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Randy, I think the CA would actually make them more brittle while the PVA is absorbed into the grain and offers strength. When I did mine I did not use glue at all because stain and poly seem to show the dried glue, so instead I just used the clear poly to coat them and help hold them together. I have one corner of those beak gratings that still broke, I have no more to redo it, and I just decided to heck with it, I will "cover" the hole with a coil of rope or something when she is all done.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



Hey, I am new here, and I am not the greatest modeler (though I hope to become one over the coming years). I just wanted to comment on the blackening of brass: washing all of the parts with detergent and then acetone may help a lot. Even the slightest bit of oil, even if it is just from your skin, will impede the blacking process (called bluing in other disciplines).


Acetone (100%, not finger nail polish) is the universal organic solvent. Hydrochloric Acid is a good metal etch that doesn't corrode copper or brass at a very fast rate. For best results, wash with acetone and then HCl (muratic acid at stores, for cleaning masonary).


Nitric acid works well also with many metals but is hard to get. Ive also seen Phosphoric and Acetic (vinegar is 3%) Acids used in car prep. It helps paint adhesion to metal.


Welcome to MSW Tim.


Brittleosity... I think you mean an increase in the brittiolitic coefficient.... :D  thats the Most correcterest way of saying it :P


Speaking of Acetone and its organic properties reminds me of this "Mr know it all" in my organic chem class (no not me).

Anyway he'd bought these REALLY expensive safety glasses and was bragging on how much they cost.

I then watched the doofus clean them with Acetone (always in an organic lab).

Can you say "permanent FOG", The lens when opaque instantly....

I never laughed so hard... :dancetl6:


I stayed on the opposite end of the lab as this guy. He was good at heating closed containers.


Speaking of Acetone and its organic properties reminds me of this "Mr know it all" in my organic chem class (no not me).

Anyway he'd bought these REALLY expensive safety glasses and was bragging on how much they cost.

I then watched the doofus clean them with Acetone (always in an organic lab).

Can you say "permanent FOG", The lens when opaque instantly....

I never laughed so hard... :dancetl6:


I stayed on the opposite end of the lab as this guy. He was good at heating closed containers.


The chemist - he also is the chemist, slightly that - organic solvents, acids... :dancetl6:  :) 

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)


One of the analytical post doctoral professors at my university told me one semester (he was from the Ukraine, Garward) that at one interview they took him into a lab with ditry glasware and a stocked cabinet and said wash that glassware and they would be back in 1 hour. Cleaning glassware can be a challenge if one does not know the correct methods. Dr Nazarenko taught me much about analytical chemistry. I was his teaching assistant for one semester of quantitative analysis.


That was the class that made me chose analytical as my field as an undergrad. I loved teaching the lab as a grad student.


I agree, without knowing the correct methods and receptions of performance of any work, anything good you won't make :D . Dr Nazarenko well taught you!  :) 

Best regards,




Is under construction Montanes


Ready models Golden Star Corsair San Francisco II

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron

Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron (second version)


Thanks for the welcome lamarvalley, my current project is a Revell Cutty Sark (1:96) that I started years and years ago. I know that isn't much being plastic and all. I am about to graduate college next month and then I am starting another Revell Cutty Sark. My main goal there is just to get good at painting and such and I will do a build log. My overall goal is to begin modelling in wood maybe next year or so. The main thing holding me back is just cost. I am following your build log and several others too so that I can learn all I can about modelling with wood. I am extremely impressed with your workmanship too! Please, keep posting lots of photos!


ROTFLMAO - .....Randy said, Yes... yes, that's it... that coefficient doohinky (technical verbiage) was just the phrase I was seeking... :huh:


like my word was any more realer then yours, I just love butchering the english language. Robbyn may not like that though :(


@timhoffman   :722972270:

Don't worry about the Revell Plastic, most of us have done plastic models and a Cutty Sark 1:96 deserves a log, plastic or wood. There are some GREAT plastic models on MSW. Don't think less of your efforts because of its type. Plus there's no place like a log to get any help you need.


Congrat's on Graduating also, WOW can't believe tomorrrows May... just think one more round and then NO MORE FINALS!!! :D  :D  :D


not just realer but more realer, at least I didn't say it was the most realerest.


