welcome.


Edited by robipod

Rob in Calgary


Off to a good start, Jerry - look forward to watching this one progress!


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


Thanks trippwj...I have made a lot more progress than you have seen.  I'll be posting more and more pics in the next few days.  Actually, I'm almost ready to line the gunports.  I appreciate your interest.  Jerry


Nirvana...  Thank you so much for your kind and warm words.  I hope I won't disappoint you or anyone as I proceed in ther construction of this wonderful model.  I look forward to communicating with you in the near future.   Jerry

Posted (edited)

Ahoy Jerry :D


Welcome to MSW


Looking forward to your progress. She looks great so far and "Thank you" :)  for taking the time to post your work.


For anybody interested I found the manual for this build here







Edited by JPett

 On with the Show.... B) 




“If you're going through hell, keep going” (Winston Churchill)


Current build:  MS Rattlesnake (MS2028)



Side Build: HMS Victory: Corel



On the back burner:  1949 Chris Craft Racer: Dumas



Sometime, but not sure when: Frigate Berlin: Corel










No worries there Jerry, I will be a regular visitor


I have the book now :D

 On with the Show.... B) 




“If you're going through hell, keep going” (Winston Churchill)


Current build:  MS Rattlesnake (MS2028)



Side Build: HMS Victory: Corel



On the back burner:  1949 Chris Craft Racer: Dumas



Sometime, but not sure when: Frigate Berlin: Corel










Welcome to the community of Caldercraft Victory builders here at MSW Jerry.  You're off to a great start.  I started mine at the beginning of January and you're already a bit ahead of me!  I need to get back out there and you're giving me the inspiration!  Looking forward to following your build.


All the best,




Nirvana...  Thank you so much for your kind and warm words.  I hope I won't disappoint you or anyone as I proceed in ther construction of this wonderful model.  I look forward to communicating with you in the near future.   Jerry




I was kind of confused, but somehow I had two of the same replies to you and upon deleting one the other disappeared as well.

I am sorry for that. Still looking forward to hear about the final weight once completed.


Please, visit our Facebook page!




Per aka Dr. Per@Therapy for Shipaholics 

Finished: T37, BB Marie Jeanne - located on a shelf in Sweden, 18th Century Longboat, Winchelsea Capstan

Current: America by Constructo, Solö Ruff, USS Syren by MS, Bluenose by MS

Viking funeral: Harley almost a Harvey

Nautical Research Guild Member - 'Taint a hobby if you gotta hurry


Patrick...Thanks so much for the shout...I have nothing else to do since I'm long retired so I spend a lot of time each day on building Victory.  I have been to your site and have learned much from it along with the other wonderful build sites. Please stay in touch.



Nirvana...Pleaswe don't hold your breatj as I'm at least a couple of years away from being able to weigh the finished model.  At my age, I hope I can emember to do that.  LOL




Ahoy Jerry :D


Thank you for the parts PDF. After reviewing it I could see where "decades" might also be used to discribe the amount of time needed for this undertaking. I wish you the best on your journey. My view from the peanut gallery is perfect :)

 On with the Show.... B) 




“If you're going through hell, keep going” (Winston Churchill)


Current build:  MS Rattlesnake (MS2028)



Side Build: HMS Victory: Corel



On the back burner:  1949 Chris Craft Racer: Dumas



Sometime, but not sure when: Frigate Berlin: Corel









Posted (edited)

Hello Jerry

, Well there you go !!!! Your log is less than a day old and you have lots of new friends and followers. Things are looking really good, and you have certainly got the picture prob sorted in no time. Just keep enjoying it. Well done . If you go to the jotika website there is a twenty page view of the construction of the model. Click on the photos to enlarge them. I do know if you have seen it. DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid

hi Jerry welcome to a thread all of your own, and as you can  see  there are already 5 - soon be 6 (me) watching yr progress



Please can you post a profile picture of your build into the following link, the reason for asking is on page one of the thread.


