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If you are so inclined, you can use a very fine pencil (like a clutch pencil) to put treenails in. I did it on mine and it came up quite well.








I am relying on your build of the tops. My eyes cant get all the details in the AOS plans. Yours are superb.




Thanks Don, Pat, Greg, Dashi & Michael for checking in and you kind comments.

I follow all your build logs gentlemen, and many more.

Outstanding work by all, with many details I am sure thrashed out over the cups of coffee, and hours of thought.



I am inclined.

I was only thinking of that same topic today, great minds think alike ??.

I saw somewhere(may of been your log ?) using drafting Leads to simulate the cheek pins on the masts.

And I just happen to have plenty of 0.5mm HB from my drafting days(previous life/job) which should do the trick.



Just trying my best to get some detail into items.

It is sometimes challenging to build a 3D picture in the head space, of what an item will finally end up as.

Especially when details are spread over many pages and sketches.

Like these "tops", I will be adding, as others I am sure have, all the "rigging" blocks etc. on before final " hoisting of the masts".


So many  more pictures to come fellas.

"a picture tells a thousand words"


PS Fore top done, with Mizzen not far away.

I seemed to go quicker on each one.



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Bit more work in the Shipyard

Mast Tops


Mizzen Top taking shape.

fiddly work this one was.



inner beams/rails roughed in, nearly done.




3 Mast Tops ready for finishing off.




Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Shipyard Update:



Middle Chock added to each of the 3 MastTops.



Trial fit at the top of the ForeMast.

Picture is just after adding the Jeer block cleats - both sides. I believe the cleats are only on the Main and Fore Masts(is this correct ? I am not sure?).

I placed mine a bit higher to make sure plenty of room below for the shrouds to wrap around. 



Hoops being added to the Masts.

I retro fitted a home made wooden "lathe" I built some time ago to hold spars(masts) so I have both hands free to work on them. Works well for wrapping card and the woolding.






Main and Fore Masts standing tall.

Slowly getting their, woolding and hoops on.



So much more to go, I keep finding things to make and add, it seems to never end.



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Your masts and tops are looking fantastic, very nice detailing.


Love the lathe idea for rolling the masts. I will give this a try.




I know the feeling of never ending tasks Dave ;)  Keep going and treat eash task as a separate project you can tick off and you'll be there before you know it.


Those masts look excellent BTW





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)


What is going on ?


So have been working through on a few lashings for the stays to the masts.

I came across a dilemma with Main topmast preventer stay and the Mizzen top mast stay.

The clips(below) from the Endeavour AOTS  show different methods of attaching the above stays. Page 101 in the Standing Rigging section and Pages 117 & 188 are from the Running Rigging section.

Also had a look at some of the great Endeavour builds on the site to see what others have done.

I decided to go 50/50, hope I got it somewhere near correct.



Fore Mast methods:


5mm pulley for the Main topmast preventer stay



5mm Heart for the Main Stay


Main Mast methods:

2 Thimbles and a Heart block for the Mizzen stays





Mizzen strops:



Cleats on Mizzen and Fore Masts:




Small steps.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Very nice work Dave, the servings are nice and tight and look good.  Glad to see you added the cleats to the Belfry.  I didn't and it is now impossible to add them causing me some belaying issues as i add the clew, leech and buntlines - oh well, live and learn ;)





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)



How did you stain your masts without getting the stain all over the tan bands?



Nice work Dave


Regarding the stays, the AOTS is wrong I think, those mizzen stay arrangements are from a later period. The mizzen stay and mizzen top mast stay were set up using dead eyes according to Lees (the replica also has this arrangement) Mizzen preventer stays were not used at the time of Cooks voyage. The main stay, topmost stay and topmost preventer stay are correct in the AOTS




Current Build: HMB Endeavour 1:51 (Eaglemoss part work)

Previous Builds: USS Constitution (Revell plastic) HMS Victory 1:96 (Corel) HMB Endeavour 1:60 (AL)


Very nice work Dave, the servings are nice and tight and look good.  Glad to see you added the cleats to the Belfry.  I didn't and it is now impossible to add them causing me some belaying issues as i add the clew, leech and buntlines - oh well, live and learn ;)





Hi Pat,

I've lost the hours I've spent "looking ahead" to see what else should be added onto an item, so it is there when the time comes.

