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With a new shipyard, I decided to start a new model even though I am not done with my Frigate Diana.  I will get back to the Diana soon, but I am getting started on my Santisima Trinidad.  I feel like I am making some quick progress which is nice after feeling like the Diana was moving slow even before our move stopped work completely


The Cross Section model is started on a building board that is not part of the final model.  the "legs" of the frames are clued to the building board, but tab on the keel is only placed into the slot on the building board but not glued.  the legs of the frames will be cut off when the interior planking is complete before the outer planking is added.  The Occre instructions say to use the laser cut plywood piece for the upper deck as a guide to ensure that the frames are lined up properly when gluing the frames to the building board and the keel.  Due to the loose fit of the parts I was very concerned that the frames would lean to one side.  I decided to use my trusty Lego blocks and some clamps to make sure the two outside frames were square to the building board and to the keel, then I would use the laser cut plywood to ensure the the middle frame was properly spaced.








After a lot of trial an error on some dry runs I settled on this for the two outside frames.




The black clamps are holding the Lego blocks that are keeping everything square and the green ones are securing the frames to the keel.  I used PVA for this due to the amount of time it took to get everything in place and that everything was clamped.  My general rule of thumb is to use PVA when I can clamp effectively and CA if I need to hold it with my fingers.  


The middle frame was a little different.  I used some string to keep the left and right frame snug in the keel slot and the green clamps to provide the downward pressure.  




I stained the outside of the the two outside frames since these will be visible on the finished model.  I used a dark walnut stain.  I actually mistakenly stained the inside of at least two of the frames also.  I used the upper deck laser cut ply wood to ensure the middle frame was square.  







Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

Posted (edited)

When I built my first model, my craftsmanship was not great.  I did a little better on my second ship, but on this build I really want to focus on the craftsmanship that goes into the build.  I really want everything to fit together well and I need to be more careful with the CA glue to minimize the glue stains. 


One of my concerns was in the instructions, Occre has the varnish being applied to the interior decking of the hold after the beams that support the next deck are installed.  I like to use 2 coats of shellac with a sanding using steel wool after each coat.  The thought of trying to sand the interior planking with the beams and the four posts in place seemed like it would be a struggle.  The challenge that that created was the plank just below the beams is placed based tight against the beams and without being glued in place I had to figure out a way to clamp them securely while placing the plank.  I didn't take any pictures of how I clamped the beams, but I will on the next level and post them then.  






The four posts that support the beams are fashioned from 4 x 4 mm lime wood.  I used a round file to create the transition from the square to the round section.  After knocking off the corners I use sandpaper and sanding sticks to round off the middle section.  






I generally don't use PVA if I can't clamp the parts in place, but for the posts that support the beams I used PVA because I didn't think I could get them in place with out getting glue all over, so I used PVA so I could easily clean up the excess glue.  I used CA to attache the planks to the frames and as part of improving my workmanship I focused on not getting and excess CA on the visible part of the planking.  I am pretty happy with how this turned out on this section.  I also needed to cut two planks a little narrower than the 5 mm material supplied to get a nice tight fit.  I am really happy with how it all fit together.  




The finish on the beams and the interior planking is two coats of shellac with a sanding using steel wool after each coat.  I really like the finish I get using steel wool, but I hate how messy it is to work with.  I have tried various grades of sand paper and Scotch Bright pads, and I just haven't found anything that creates the same finish, somewhere between flat and satin to my eye. 


I am curious if any other people that use shellac have any methods for getting a satin finish without using steel wool.  It would be nice to avoid the mess. 


I think I am going to try to get the first two decks installed and then get back to my Diana for a while.  




Edited by RossR

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

10 hours ago, RossR said:

I am curious if any other people that use shellac have any methods for getting a satin finish without using steel wool.  It would be nice to avoid the mess. 

On my Beagle I shellacked my masts and then used a Matte varnish on top to tone down the glossiness of the shellac, maybe you could try the same with a bit of Satin varnish?

