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Nice progress, Vince. BTW, I was looking through your pictures again. Did you forget to cut a hole for the side entrance door?

Hi Keith,

I didn't forget, just haven't done it yet. When the second planking gets up to that level, I will cut them out.



  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

:o Hi Everybody,

I got a message from Denis about missing pieces in the kit. It appears he was missing parts 11247, 11248, and 11249, which are metal trim pieces for the transom. Keith W also noted these pieces missing as well. I searched my parts and determined they were missing. I contacted Euromodel and asked for the parts. I got a response in 2 hours! Unbelievable service. It seems they went on this site and looked at my build log and saw the parts with the photos I posted of the contents of the box at the beginning, and there they were! The parts are not marked and I assumed they were parts for the bow railings, but they are the transom trim. I have posted a photo of the parts in the bags. :o  :o I am embarassed.

Anyway, look at your kits and maybe you have them too.


Vince P.



Hi All,

I have not posted any photos of my build lately because I am working on the finish layer of planking and it is very slow going. This hull is so huge and complex that it takes hours to just lay a few planks. I have pretty much finished the starboard side and am putting a finish layer on the stem. It will prpbably take me another few months to complete the port side. Here is a photo of what she looks like now.


Vince P.


Posted (edited)

Great work, Vince!


I see you are using the same trick as me ... you worked out where the wales are going to be, and you are going to hide all your spiling under the wales! 


I also noticed that you carried your second planking all the way to the top. I thought that you were planning to leave it off to make room for the metal decorations? Very soon I will have to make the same decision - whether to plank all the way to the top, or just paint over the structural planking and fit the metal decorations on it. The difference is only 1mm, but the decorations are 2mm thick - i.e. the decision to leave the planking off will mean that the decorations won't sit as proud by 50% ... quite a substantial visual effect in my opinion. 


You may have seen in my build log that I lined off the gunports PRIOR to laying the second planking. This was because I decided that the gunport linings have to sit back from the planking by 1mm anyway (the thickness of the second planking), so it made sense to line the gunports before the second planking. I am curious to see how you line the gunports later. It's very fiddly work, I dropped a few planks inside the hull when I was working on it. Given that the lower hull is sealed, I could not retrieve the planks. So I squirted some glue in there, and jiggled the hull until I could not hear the planks sliding around any more :) 

Edited by KeithW

Regards, Keith


gallery_1526_572_501.jpg 2007 (completed): HMS Bounty - Artesania Latina  gallery_1526_579_484.jpg 2013 (completed): Viking Ship Drakkar - Amati  post-1526-0-02110200-1403452426.jpg 2014 (completed): HMS Bounty Launch - Model Shipways

post-1526-0-63099100-1404175751.jpg Current: HMS Royal William - Euromodel


G'day Vince.

Great working on the planking! keep up with your great work. Looking at your log and others, make me itching to make my own RW.......some day I hope.




"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...



Hi Vince


Wow that is very impressive work.


Do you plan on giving it a coat of sealer.



Hi Denis,

The planking is still raw and just fine sanded. I will seal it and sand it with a fine paper. Then I will paint it white below the waterline and apply an oil based oak finish above the waterline. Also, the sides where the metal ornaments go will be painted black.



Great work, Vince!


I see you are using the same trick as me ... you worked out where the wales are going to be, and you are going to hide all your spiling under the wales! 


I also noticed that you carried your second planking all the way to the top. I thought that you were planning to leave it off to make room for the metal decorations? Very soon I will have to make the same decision - whether to plank all the way to the top, or just paint over the structural planking and fit the metal decorations on it. The difference is only 1mm, but the decorations are 2mm thick - i.e. the decision to leave the planking off will mean that the decorations won't sit as proud by 50% ... quite a substantial visual effect in my opinion. 


You may have seen in my build log that I lined off the gunports PRIOR to laying the second planking. This was because I decided that the gunport linings have to sit back from the planking by 1mm anyway (the thickness of the second planking), so it made sense to line the gunports before the second planking. I am curious to see how you line the gunports later. It's very fiddly work, I dropped a few planks inside the hull when I was working on it. Given that the lower hull is sealed, I could not retrieve the planks. So I squirted some glue in there, and jiggled the hull until I could not hear the planks sliding around any more :)

Hi Keith,

Yes, I tried to hide the spiling under the wales. This hull is so complex, it is practically impossible (for me anyway) to make it perfect. I decided to plank it all the way up for 2 reasons. It was going to be hard to lay the metal decorations on the hull and only plank it up to them without any unwanted spaces. It would require cutting many small thin pieces. Also, as you pointed out, the 1mm recess of the metal pieces would take away from the prominance of the decorations. I will recess the gunport linings on only the ones that have cover doors. The rest should be flush. It will be a chore to line them, but with patience I think I can do it. There are already some little pieces of wood inside the hull that I can't shake out, so a few more won't hurt. :o



  • 2 weeks later...

Painting below the waterline white.


According to the plans, the waterline does not follow the flow of the wales and falls below the lower wale at both the bow and stern. In looking at several completed models, I see that they all have painted the white to flow with the wales. This to me looks much better and will be much easier to paint since the seam will be under the lower wale and the stern will be painted right up to the bottom of the transom. I have decided to do it this way as well.