Its all part of Kev's journey, bit like going to the dark side, but with the lights on

All the best

Kevin :omg:



On the build table

HMS Indefatigable 1794 by Kevin - Vanguard Models - 1:64 - Feb 2023


On hold

MHS Britannic by Kevin 

SD 14  - Marcle Models - 1/70 - March 2022 -  Bluebell - Flower Class - Revel - 1/72   

U552 German U Boat - Trumpeter -

1/48  Amerigo Vespucci     1/84 - Panart-   

HMS Enterprise  -CAF -  1/48     


Belle Poule 1834 by Kevin - OcCre - 1/90 - French frigate - started June 2024 - - 

Hercules by Kevin - OcCre - 1/50 - Tugboat - Finished - May 2024

Nectan-Mountfleet-models-steam-trawler-1/32 - Completed June 2020

HMS Victory - Caldercraft/Jotika - 1/72 - Finished 

 Dorade renamed Dora by Kevin - Amati - 1/20 - Completed March 2021 

Stage Coach 1848 - Artesania Latina - 1/10 -Finished 

Lady Eleanor by Kevin - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1/64 - Fifie fishing boat


David...Yep, I've been a busy boy.  This log has taken a lot of my time today but I still managed to getteo coats of paint on Victory.  If you check the text part of this log you'll seee that I received a notice saying that I have used more images than I'm allowed to.  I'm stifled as I can't continue posting the pics under the dates as I have started.  Any ideas?





I think it may have some thing to do with the file size. It says you can upload an unlimited number of files, but each file can be no more than 2MG that may be it. If I am wrong others will definitely tell you.DAVID


David..I checked my pic sizes; they average a little over 1 MB.  I asked for help at the Captains Lounge so I'll see what happens.  I'm afraid I may not be able to go further unless I start a second log.  Hope I'm wrong.



Thanks, David but I tried that.  Must be doing something wrong.  I'll start over again and see what happens...Jerry


Ahoy Jerry


I could be wrong but I do not see how starting over will resolve this.


Can you post just one


Did your try posting a photo already excepted in a past post. Perhaps something has changed on your camera setting and this new image is not excepted

You can delete this post if the test is sucessful


I saw the same error when my photo was too large.


I now post 1600 by 1200 images (JPEG). I right clicked my last image and selected properties. The "On disk size" is 112 KB (114,688 bytes). I edit mine in Photoshop and select a high setting (not the highest)


Hope this helps

 On with the Show.... B) 




“If you're going through hell, keep going” (Winston Churchill)


Current build:  MS Rattlesnake (MS2028)



Side Build: HMS Victory: Corel



On the back burner:  1949 Chris Craft Racer: Dumas



Sometime, but not sure when: Frigate Berlin: Corel










Hi Jpett..

First of all, your photo did delete from my site.  I have had no problem deleting photos; I don't believe that's a problem.  I use my cell phone to take pics with and that has been working fine.  I also have checked the properties of the photos and find most of them to be under 1mb.  I suppose I could edit them and make them smaller and I will try that if I still have a problem.  I would sure hate to start all over again.  Thanks for all the time you have taken to help me.  You're very nice and I appreciate it....Jerry

Posted (edited)

To anyone wondering what happened to my site...I have decided to start over again so have deleted all info previously posted.  I will be working on this until I get it right.  I hope I haven't been foolish but I want this thing to work correctly.  Thanks for your patience..I'll be back real soon.  Jerry

Edited by Jerry

I don't understand this, are you going to start your log after the posts you have received from others, who have posted to you commenting on your build???? if you can understand that. Well that's what you must be doing, I think.

Posted (edited)

David, I received your email and yes I am reconstructing my log.  I'm reducing all my photos as I go but don't be concerned..All the posts from others are still available and in their proper place.  .  It'll be much better this time.  Thanks for being a good friend; I need you.



Edited by Jerry

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