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Just found your build log, welcome to the HMS Victory build, there is a wealth of experience on this site from other HMS Victory builders, such as Shipyard Sid, Gil and Jerry which I have found to be invaluable as I progress with my build.

Glenn (UK)


Hi Rich

I don't know anything about Victory but just found your log. Your work is looking really good.


Going back to your deck planking post...keep that caulking really fine IMHO. At 1:72 it would nearly be invisible. I know a lot of builders here go for Sharpie's or archive pens. An HB pencil does the trick for me. A thin line and no bleed into the planking.


I reckon treenailing is a good way to go. Just match your treenails to the colour of the planks using wood paste and you can't see them. I'm not trying to be being clever with that comment - you can actually see them but only at certain angles. It adds a detail that works in certain respects. I definitely do not favour black treenails and a deck covered with them like measles.


Your second planking looks top notch - I don't think I can add much more. Victory is a major mission!




Current Build - 

On Hold - HMS Fly by aliluke - Amati/Victory Models - 1/64

Previous Build  - Armed Virginia Sloop by Model Shipways

Previous Build - Dutch Whaler by Sergal (hull only, no log)



Hello Rich

Yep no probs with this. Exellent planking. It's a bit of a shame you are going to hide it with copper plates. Good luck with the upward continuation of your planking . Keep enjoying it. DAVID


Hello All, Thanks for the comments and support very much appreciated.


@ Mtdoramike. Super Glue  :rolleyes:, the upper parts around gun ports, will may be the same not got that far.


@aliluke. Ill give the HB a shot see how that comes out, Still not sure about tree nails, it might be too much on this build.


Over the week end I should finish the 2nd layer of the hull, Ill get a few picture up then, I'm also looking at the Fibre lights, just for ideas real,



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution

Posted (edited)

I Have finish planking the 2nd layer of the hull, I have cut the the upper Gun Deck in two has I had a problem dry fitting. I found it was about 2mm to big i have sanded it now it fits.


NOW! I do have a problem and need advice, The inner Bulwalk  is out of alignment, Suggestions please. 



Edited by Rich.f



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution


Hello Rich

Work is looking excellent so far. Ok inner bulwarks are out of line. I surmise they are out of line height wise. Is that correct ?? If so I will come back to you on the prob..DAVID


Good afternoon David,

Yes they are high by 1/8"


Just before lunch. I check measurements again they still seem fine,

Your help will much be appreciated.



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution


Hello Rich

Trim the underside of the bulwark pattern until the outer hull and inner bulwark cills are level, then trim the top until the bulwark pattern fit in with the gun ports level. Don't worry about the bulwark patterns being a bit slack if you overdo it , It all gets planked and hidden. It's a good idea to make up a gun carriage and use the barrel as a gauge if you follow, but remember you need some planking strip under the wheels as your deck is not yet planked. Once you get the deck and bulwark patterns both planked fit a thin trim as an edging if you follow. I have added a photo to help you understand, but will delete if you tell me. Sorry to be long winded. Give me a shout if any of this does not make sense DAVID




Hello Rich

I totally agree with David's advise.

My inner bulwarks sat high so I also had to trim the bottom edge to get the gun ports to align correctly.

Glenn (UK)

Posted (edited)

Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 


After taking the Advice from David  & Glen, (thanks again)


As you can see the pencil line I carefully cut and sanded this off, it fits great now, I still have other side so to.




I did make a cannon,( not fully glued as i there are a few things i want to do, but just to prove its now at the right hight. (There is not decking under the cannon, I had removed it,so it will be a few mm higher.



Will work on the rest for the next week or so


Edited by Rich.f



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution


Hello Rich

Glad to see you have got it sorted, good luck with the next phase of your build.


I've booked a night in Fareham toward the end of next month so my wife and I can visit HMS Victory. Last time I was down there was in the early 80's when I doing some work on the old navel bases HMS Dryad and HMS Vernon, use to stay in the Ocean hotel in Southsea.

Glenn (UK)


I'm also glad its sorted that baffled me for a good few hours. 


Does anyone know where to get the netting from as there was none in the kit?