Attached are photos of 3 completed models from the Euro website that follow this idea.


Vince P.




Posted (edited)

Hi Vince, this is a painting of the Royal George in 1755, by John Clevely the elder. I took these photos when I was in the NMM in Greenwich last year. You can clearly see that the white hull follows the waterline, as per Euromodel's plans. The RW model in the NMM and the USNA do not have white painted hulls. Of course, that is the Royal George and not the Royal William, but I would imagine that she would have been painted in a similar way. 





Edited by KeithW

Regards, Keith


gallery_1526_572_501.jpg 2007 (completed): HMS Bounty - Artesania Latina  gallery_1526_579_484.jpg 2013 (completed): Viking Ship Drakkar - Amati  post-1526-0-02110200-1403452426.jpg 2014 (completed): HMS Bounty Launch - Model Shipways

post-1526-0-63099100-1404175751.jpg Current: HMS Royal William - Euromodel

  • 2 months later...

Hi Everyone,

I haven't posted for a while because I have been working on the daunting task of the second finish layer of planking. I am just about finished. :P I will post a few photos very soon.


Vince P. :dancetl6:


I finally completed the second finish layer of planking. That seemed to take forever. :o  :o It has only been sanded but not sealed or stained and painted yet.


Next up is to install the gun port linings. That will also be a monumental task as each lining consists of 4 pieces. :( I will use some of the leftover walnut planking strips.


Vince P. :dancetl6:






you treenailing the planking Vince ?  Nice work by the way. 

Hi Brian,

Yes I am going to treenail the planks after I do the gun port linings. I think I have come up with a interesting way to create the treenails. I will let you know when I get that far.



Just been browsing and ran across this build Vince, and wow, you're doing a fantastic job on her. Beautiful work on your planking, and I know I'm a little late for the party, but if you don't mind, I'll be following along with interest.







Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


I solved the problem of how to hold the little pieces of wood in place for the gun port linings. Since the linings have to be made from 4 individual pieces each and placed into the ports, it is challenging to hold the pieces without dropping them in the ship.


I created a little tool from some scrap plywood that holds the pieces. I then put some CA glue on the piece, slip in the port hole and while holding it in place, give a little squirt of instant bonder. The piece stays in place and I just slip the little tool off and remove it. It works perfectly. :D Now I just have to place about 400 of these little pieces. :o


Vince P. :dancetl6:






hi vince


I am sure: every serious modeller is some kind of engineer :D


Your build comes great... compliments





Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Nice piece of ingenuity Vince! 





Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Nice work. I hope you don't mind if I hop in and watch the construction. This is one of my favorite models. One of these days, I'll have to take the plunge. 


Best Regards, 


Rick Shousha



G'day Vince

I did something similar on the airport on my HMS ENDEAVOUR. What I found that helped me a lot was to put some double sided tape on the tool to just hold the piece of wood, but make sure the tape is only slightly sticky that will hold the material that your are glueing in the gun ports. When the glue is just holding you can move the tool away. I found that balsa glue was the best to glue the piece on because it was quick drying. Hope this helps you.



"Nothing is impossible, it's only what limitations that you put on yourself make it seems impossible! "


Current log : The Royal Yacht Royal Caroline 1749 1:32 by Greg Ashwood:...


  • 2 weeks later...

I have finished framing the gunports. It was a tedious jub, but not as bad as I thought it would be. I got spoiled from other kits I have built where the gunports are located by templates and the frames come already made. :P


Next up is another tedious task. Trenailing the hull planks. I am going to try something I got from another experienced builder. Using round toothpicks. They are already round and tapered at each end, so you can make 2 trenails per toothpick. Just drill a small hole in the plank, put a dab of PVA on the end of the toothpick and push it into the hole. Trim it off and sand it. I will give it a try on some spare wood and if it looks good, I will do it this way. It beats having to taper down small dowls. Wish me luck! :o


Vince P. :dancetl6:





Nice job on those gun-ports Vince!  :dancetl6:  Good luck with the tree-nailing.







Don't be bound by the limits of what you already know, be unlimited by what you are willing to learn.


Member of the Nautical Research Guild


Hi Vince


looking forward to see your success with the tree-nails. I am not so far to tree-nail the planks yet.But I want to do this someday too...

I hope the toothpick-thing will work :D





Next: Friedrich Wilhelm zu Pferde by Euro Model 1:47


Finished: Half Moon Corel;  HMY Royal Caroline Panart; HMB Endeavour Occre 1:54; Fregatte Berlin, Corel, 1:40



A life without dogs is possible... but worth to live?


Excellent planking job, Vince!

Give the toothpick/treenailing a try. I have used that technique in the past and it has worked for me.


Good luck!!!

There aren't but two options: do it FAST, or do it RIGHT.


Current Project Build Log: Soleil Royal in 1/72. Kit by Artesania Latina.

Last finished projectsRoyal Ship Vasa 1628; French Vessel Royal Louis 1780. 1/90 Scale by Mamoli. 120 Cannons


Future projects already in my stash: Panart: San Felipe 1/75; OcCre: Santísima Trinidad 1/90;

Wish List: 1/64 Amati Victory, HMS Enterprise in 1/48 by CAF models.


So much to build, so little time!



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