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Niagara by Rich_engr - Model Shipways - 1:64

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Friday update:  during by few breaks from the job hunt, I managed to form all of the breech and side plates and blacken all of the gun hardware.  :)  I just made a quick jig to hold the carriages and slides so I can drill the holes for the eyebolts in quick succession- takes only 5 mins!


So now I have a full set of parts for 6 carronades, blocks & tackles included.  :)

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sorry to hear about your job. good luck - at least your model will get a little more love and attention.



Current Build:

Krabbenkutter CUX-87

Harriet Lane

Fishcutter GO-38


In the Wings:

Corel Victory Cross section


Completed Build:

USS Missouri minimissouri.jpgHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat thumbnail.jpg Peterboro Canoe tiny.jpg

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Thanks.  The layoff was a shock (like getting sideswiped by a semi truck), but I'm positive about the hunt.  :)  As for my build, it gets the usual attention, but not as much as one would think I have time for, since my #1 priority is finding a new job.  But I do take an hour or so here and there to do a few little things, which makes for slooooow progress...

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Hello Rich,

I hope both of the tasks at hand (job hunting and boat building) are moving forward.  I also would like to wish you well in your hunt for a job.  It is not a task that many people, I am sure, like to have to do.  For your own mental health I hope you have a good support network within your family/ friends/ and community to keep putting your best foot forward and your chin up.  I can't wait to see your carronades!    



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Thank you for the support!!!  Yeah, being forced into this position isn't what I had in mind, but I am staying positive and thankfully I do have the support of family and friends (and MSW'ers)!  I've already been hitting the hunt pretty steadily, and got a new suit today so I'm ready if called!  ;) 


I've been mass-producing all of the gun hardware and tackle, so once all parts are ready, it'll be a gun-build-a-thon.  :)  After that, it's on to the deck hardware & structures.  :)

The build is a nice break and helps to keep the mind fresh in between searching and applying (plus keeps the creativity alive too, which is definitely needed).  :)

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I can understand that.  Hard times will inevitably fall on us all and to have a hobby not to retreat in to but to be refreshed from can be a great benefit.  I know that last year I had an employer who stood me up on a few months of pay.  It put my wife and I into hard times, but now I have found really meaningful work, and a lot has turned around.  Good and bad times will come and go but those who care about will stick around.  I know that there are many here that would wish you all the best.


And thank goodness for gun-build-a-thon's



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Today I was able to attach the breech & side plates for the rest of the carronades (while waiting for computer to reboot since it's slooooow from job hunting 10+hrs a day).  Now I just need to seize a few more pigtails & reeve the remaining sets of tackle.  I'll try to get a pic or two of what I have done thus far.  :)

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Hi Rich,


I'm still playing catch up on everyones build status and just read about your bad run of luck. I hope the situation turns around for you very soon, with an employment outcome better than before.


Your cannonades look very nice with sharp detail.




Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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Thank you for your support.  Yeah, the hunt is tiring and exhausting, but I do see it as an opportunity for something much, much better.  :) 


As for the carronades, maybe I'll paint the missing two and tackle some tackle.  :)  It's nice to be able to see 18 of them at the same stage and ready to go- it's been a loooong trip with them, and hope to finish that stage soon and move onto deck hardware and structures.  :)

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Ahh...  finally heard back from one company in the hunt- hopefully land an interview soon!!  :)


After searching for about 9hrs today, I managed to paint the last two guns and the remaining wheel castings.  Maybe if I take a break I'll finish attaching the rings for the breechlines.  Seizing & reeving will have to wait another day or two....  :(


As we used to say in music (yes, I was a band geek...  "this one time at bandcamp..."), "Poco-e-poco, meno moso"  (My Italian is rusty since I haven't picked up an instrument in over ten years.)



One thing to note:  the quantity of eyebolts in the kit seems rather light- I might need to whip out some homemade ones (still have my drill bit & arrow nock for twisting eyebolts).  ;)

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<fingers crossed for you>  Life is stressful enough and then when the hammer falls, it's our hobbies and those who care about us that give us hope and relief from the stress.  Looking forward to seeing the guns all put together.

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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I love all those carronades! I am sure it is times like these that you are glad that you are not building a First rate ship with five or six times the guns.  Great work and once again good luck on the job hunt.  I've got my fingers crossed as well.



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Mark,  per your request, here are the guns (with breech plates, side plates and rings) placed on deck:








Some touchup paint is still needed, and now I'm seizing the tackle lines.  :)


Good news is that I applied to 2 jobs today, and an HR guy called me back 15mins later!!!  :)  <fingers crossed>

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The pictures look great! Now you have a fighting ship.




Current Build

US Brig Niagara

Completed Builds

George W Washburn - 1890 Tugboat

Future Builds

18th Century Longboat by MS

HM Cutter Cheerful

Wappen Von Hamburg by Corel


If your not making mistakes, your not challenging yourself – my life has been full of challenges :)

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Rich, the caronnades look great in their proper spots. I can't wait to see your rigging on them. I've got my fingers crossed for you as well.

