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HMS Flirt by TJM - FINISHED - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 22


A bit of progress. I have completed the lower shrouds and spent a couple of evenings with the futtock staves and shrouds. 












Up close, it is not the neatest work - I find it quite difficult to deal with the thin thread! From a little distance, it looks alright to me.


The manual says to wait with the backstays until the yards are fitted, but I had a slight tilt to one side from the topgallant and up on the main mast, so I wanted to temporarily attach the backstays to correct this while I work on the topgallant shrouds. 


If I can work around them, I will leave them in place and otherwise it is not very much work to detach them and re-do the two lanyards.




Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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  • 3 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Log entry 23


I am still here! I have just had very few days where I have been able to get any work done in the workshop.


I have completed the ratlines on lower main mast shrouds and sre working on the upper mizzen shrouds. 










My plan is to complete all shrouds and ratlines and then do the yards before continuing with the stays.




Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Log entry 23


I have now completed all the mast shrouds - milestone reached!


I estimate that I need another 4-5 evening sessions to do the remaining ratlines. But after that I get to continue with the yards!


















The topgallant shrouds visually adds some much needed bulk to the top of the model, so I was very pleased with the improved look after yesterdays work!





Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Posted (edited)

Overall VERY neatly done!   You may want to redo the blocks under the tops as they appear to be upside down so the line would rub against the tail rather than over the would be sheave.  It may be easier to just drill the upper holes rather than unrig and re-rig.   



Edited by allanyed

PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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14 minutes ago, TJM said:

Hi Allan,


Thank you for your comment! Do I understand correctly that the one hole in the blocks should be closest to where the block is attached? So that when the line runs down, it would appear to go over the (imaginary) sheave inside the block?



Yes, that is correct. As Alan said you could probably just drill a new hole as that might be easier than removing the block and reattaching it.

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You can see from the drawing that there is no room for the line between the sheave and tail piece, only between the sheave and the crown.  For our purposes, holes on both ends are fine at most scales as the line will block view of the lower hole. 


PLEASE take 30 SECONDS and sign up for the epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series.   Click on http://trafalgar.tv   There is no cost other than the 30 seconds of your time.  THANK YOU


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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Log entry 25


All the ratlines are now done! Progress has been slow, as I have not had many sessions in the workshop lately - I was away during Easter. 












I am a bit relieved that this part of the build is done. On one hand, I find that I don't mind doing the ratlines while I do them, but it does take a very long time and it feels like not much overall progress i made while working on them 


I had thought to continue with the yards, but as you may have spotted, I have ordered and received the 18 foot cutter from Vanguard Models. So now I will take a quick detour with that for a while!




The first few planks are on already.





Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 26


I have continued to work on the 18 foot cutter. Bending an fitting the tiny planks proved to be easier than I expected!




Here are some pictures of the finished hull before sanding:












I am quite happy with how it looks so far and with a little more taper of the first 3-4 planks it would have been possible to avoid using stealers altogether. I managed with just two. The plan is to paint the hull below the waterline as per the instructions, so it matters little anyway. 


This is a really nice little mini project within the bigger build!





Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 27


Just a small update on the cutter. The outside has been sanded an the temporary bulkheads removed without issues, much to my relief! 







Now to decide how much cleaning on the inside to do. It is very difficult to sand properly and the material is very thin already...



Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 28


the cutter is close to completion. I am missing the top bulwark (if that is the correct term....), painting and attaching the rudder and the oars.


Cochrane paid a visit to inspect the progress (though he is still in a... pale state himself!).






It is not perfect and the macro shots are harsh on it! From a reasonable viewing distance, I think it looks ok. It will make for a great upgrade to the deck of Flirt, for sure!




Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 29


The cutter is now completed and installed on the deck.








I am really happy with the decision to add this, and to me it was definitely worth the time and effort. 


As you see, Cochrane has also gotten some colours. I am severely out of practice when it comes to miniature painting at this scale. Faces and eyes are never easy at this scale, but I used to be able to do better! 10 years ago... Anyways, he is just there for scale, so this will have to do.


Now I can continue with the bowsprit boom and rigging.




Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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  • 2 weeks later...