Current Build

HMS Sphinx, Vanguard Models 1:64 Scale


Finished Builds:

HMS Beagle


I continue to make progress on my Santisima Trinidad.  I added the first deck.  The decking is 1mm x 3mm lime wood glued to a laser cut plywood base.  I use contact cement to attach the decking to the plywood.  I don't think contact cement has very many fans on the forum, but for applications where tensile strength isn't a concern and you have 100% surface to surface contact I love it.  Very narrow application, but in the right circumstance it works very well.  If you are interested in how it is used check out the applicable posts in my Frigate Diana log.  The lime wood is stained with Minwax Honey Oak stain.  


The interior planking above the first deck starts with a 2mm x 3mm African Walnut piece for the waterway.  Then 2mm x 5mm Sapelli and then 2 pieces of 4mm x 4mm African Walnut.  Two of the three pieces of Sapelli had to trimmed narrower than the 5mm to fit. 




Similar to the interior planking on the hold, before adding any of the deck features I added my two coats of shellac.  I then moved on to the second deck.  This one has two plywood pieces that make up the deck.  Each is planked with the 1mm x 3mm limewood like the first deck. 


I wasn't paying close enough attention and I forgot to use a pencil to mark the outside edges of the planks before I glued them to the plywood base.  After staining I am not too disappointed in the result.  The seams between the planks collected more stain than the surface, so there is still pretty good definition of each plank with a dark line to simulate caulking.  Below is a picture that compares the two decks.  The bottom one has the pencil marks and the top one does not.




On the edges of the plywood bases that will be exposed, I used some leftover 0.5mm Sycamore and glued a strip onto the edge of the plywood to cover the laminated edge.  I am hoping to avoid any exposed plywood edges that are not painted.




After installing the second deck.  I had to add the support piece where the beams and interior planking meet.  I believe this is called a knee.  The laser cut pieces were from the same sheet as the frames, and I don't really like how they stained.  I used Minwax Dark Walnut and the thin top layer of wood didn't accept the stain very well.  I tried painting them a color that would match Sapelli planking, but was not successful.  I decided to attempt to cut these out of a 1/8 inch sheet of African Walnut I purchased at a local hobby shop.  


I used an old Craftsman scroll saw my father gave me and a small drum sanding attachment on my Dremel.  I am really happy with how these turned out and this has given me some confidence in fabricating other parts in the future.  The one on the left is the laser cut version after painting and the one on the right is the one I cut of of 1/8 inch walnut.  






Next up was the interior planking above the second deck and lining the gun ports.  Similar to the first deck the planking starts with a 2mm x 3mm waterway and then there is a strip of 2mm x 5mm Sapelli along the entire length of the cross section.  Above that strip the gun ports need to be lined.  The placement of the gun ports is determined by the laser cut part that is placed on the exterior of the frames.  The bottom of the gun port is supposed to be lined with the cut out from the exterior plywood part.  I didn't like the look of that, so I used some 1mm thick Sapelli that I had left over from somewhere.  The sides of the gun ports are made from 2mm x 7mm Sapelli.  






Next are two rows of 2mm x 5mm Sapelli that need to be trimmed narrower than 5mm to fit.  Then are 3mm x 3mm piece of African Walnut.  I enjoyed fitting all of the interior planking to create the gun ports.  








I am really happy with my improved use of CA in this planking.  On previous models I would have had glue stains everywhere.  I have had to sand off a couple of spots, but not many.  


This model is my first extensive use of the Ultimation Slicer and Sander that I reviewed several months ago.  Using these tools has made this build very enjoyable.  I highly recommend these tools if you think you are interested.  As I stated in my review, these are not cheap, but I really like them.


Next up is the features on the second deck after I get the planking sanded and shellaced.  








Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

  • 2 weeks later...

I have the second deck finished.  











