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Mantua Sovereign of the Seas kit 1:78


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Has anyone had experience with this kit? I have tried to research it on the internet before pulling the trigger on $1200. I have found some reviews saying lousy instructions and many poor fitting parts, particularly the castings. I have found an equal number of reviews saying it is fantastic. I just wonder what the real story is. For that price , I expect a pretty good kit. 



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16 minutes ago, mfrazier said:

For that price , I expect a pretty good kit. 

I think your expectations would not be met, at least if you're expecting a degree of historical accuracy in the kit. Don Dressel, an accomplished modeler and author, spent many years researching the SoS while attempting a build of the Mantua kit. The effort took 10 years, and the end result is that he used only the hull formers from the kit and replaced everything else -- literally everything else. He found many errors in the kit's rig, armament, and particularly its hull carvings (the stern carvings in the kit, as one example, are completely wrong). While there is no doubt that an eye-catching model of SoS could be built straight from the box, but I think that there are equally ornate subjects that are probably better values for the money, e.g. Euromodel's Royal William. Also check out some of the offerings from the Dutch comapany, Kolderstok.



Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
- Tuco

Current builds: Brigantine Phoenix

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That was what I was afraid of from what info I could find. I understand that model may not be exactly historically correct, but for $1200, I  also don't intend to replace half of poor quality or fit of cast metal components. As much as I  desire to build this model, I  don't think I want to gamble that amount of money, especially since I  find more negative reviews than positive. My next choice of ship, I was thinking the HMS Victory. I think I will research it as well as the Royal  William. Thank you.



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After thought and the reviews,  I decided not to build the S O S ship. I chose the HMS Victory from Billings Boats. I was able to download the instructions manual(more than 40 pages) and was impressed so I  ordered the kit it is 1:74 scale. Total length is 54 inches x 35 inches high. This was the size I wanted. 

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Hi Mark, I had the same question as you and found some good info searching build threads on here. I came to the conclusion that I would not buy the current Mantua offering as it appears they are using the same molds as the vintage kits. And they re designed the structure with pre cut and lasered decks and planking etc...Then I heard about Mckay’s Sovereign book that is supposed to be the best researched book on her, got in on the pre order and then I chanced a low bid on eBay for a early ‘90’s era Mantua kit and won it! I received it and the castings are the heavy brass ones and the kit was complete. Now I am waiting for the book to be released end of February. I’m hoping that I can build a fair representation with that kit and the book, and if I don’t use most of the kit I still got good value for $$ spent.....

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I hope one day to build the Sovereign of the seas model when hopefully it is improved some. I just couldn't see spending $1200 dollars for a kit with the amount of negative reviews. I did read some of the great builds on here and I  think the model can be built satisfactorily.  I read several reviews that said the biggest problems were with the castings fitting with the laser cut parts. I just had too much doubt for the price.

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3 minutes ago, Y.T. said:

It is very tempting to get this kit but for me unfortunately scale is too large (4'-6" just for hull). Would not fit at my wharf on the office desk.

I had to hunt for a place to plan on displaying it. I talked my mate into moving some of her pictures to open enough wall space for a shelf. Good thing she is impressed by these models. 


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I am currently building the Mantua S.O.S. I have built many ships from all kinds of different companies. I found Mantua to be about average, if not below average, in instructions and material quality. This is not to say they aren't worth the money but (in my opinion) there are better models out there if you're going to spend that kind of money. Corel has a nice Wappen Von Hamburg that I building along side the S.O.S right now. Euromodel is a good company too.

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On 2/5/2020 at 8:53 PM, mfrazier said:

before pulling the trigger on $1200

Have you looked here before ?? I have ordered something here once and the delivery was correct.




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3 hours ago, Backer said:

Have you looked here before ?? I have ordered something here once and the delivery was correct.




I have looked at their site. After much research on the S O S ship and models,  I decided to build something else  and settled on the HMS Victory. ( my opinion and desirability of the S O S has changed after research). I chose the Billings model 498 victory, as I  knew to build the details I  desired this had all the basics and I  could add the aftermarket components to make a very good build and stay at a reasonable cost. However,  this Coronavirus has stalled the delivery of my purchase for an unknown length of time , especially as Billings is temporarily shut down. I was told it would be shipped March 12, but that changed to undetermined,  evidently.  The company I  purchased from is offering the Sergal 782 kit as a replacement as they evidently have it in stock. I will probably accept this but after reading the kit instructions ( which I downloaded) it will provide some challenges for some details,  particularly the stern. The Sergal kit , if I  can get it, has features the Billings didn't,  but has challenges the Billings didn't.  So , I think it would be an even trade off. We shall see.

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This Coronavirus really screws things up. I can't get my original Billings Boats order because they are shut down in Denmark.  The distributor offered to send the Sergal model in its place, but then said everything is flying off the shelves and it is gone now.  They then offered the Corel model but it is much smaller and not as good in my opinion.  While I  was debating whether to settle for the Corel model or not, they called back and said they can send the Sergal 782 as they have it in England. All I  have to do is pay an additional $72 . I told them to send it. It seems anything in stock anywhere is being grabbed up because folks want something to do while stuck at home. The distributor said the  virus has increased business greatly, they just can't  fill the orders so folks settle for what is available. So, with luck I  will get the victory in the Mantua Sergal kit. We shall see.

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14 minutes ago, GrandpaPhil said:

I am building the 1:98 Victory by Mantua.  I strongly recommend getting the 100 Gun Ship Victory by John McKay (Anatomy of the Ship).  It has been very useful for me.


Yes, I  have this book. I been studying for months waiting for the boat I  I won't get,  but ,FedX is supposed to deliver the  Mantua Sergal 782 victory kit .... TOMORROW 

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