Log entry 30


Rigging of the bowsprit is now complete:










It went well overall, though it is difficult to get to some part of it! How @Thukydides and others manage to make such beautiful knots and splices at this scale is beyond me! Hats off to you! But from a few feet away, I am happy with how my efforts are turning out. 


Now, on with the yards.




Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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  • 2 weeks later...

Log entry 31


It has been a while since my last post, but I have not been idle! It is just that progress is slow for me at this point of the build and I have not had much to show until now.


I have made and mounted the yards on the foremast:










 I am excited to see the final 'shape' of the ship starting to appear, thought a lot of rigging is still missing. Now I just need to repeat the last week's work to get the main mast to a similar state! 




Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Log entry 32


The yards are now done! I must admit that preparing the second set for the mainmast was not the most interesting part of this build. I think I am more of a 'hull guy' than a 'rigging guy'... But it is done and I a happy with the result! 












Apart from the anchors and the swivel guns, this concludes the building of parts and all that remains now is three plans of standing and running rigging. And while I am sure some challenges will present themselves, I am looking forward to this process as there is not much exact repetition and every line will add a new feature to the model.


I hope to make more frequent updates than of late in this part, as there will be more visual progress to show.






Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 33


I have now added the main and main preventer stays, including the first of the crowsfeet. It was a bit fiddly to thread the thin crowsfeet line through the bulwark, and I think it is a bit longer than it should strictly be, but I won't redo it. I will just make the foremast crowsfeet a matching lengthIMG_20240526_124605.thumb.jpg.d4079eef0fd5d268649e83963feccd07.jpg











Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 34


A lot of things got in the way of building in the evenings lately, but I am slowly processing with the mast stays. 










Accessing the eye bolts behind the foremast to hook on the block for the main topmast stays is extremely difficult. As is threading that block when tying down the stays. I wonder if it would have been smart to prepare some of this much earlier in the build - before the masts were even installed. It would perhaps have been a bit messy, but dealing with them now with all the shrouds in place is also very tough.


Anyways, I'm sure I'll manage eventually 😉.




Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Log entry 35


A bit of progress! I have completed the mast stays and added the ties for the mizzen boom and gaff, so they are now fixed on place. This really ups the appearance of the ship!








A few blocks are turning the wrong way, but it is not very noticeable, and no-one apart from me or members of this forum would ever notice. I'll live with it and do better next time 😉.


As I completed the mast stays and the model started getting more busy with ropework, the missing cannon rigging started to stand out to me, and looking at what I had recently achieved in terms of inaccessible blocks, I wondered that I had had to give up on that a few months ago. 


So, I gave it another try, and apparently practice does matter, as within 5 min, I had threaded the breaching ropes on one canon and the bulwark eyelets. I had not managed one in 1 hour of trying a few months ago! 


At this point, the shrouds and backstays are really in the way, so I had to compromise a bit, and so the rope just lays across the end of the barrel, not tied around the end knob. I think it look ok, and the overall impression is much improved and definitely woth two hours of fiddling. So overall I am very happy that I made another effort to do this!










Now it is time to move on with the rest of the yard ties.




Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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Log entry 36


Things are progressing. The yard ties are done and I am halfway through the yard lifts. Less than two rigging plan sheets left! 










The plans have the following note:



Does this mean that I should hold off on these till the very end? After rigging everything else? 




Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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3 hours ago, TJM said:

Log entry 36


Things are progressing. The yard ties are done and I am halfway through the yard lifts. Less than two rigging plan sheets left! 










The plans have the following note:



Does this mean that I should hold off on these till the very end? After rigging everything else? 





It does mean that yes. I forgot about it actually and just did them.



Current build: Thinking about it

Finished build: HMS Flirt

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Posted (edited)

Log entry 37


The end is fast approaching now! I am just missing the bowlines and the lower yard sheets and tacks of the rigging. I have been enjoying these last few plans most of all the rigging. Probably because progress is fast compared to the earlier stages.














Apart from the last bit of rigging, I am missing the anchors and swivel guns and then I will add a bunch of rope coils at all the belaying points. 


Next post will be when I finish the rigging, stay tuned!





Edited by TJM

Current Build: 


Completed Build: HMS Flirt 1782 - Vanguard Models - 1:64

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