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Site Rules Clarification

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I normally keep myself to myself and play by the rules; it is after all, your playground and I just bring my ball.


However it would appear that recently a member has been banned?/all trace removed because his nautical knowledge level didn’t meet the requirements of certain MSW ‘Experts’ and/or he had the audacity to show case his (erroneous) workmanship by posting links to his YouTube videos and/or his posting habits didn’t meet the ‘Experts’ expectations.


Does this mean 90+ % of MSW will be banned since they have zero posts and the ‘Experts’ can’t confirm their knowledge, or zero posts means they don’t meet the ‘Experts’ posting habits?


How about banning the ‘Experts’ whose total post count is showing off their nautical knowledge (well, it would appear to be Expert knowledge on every imaginable topic) but have never posted a single image of all that knowledge put into practice as far as I’m aware.


Although I know what a deadeye is and where it goes and I would hope this meets the minimum requirements of the ‘Experts’?


I also recently started linking to MY YouTube videos, which I hope the 'Experts' don't deem spamming for view numbers?


I feel that if you have started setting basic limits of nautical knowledge and/or posting habits dictated by the ‘Experts’ on who can be a member on MSW, then my time here is done and I’ll take my ball and find another playground.


Please feel free to delete my account and remove all my postings.


No hard feelings, we just have different expectations.





HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

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Yes, I am referring to the YouTube link post and okay you removed it after moderation. But it still looks like the OP was removed also. As far as I can tell he doesn't show up in the member list.  Like I say it’s your playground.


Yes the ‘Expert’ term was supposed to be patronising and derogatory but chose not to name the member as this would be deemed a personal attack and against the rules.  The expert in the post openly attacked the OP thus breaking the rules and subsequent posts called him out on it…moderation?


Like I say your playground. Do as you will.  



HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

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I will echo James' comment about issues like this being handled by private message, as those of us who are reading this over our first cup of a.m. coffee have no idea what this is about and can therefore form no opinion on it.

Chris Coyle
Greer, South Carolina

When you have to shoot, shoot. Don't talk.
- Tuco

Current builds: Brigantine Phoenix

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2 hours ago, Captain Slog said:

However it would appear that recently a member has been banned?/all trace removed because his nautical knowledge level didn’t meet the requirements of certain MSW ‘Experts’ and/or he had the audacity to show case his (erroneous) workmanship by posting links to his YouTube videos and/or his posting habits didn’t meet the ‘Experts’ expectations.

Spamming the forum with what amounts to click-bait is against forum rules.


That is all the member in question is doing so far with their activity here.


They were/are not participating in any discussion about model building, or offering the opportunity to discuss the merits of their information.



“Indecision may or may not be my problem.”
― Jimmy Buffett

Current builds:    Rattlesnake

On Hold:  HMS Resolution ( AKA Ferrett )

In the Gallery: Yacht Mary,  Gretel, French Cannon

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My issue is the trolling the OP received with everyone piling on him and the responses were pretty nasty.


He was a new guy and he is being accused of spamming? Click baiting? What with 9 or so posts?  Gee you must limit you activity here as this forum is rife with pointless spamming posts.  I have made my feelings very clear on that several times. 


Did you stop to think he didn't realise what he was doing was wrong in his sharing in something he enjoys?  Did anyone bother to respond to him to explain his actions were frowned upon? Did anyone click the report button to highlight to the mods his posts were 'inappropriate' ? No he just coped more abuse.  


The poor guy was essentially being blamed for misguiding a whole generation of novice modellers with his inaccurate videos! How ridiculous is that!


I've said my piece, I'll move on, thank you.




HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

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Keep in mind we did moderate that that topic.   And what you cant see,   is that we did speak to those who treated the OP badly.  There is and will be no tolerance for belittling other members.   We have hundreds of members who may not be experts or they may even be beginners.   To call what they have posted as a tip or suggestion "trash"   is not something we want to condone at MSW.  We have many new builders who are proud of what they have done.  They want to share their methods and work.  It may not be perfect or masterful.  But they dont deserve to be treated badly.  And you wonder why new folks dont stick around.   Its because of people like those members who bashed the guy.  I counted six.  And I must say if those six experts suddenly vanished from the site...it would be less impactful then the scores of new builders alienated and poorly treated by them. 


These so called experts who love to pontificate (you know who they are)  will not be allowed to treat other members like dirt.   They have been formally warned.   If they continue...they will be banned.  The OP of that topic was NOT banned.   Nor was the topic removed.  It was being cleaned up and pruned of the nasty remarks other members were making.    Such as the one below.  Who would actually have the balls to to post THIS!!!   ...on another persons topic no less.   They should be ashamed of themselves.  As if they are so perfect.   


Pompous posters who love to pontificate on their wealth of knowledge be warned....do not treat folks this way.  There is a way to teach and educate without being a bully.  You guys are certainly NOT mentor material.  You get three strikes.....if the behavior continues...you are out.  The bully below says the member wasted his time.   You know what wasted my time...cleaning up the hate you decided to post all over someone elses topic.   That was a waste of my time.   Sending you a private message and issuing warnings to the folks who think they are "genius" masters who everyone should kiss up to....that was a waste of my time.


found the video a total waste of time. So what's to respect in the effort to make it and why do you care whether the poster "is getting pleasure in his task?" I know I may be criticized for being "insensitive," but I don't respect the efforts people put into posting useless, let alone erroneous, "how-to-do-it" videos on the internet and I could care less whether the people who post such drivel are getting pleasure from it. They waste everybody else's time. Who has the bandwidth to waste on junk content?


And here is the kicker.....non of the so -called MASTER builders in their INFINITE WISDOM of all things...posted a better method...or the correct historical reference.  They made ZERO attempt to politely state that there may be a better way or a more historically accurate way.   No attempt to teach or mentor.  They just bashed the guy and went on long Rants...like this one I am now forced to write about how so many people dont know as much as they do and yet post on You tube and the internet all this bad wrong information.....making society more stupid.


18 posts by expert bullies were pruned from that topic leaving just two replies.   All 18 had no value other than to belittle.   Shameful.   Talk about a waste of time reading those.   The replies of the bullies had no value what so ever.  Except of course maybe to allow the bullies to hear themselves claim omnipotent dominance of all things in the Universe. 

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