I once had one of the HS grammar teachers grade one of my intra-class memo in front of her class (she even used a RED pen :o). My scholar bowl students that were in that class told me about it later that day at lunch. I laughed.

I use to spell and use horrible grammar just because it annoyed that particular teacher.



HAHAHAHAHHHHAHHhhhahahahhhahah :dancetl6:  :dancetl6:  :dancetl6:  :dancetl6:  :dancetl6: :dancetl6:  :dancetl6:  :dancetl6:   worth a chorus line of dancing pirates. 


Of course we're not trying to anger your wrath. Just make you smile, :D  Reading is PHUNdumental! Hooked on Fonic worked for me.


Geesh. Youse guys is enuff too cause someone of us to gotta laugh or sumtin. What're ya gonna do when you need to connect that whatsit on the front end to the thingy that hangs from the stick? You guys are certainly more better at reinventerating things than my kids are!


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


lookin good. Your bow lines are great   



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


beautiful. and yeah a tweezer where th ebeak is padded with something would be great . i had the same issue installing th eshutters on my kom . had to get the small brush out to retouch them


Current builds : HMS Bounty, Constructo Pilar

Next build : undecided

On the Shelf : AL San Juan, Mamoli HMS Victory

Builds on hold : Ochre Gorch Fock, Hachette/Amati Black Pearl

Previous Builds Gallery : Virginia; King of Mississippi

Previous Builds logs : AL King of Mississippi 1/80


I have seen some tweezers with a rubberized tip for sale on some site or another, but sorry I can't tell you where. I swear I have been everywhere on the internet when it comes to modeling supplies and tools. I like your ladders, sailors wont have trouble with the stairs being too close to the guns now.  Major diff between this kit, and one Chuck has written instructions for...in his, he has included the forethought. Instructs you to drill here, or drill there, and then 30 steps later when it is time to install something, the holes are already there!


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



I recall a discussion, probably on the place to be, Robbyn's :), about NOT fixing the deadeyes in until the angle could be set with the 'raising of the mast ' ceremony... That will be next week or so and I'm hoping my wife and college age girls will attend and salute for such and occasion but I fear there will be little pomp and absolutely no circumstance for the event. They have no real appreciation for the sea and the shipyard... go figure :(

 Last night when I completed the lanyards on my first shroud, I let out a whoop and a fist pump. Other half just looked at me from the recliner and asked me if I was hurt :o Some people just don't get it Randy :( , good thing we have MSW :D


The deadeyes and chainplates are looking good. When I got my masts and the shroud lines up, then I could see the angle the chainplates needed to go. I was also at that time able to see where they would fall in regards to the gun ports. I had a couple that would have extended right over the center of those ports, so I just shortened the chain. I did this by sticking one of the brass nails between the twist above the port and nailing it to the ship. a spot of CA to keep it all together and an unceremonious snip of the excess chainplate. I know, I know, NOT historically accurate, but without a magnifying glass you can't see that the nail is not driven through a "loop" at the end of the chainplate anyway. I only had a tiny channel between the rubbing strake and the port frame anyway.


If you risk nothing, you risk everything!


Current builds

Syren (Model Shipways) version 2.0

AL San Francisco II

Mordaunt (Euro Model)

Completed Builds

18th Century Longboat designed by Chuck Passaro

In the closet

Battle Station

Al Charles Morgan (1980s version)



I triple dog dare you ; )



Lookin good, have you though about what your next build will be?



Current build(s) ;

AL San Francisco II



MS Rattlesnake



Sitting on the shelf : MS Constitution, MS Sultana,


Wish List : MS Essex, Confederacy, and Syren, and a Victory kit by someone ?


"80% of the time it works every time."


When in question, your asking yourselve for permission. Only you know, permission for what?


Just remember, it isn't a race and the last one done IS NOT a rotten egg. The longer it takes, the more economical the hobby is also. Unless you spend extra on wood, but I can justify that as this is MY hobby and ALL my excuses are OK. So are YOURS. Do what you feel.


In the infamous word's of that great statesman Jimney Cricket -  ....and always let your conscience be your guide....

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