I'll miss something I am sure.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768




How did you stain your masts without getting the stain all over the tan bands?



For each fake timber band, I was very careful to not use excess glue(CA).

It soaks into the card and forms a solid. It is easy using a scalpel blade to slice of unwanted bits.   

I coated the bands with CA glue to seal each band.


Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


Posted (edited)

Hi Dave, if you are going to add the blocks to the yards, be sure to check the running rigging (sails) section of the AOTS as there are a few extras I did not see :)





[Edit:  Also shows the leads for the buntlines]

Edited by BANYAN

If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)

Posted (edited)

Shipyard Update

More work has progressed on the 3 x Mast Tops.


The yard has crafted the Futtock dead eyes.

A few Pictures of how these were made from copper wire, welded, filed and hole drilled in the end, then blackened.






Close up of the Fore Mast Top with:

- Bolsters added

- eye bolt for the topsail yard tye fall

- Rail on the back of the mast top(my interpretation)



All dead eyes secured to the Mast Tops:

Also added the eye bolt on the Main Mast Top(not sure if I needed it, better to add now, near impossible later on)



Although I have Marquardt's Endeavour AoTS, I am keen to get another detailed resource for the rigging, being their is so much to it all.

I have ordered a copy of Lees "'Masting & Rigging of English ships of War 1625 - 1860"



Dave R

Edited by DaveRow

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


Posted (edited)

Dave get Rigging Period Ship Models by Lenneth Peterson if you dont have it. It is worth its weight in gold. Very easy to understand and goes into a lot of detail that is very easy to understand.


It covers both sail & non sail configurations of Square rigs and goes mast to mast for each of the specific variations.


Made the Caldercraft Endeavour plans and square rigging easy to understand.


Now the real fun begins...


PS where is the Compass / Draw/cupboard  unit over the wheel skylight end, did you remove it or is it not in the Corel kit.



HI Paul,

The Compass/draw/cupboard thingy, did not come with the Corel Kit, neither did a lot of items.

Have not constructed it yet. On the list of the "to do", with many other items.

Come to think of it, probably why this build is taking so long, I am scratch making so many items that come with other kits.


Aiming to get the masts up, and before rope work, finish the deck fittings off.


Dave R

Edited by DaveRow

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Dave, as I have just learned and from experience; wherever possible only dry fit (especially if using locator pins to support fittings) some of the deck furniture/fittings (such as the pumps etc) that are close to the bitts / pin rails etc to allow more room for belaying lines to the pins in particular - otherwise it gets too fiddly and you risk damage.  Those items can be fitted/glued later as most of the affected ones can be added later, especially if you have used locator pins.





If at first you do not suceed, try, and then try again!
Current build: HMCSS Victoria (Scratch)

Next build: HMAS Vampire (3D printed resin, scratch 1:350)

Built:          Battle Station (Scratch) and HM Bark Endeavour 1768 (kit 1:64)

  • 2 weeks later...

Shipyard - Trestle Trees & Mast Caps


Well the shipyard is slowly moving up to the dizzy heights of the masts.

We have fitted the Trestle Trees to the 3 masts.

The fore needed packing to make a snug fit, won't been seen when all said and done.








Fore Trestle Tree fitted:



Mizzen Trestle Tree fitted:


3 Mast Caps:

Each is hand crafted from pear wood. The ones supplied in the kit very grainy and mismatched sizes.


I had a some small bolts, but not small enough to use - bugger



Decided to use a small pin with a cap head for the bolts.