Sam, Yes!!!! :P only about 20 + to make, 


Glen, A Lot has changed, I have lived here all my life and my Father took me to a few time when there was a mess drink at HMS Vernon,( was was so young then, LOL   Hope you have a great time down here. (( you will probably need a good half day to enjoy every thing now.))



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution


I'm also glad its sorted that baffled me for a good few hours. 


Does anyone know where to get the netting from as there was none in the kit

Hi Rich,

Nice work.

Some builders use tulle. It is available in white, grey and black (and a variety of other colours as well).

It may help to soak it in diluted PVA, mould it and let it set.

I hope this is of some help.


Regards, Paul


Hi Rich.

Just read your build log start to present ... Most impressed with your build and style.

She is going to be a large ship when finished :)

It's nice to have builders out there and are willing to help with excellent advice and support.

Will follow to compleasion of build.


Regards Antony.

Best advice ever given to me."If you don't know ..Just ask.

Completed Mayflower

Completed Fun build Tail boat Tailboat

Completed Build Chinese Junk Chinese Pirate Junk

Completed scratch built Korean Turtle ship 1/32 Turtle ship

Completed Santa Lucia Sicilian Cargo Boat 1/30 scale Santa Lucia

On hold. Bounty Occre 1/45

Completed HMS Victory by DeAgostini modelspace. DeAgostini Victory Cross Section

Completed H.M.S. Victory X section by Coral. HMS Victory cross section

Completed The Black Pearl fun build Black Queen

Completed A large scale Victory cross section 1/36 Victory Cross Section


Tulle is the way to go, based on information provided by other builders. It's readily available and not very expensive.


I had not heard the tip about soaking in diluted glue but I think it sounds like a good idea to try, nothing ventured nothing gained.

Glenn (UK)


HI All thanks for stopping by, appreciated as always


I have half way lined the starboard side gun ports, should have this finished this weekend and some of the planking 


>Paul, Hello and welcome to my log, I will give that a try, what sort of mix, 1/1?


>Glen, Ill Let you know about the netting, over the weekend


>Antony:, Hello and Welcome, Totally agree the help and support from everyone is fantastic, Sometime i dont write and update post, I just troll though logs, so see what people are doing, tipsand see if i could add advice.

up to there.



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution


HI Nick, er NO!! you did not, I guess the baby has kept you busy?. Hope all is well you you all?, No not been waiting much only been like 6months LOL who's counting .. when erver you have time pal.


Yes she sure is and about 20x the size  :)



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution

Posted (edited)

Lovely job Rich mate :D .


That looks like a big ship build.

The Calercraft kit is a fine project, good luck shipmate


Foxy :piratebo5:

Edited by foxy

Hello All Thought I would sit down tonight and post and update from the No 10 Ship yard,


Thank you all for comments and likes, very appreciated.


I have installed the rework of the inner gun port (one side, atm) and lined the gun ports and slowly working my way up with the 2nd layer of planking,


I have decided to line the rest of the gun ports just to break up the build for now. I also have noticed that i need to cut out 2 gun ports on the bow :(


Gun ports are are 2x per night :)


Cheers :)






Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution

Posted (edited)

Hello rich

Everything looks fine, excellent progress. Two gunports at the bow???? . I have not bothered with them and only know one build that has. See Yons log page 4, he was not happy. Have a look then you can decide wether or not to do them. So best to leave them for now. Good luck with the gunport linings. DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid

Hello David, Ok that's great I did wonder why they where on on the templates,  Have you had a issue when lining the gun ports, and checking the size with the lids and they are to small? 



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution

Posted (edited)


You could use thin marquetry veneer to simulate those gunports later on if you decide to do them. I am prob telling you the road you know but the gunport lids are not square. For example the middle and upper deck lids are approx 20mm x 18mm. The 20 mm is the width of the lid and 18mm is the depth. So use one of the lids to ensure you have clearance on the width of the ports themselves before you line them if you follow. You prob know you will need to put CA on the walnut lining strip or it will split when you cut it. DAVID

Edited by Shipyard sid

Thank you all for viewing,likes and comments


Well, I have managed to size and line another 5 Gun port. should finish the lower Gun ports on the starboard side. finding it bit fiddly, but no rush, just sat here watching tv while working.



Builds in Progress:   HMS Victory


Completed Builds:   Constucto Enterprise


Future Builds 2021/2022 USS Constitution

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