The instructions don't have you adding the cannons until all of the decks are complete and the exterior hull planked.  I am a little worried about gluing the cannons in place after the deck above it is installed.  I would prefer to pin the cannons when I attached them to the deck, but that would be even harder with the deck above installed.  I am considering adding the cannons now and then adding the next deck.  This would allow me to pin the cannons in place and not working about making a mess with the glue when securing them to the deck.  The down side with the cannon installed this early in the process is  the exterior planking and sanding will be difficult with the Barrel protruding.   I may see if I can install the gun carriage now and then install the gun barrel through the gun port after the exterior is complete.  


I do not plan to rig the cannons since the scale is so small except for the breech rope on the cannons on the top deck.


Before I do all of that I plan to get back to my Frigate Diana for a while.  



Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

  • 1 month later...

I have taken a break from my Frigate Diana and have spent some time with the Santisima Trinidad.  I have added two more decks.  The process was basically the same as the last deck. 

















The shot garlands are the only unique feature on either of these decks.  I used clear Elmer’s glue to secure the shot in place. 





working on the top deck now.  

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways


I will have a more comprehensive update down the road, but I was really excited with the way the lining of the interior of the bulwarks turned out and I wanted to post about it.  I have been trying to learn to be more patient and take my time on the trickier parts.  In his instructions for the US Brig Syren, Chuck says "Treat each planking segment as a small project unto itself".  I think this is the first time I really took that advice to heart and I focused on each plank without thinking about the next one and took my time to get it right.  


The material for this was 2mm x 5mm basswood.  I had to notch out around the gun ports.  below are a couple of pictures of the pieces I had to create.






The second picture was before the final sanding and shaping.  It took several tools for tool chest to fabricate these pieces including my Ultimation Chopper and Sander, two sanding blocks, a file, a hobby knife, two miniature chisels, a pencil and a ruler.




Here is the end result






Thanks for the views and likes, and I will get a more comprehensive post out soon.



Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

Posted (edited)

I have added the the pin racks to the upper deck and stained the inside of the gunwales.  This was pretty straight forward.   I need to use a small square file to open up the holes for the pin rack posts to extend down to the next deck.






I am now at the stage where I need to cut the model from the building board, so I have started assembling the display cradle.  I am going to paint it black after a coat of shellac as sealer.  There has been some interesting discussion about using shellac as a sealer.  I have had great luck using schellac, but the water based sealer that Vaddoc suggested looks interesting.  I use a coat of shellac and then sand with 600 grit sandpaper.  




I used the cutoff tool on my Dremel and then the disc sander on the Dremel to smootout the excess material left on the frame.   



Now on the the planking.  There are several bands on the ship that are planked with 4mm x 4mm material.  The balance is planked with 2 x 5 mm lime wood and Sapelli.


The Ultimation Slicer will cut through the 4mm material, but is is pushing its limits and I don't get a nice clean cut on material that think.  When I bought the Ultimation tools I purchased the Repetter for the Sander.  I wasn't sure how much I would use it when I bought it, but I just used it to get the 4x4 mm planking material trimmed to length.  I couldn't be happier with the results.   




I would cut the material to a near net shape with a small saw and then use the Repeater to get the length just right. If anyone has any questions about the Repeater, please reach out.  




Edited by RossR

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

Posted (edited)

I have the four bands of 4x4 mm planking and the 2x5 mm Sapelli installed.  The sapelli covers the lower part of the hull below the wales.  






the 4x4 walnut is painted black.  I experimented with black stain, but settled on the paint.  The planking around the gun ports will be lime wood stained golden oak, the same as the deck.  All of the planking will get a couple coats of shellac when the planking is complete.  

The cradle needs a little adjusting to keep the model from rocking.  There are gaps where the cradle meets the hull on the outside of the cradle (red arrow).   I will sand done the inner contact points (green arrow) so the model settles onto the outer contact points.   