Heads lost in the black paint.


Although one cannot see, the underside of each cap has pre-drilled holes for the 4 eye bolts on each cap head. The eye bolts fitted when the tackle/pulleys made. I have learnt to hang off on gluing on some things.



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



TopMast Trestle & Cross Trees



Cross Trees


Hand carved from larger section, kept in place with rods at each end(tip from Greg Lester)



Decided to glue the Trestles and Cross pieces as one(1) unit - they are fairly small.

All pieces are checked into each other. 

Eack will slide as one unit down the top-mast heads onto the top of the hounds(Hex).

Tip Dave: don't glue the caps on yet !


TopMast Trees

Made the caps(same as the lower ones, only smaller(much smaller), but with out pins)


Fit snug onto the topmasts.



Bolsters either side glued in place.



Tapered ends and a hole on end cross tree.


Be a shame to paint these black. ?

Maybe not ?



Now to a sheave issue or maybe not.

The top mast sections have some sheaves built into them. Different sizes.

I've only managed to get 2.5mm and 4mm diameter x 1mm wide sheaves.

But not sure if I should use them ?



The Mizzen Topmast being a small diameter, can be weakened by the tunneling through to create a sheave recess. So for now I cut a recess either side and a hole top/bottom(for rope to pass through). 

How does this look ? Maybe add a pencil led either side for shaft ?



Same for the bottom of the topmasts.

Although a larger diameter, once in place, not used.


Just noticed >> fid holes and pins to make.


Next to make the thin !! topgallant masts, this will be interesting.



Dave R

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768



Hi Dave,


Looking good and making good progress



I had a some small bolts, but not small enough to use - bugger


Probably just as well they didn't fit as I am led to believe Hexagonal nuts and bolts didn't exist at the time of Endeavour. Possibly square heads but don't know for sure.






HM Bark Endeavour (First Wood, On Hold)

Borodino (1:200 Card, Current Build)

Admiral Nakhimov (card 1/200)

Mazur D-350 Artillery Tractor (1:25 Card) 

F-8 Crusader (1:48 Aircraft, Plastic)

Posted (edited)

In the Shipyard Update


After what seems a very long time, we have raised the mast sections to see how they are taking shape.




Loose fit for now, until the fun starts adding the standing rigging.


Some close ups to show the warts.


Top Gallant sections 



These are straight off the Lathe. Well nearly, the top of the Fore TG, twisted off as the lathe slowed down. The top is only 2.5mm in diameter and I guess the torque was too much. Some glue and filler, sanding and after a coat of black, won't know it was brocken.


Mast Sections:



The mast sections all basically made. Each of the top mast sections do slide up through the mast caps.


Trestle-Trees & Cross-Trees:



Where all the action takes place.


Fore Mast Trestle Cross Trees:



Fore Mast > Topmast:



I filed a section of brass rod down to a rectangle, for each "Fid" pin at the bottom of each top mast. No Fid plate, might look at adding some in(not that it will be noticable later on at the small scale)


The top of the Fore Mast - Top Gallant:



Needs some touchup of the paint work. It got scratched working its way through the "caps". All the black on the masts needs a touchup. It was this top that broke(slowing down in the Lathe), came up good thank god, I didn't wish to turn up another.


Looking down on the Fore Mast Top.



Things will get very busy around these mast tops - well one day I hope it will.


I might take a break from the masts for a while. The rope, block and tackle, as much as I am looking forward to it, will just have to wait some.


Time to finish off the deck furniture and other works, to "clear the decks" for the rigging stage.

Maybe try my hand at the "ships boats". Only 4 to make, how long could that take. ??



Dave R

Edited by DaveRow

Dave R

Measure twice, cut once.


Next Build !   : HMB Sirius 1786 - Flagship of the First Fleet to Australia (gathering plans & reference materials)

Finished Build: HMB Endeavour 1768


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