I will be taking my time on the planking around the gun ports and at some point I will get back to my Frigate Diana also, plus work is going the be busy the next 3 months or so with some special projects, so this may be my last post for awhile.   

thanks for all the views.   


Edited by RossR
Lime wood not basswood.

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways


Very  nice work, very impressive looking. 

:cheers:   Bob  M.

"Start so you can Finish!" 

In progress:

Astrolabe 1812 - Mantua 1:50; 

In queue:

Pegasus - Amati 1:64 


The Dutchess of Kingston - 1:64 Vanguard Models 🙂 
Santa Maria - 1:64, La Pinta - 1:64, La Nina - 1:64, Hannah Ship in a Bottle - 1:300, The Mayflower - 1:64, Viking Ship Drakkar -1:50 all by Amati. King of the Mississippi - Artesania Latina - 1:80  Queen Anne's Revenge - Piece Cool - 1:300  The Sea of Galilee Boat - Scott Miller - 1:20

  • 5 weeks later...

On my last post I said I would be getting back to my Frigate Diana, but I found myself continuing to work on the Santisima Trinadad.  I completed the planking on the exterior of the hull, painted the gun port hatches, added the cap rail and secured the cannons on the top deck.












Painting the gun ports was a challenge given their size.  They are about 10mm in width.  The hinges are slightly wider than 1mm and the rabbet is less than a mm.  With my eyesight it was all done under a 3x magnifying glass.  


In an earlier post I discussed my concern with not pinning the cannons on the lower decks, I ultimately chose not to as I didn't want the cannon barrels protruding before I sanded the exterior of the hull and now I do not have access to pin them.  I will do my best to secure them to the deck with some clear PVA glue.  The four cannons that are mounted on the upper deck are pinned to help secure them to the deck.  


Next up is the adding the ladders to each side of the hull.  These will be made up of 76 pieces that range in size from 6 to 18 mm in length.  My Ultimation tools were a huge help in cutting those small parts to right lengths.  I used the chopper on the longer pieces, but on the really small ones I used the Repeater with the sander to get the lengths precise and consistent.  


Life continues to be busy away from the shipyard, but I will get in to work when I can.  I will say again that my intention is to get back to my Frigate Diana, but who knows which model I will feel like working on when I find a little time to work.  


Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways


Your build looks great (I hope mine turns out this nice).  I've been thinking about painting the cannon base a dark red too, I'm glad to see how it looks.


When you installed the side panels with the cannon openings, did you need to bend the panels to fit the frame? If so, what technique did you use?


Thanks.  I like the red a lot.  I didn’t need to bend anything.  When installing the 4x4 pieces on exterior, you need to be sure the gap between each band is wide enough to accommodate the frame for the gun port.  


Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

  • 5 weeks later...

I mentioned in a previous post that I expected my progress to slow due to busy work life for the next couple months, so no new pictures or progress.  I did want to share a follow up to a post I made in a topic related to why we started building models.  After the post I thought a little about how I look at the models differently now than I did when I started.  I only wanted to build the kit on my first model.  It didn't occur to me to consider accuracy of the kit or the level of detail the manufacturer chose to include.  I discovered MSW as I was completing that model.  Since then I have slowly started thinking more about those details.  Particularly scale.  I also had an opportunity to acquire a copy of Lees Masting and Rigging of English Ships of War and two of the Anatomy of the ship books, Victory and Constitution.  To be honest I am struggling to get much out of Lees book.  I feel like I need Masting and Rigging for Dummies first.  Lees book is full of great information, but not written for a beginner. 


Anyway, after the post the other day, I decided to use Lees to figure out what diameter the shrouds should be on my current build.  I know Lees book deals with English ships and mine is model is Spanish, but it was more of an exercise in using the book to calculate the should diameter.  I did make the assumption that the Mast on the model was an accurate scale representation of the actual diameter of the mast on the real ship.  


In Lees the diameter of the various lines are calculate as ratios of other lines or ultimately the associated mast.  My lower mast was 0.478 inches in diameter.  According to Lees the main stay would have a circumference of 1/2 the diameter of the mast.  That works out to a diameter of the main stay of 6.85 inches.  .478 x 90 (scale of my model) equals 43 inches.  Divide that by 2 and you get a circumference of 21.5 inches which equates to a diameter of 6.85.  The lower shrouds are then calculated as 6.85 x 0.60 equals 4.11.  That divided by my scale of 90 equals a shroud diameter of .0457.  


As a check on reasonableness I pulled out the Victory Anatomy of the Ship book and checked the lower main shroud diameter of HMS Victory and that is listed as 11 inches in diameter which works out to 3.5 inches.  Divided by 90 and I get 0.038.  The Santisima Trinidad was slightly larger that the Victory so I would expect a slightly larger line.  I may also be basing this on a mast that is not an accurate representation.   Either way, I was excited to use Lees and not just have it take up space in my shipyard.  

I was also excited that I had some 0.045 rope from Syren left over from my Diana, and I am going to use it on this current build.  


Any way I want to thank everyone on the site that has helped me appreciate the details that can make a model even better that the kit.  If you are only interest in building the kit, please know that that is just fine.  I think that approach got me started on a hobby I really enjoy .


Thanks for reading and being patient with my lack of progress,    

Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

  • 1 month later...

I have made some slow progress over the last month or so.   I have secured most of the deck features both on the top deck and the lower decks.






I have glued the ballast pieces that you see here to the bottom of the hold.  I will add the remaining ballast after everything else is complete as it will not be glued in place.  


I assembled the main mast up to the cap.  Based on where I plan to display this model, I am only building up to the cap on the main mast, without the main yard.  For the top I added a piece of 1mm x 3mm limewood around the edge to conceal the plywood edge.








Then I added the ribs to the top and the braces underneath the top.








Then the main mast was assembled and the top was attached.








Then the shrouds were attached.  






The first should is served for the entire length.  Otherwise they are only served at the area that wraps around the mast.  


Next up will be the ratlines and futtock shrouds.  I considered leaving the futtock shrouds off.  The issue is the cross Section only has four of the main shrouds.  I suspect the actual number would have been at least 12 and maybe more.  I will have to condens the area were the futtock shrouds attach to the futtock stave compared to how the would be attached on a full model.  This will not look realistic, but I think the model will look better with the futtock shrouds.  


Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways


Tonight I finished my Santisima Trinidad Cross Section.  As I mentioned in an earlier post I am only building the mast to the Cap on the main mast because of where it will be displayed.  


I am happy with how the futtock shrouds look.  Even though it isn't exactly realistic with only four shrouds to connect 5 futtock shrouds to.  It doesn't look as bad as I thought it might.  


Overall I am very happy with the results and my wife wants it displayed on our fireplace mantel which is a nice bonus.
















Next up will be finishing my Frigate Diana.  I suspect it will be 4 - 6 weeks to finish that one, then I will start my NRG Half Hull.



Completed Build:   HMS Beagle - Occre, Santisima Trinidad - Occre - Cross Section https://modelshipworld.com/topic/37130-santisima-trinidad-by-rossr-occre-190-cross-section/

Current Builds:       Frigate Diana - Occre  https://modelshipworld.com/topic/33530-frigate-diana-by-rossr-occre-185/

On the Shelf:           NRG Half Hull, the US Brig Syren - Model Shipways and USF Essex - Model Shipways

  • The title was changed to Santisima Trinidad by RossR - Finished - OcCre - 1:90 - Cross-Section

Congratulations!  You have done an excellent job! I think it looks cool that you stopped at the main mast cap.  It gives a unique look since not many modelers stop there.


Here is looking forward to your next build!






  • The title was changed to Santisima Trinidad by RossR - FINISHED - OcCre - 1:90 - Cross-Section

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