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Friday Update:  Managed to turn about 12ft of rope for the gun tackle (two 6ft runs on the ropewalk).  According to my calculations, I will need to make a grand total of about 60ft of rope for all of the guns (and another 10ft or so for the breech lines).  I've been gobbling up the 008" tan line for the tackle (3 strands per)- may need more for the rest of the ship!


For the tackle & train lines, I've been using 3 strands of the 008 tan line (each SB + DB gets about 7in worth for seizing, reeving, and coiling/wrapping).  I've made about half of the total rope needed thus far.

For the breech lines, I make those using 3 strands of the 020 tan line (about 6-8in or so for seizing around the rings and slack in the lines when guns are stowed).  All of the breech line rope has been made.


My goal is to seize & reeve a set of tackle for 2 guns a day (10 lines), which is about another 10days of work there...  :)

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The guns look great, Rich. The various lines you're planning will bring them to life.


It's great to hear that you're getting callbacks.   <still keeping my fingers crossed for you>

"The shipwright is slow, but the wood is patient." - me

Current Build:                                                                                             
Past Builds:
 La Belle Poule 1765 - French Frigate from ANCRE plans - ON HOLD           Triton Cross-Section   

 NRG Hallf Hull Planking Kit                                                                            HMS Sphinx 1775 - Vanguard Models - 1:64               


Non-Ship Model:                                                                                         On hold, maybe forever:           

CH-53 Sikorsky - 1:48 - Revell - Completed                                                   Licorne - 1755 from Hahn Plans (Scratch) Version 2.0 (Abandoned)         



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The guns look really good on deck.  Nice work.

Joseph Osborne

Pennsylvania, USA


Current Build: US Brig Niagara Model Shipways 1:64

Previous Builds: Scientific Sea Witch 1:76 Solid hull

                           Revell USS Constitution (plastic)

                           Monogram: Yacht America (plastic)

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Hey Joseph- thank you and welcome aboard!  Now, in addition to seizing the rest of the tackle, I'm going to install the eyebolts on the deck & bulkheads.  :) 


This morning I made another 8ft of rope while the coffee was brewing.  :)


On the job hunting front- had a mini phone interview today & looks very promising!!!  Hopefully I'll land an interview soon, followed by a schweet offer!!  :)

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One more Niagara fan.  I am from Girard, a small town West of Erie and remember the hull and masts at the foot of State Street.  I left PA in 1962 and have not seen the rebuilt Niagara as it is never in port when I visit in the summer.

I just bought a kit...Model Shipways 1/64th. $200 which seems like a good price (?) Inventoried it and everything is there.  As soon as I finish my Scientific Santa Maria, I will start on the Niagara.  The Santa Maria is my first ship and Niagara first POB.  I am hesitant to do the bearding line.  Not much room for error.   Almost bought a Fair-A-Frame.  Glad I did not!

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Roger,  welcome!  I was born in Erie, and got to visit the ship during a summer vacation once.  $200 is a pretty good deal, and the kit has plenty of stock in it.  The Niagara is my first ever wooden kit, so I'm learning as I go.  Don't be afraid of the bearding line (or anything on this build), but realize that you have people here to help and learn from.  :) 


Seriously, if I could have steadily worked on the kit when I got it 4 years ago, I would already be onto my 2nd build by now.  :) 


Once you start the kit, begin a build log and we fellow Niagara builders (and others) will follow along. 


Good luck!!!  (start a log for your Santa Maria while you're at it!!)



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Tonight I found another use for the chicken wire (besides using it as makeshift barbed wire to keep my dog from jumping a 6 foot picket fence):  pins for the gun carriages!!! 


I didn't want to use wooden dowels (seemed too "soft" for me), and brass nails or pins were too thin.  Therefore, I snipped some short pieces of maybe #18 gage galvanized wire from the fence leftovers, and they're a perfect fit in the holes.  They hold the guns VERY steady and solid, with no slack or slop, and they allow them to pivot very smoothly. 


So maybe tomorrow I'll dunk them in the B-I while perusing the job postings.  That may be all for tomorrow since I need to take my car in to get looked at (yeah, I'm an engineer yet I know NOTHING about cars.  I know more about ships & modeling than the inner workings of the modern internal combustion engine.)  lol!

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I agree about the car.  As far as I am concerned the is about 23 little elf's that live in it, moving cogs and wheels when called on.  Good find on the chicken wire I am interested to see your pics.



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Quick update:  I installed the eyebolts in the bulwarks for the guns, blackened the carriage pins, and painted the cleats.  So in between cleaning the house and job hunting I'm drilling and installing the cleats and other deck/bulwark hardware.  :) 


I'll try to get some pics up tomorrow or so.  :)

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Here's some pics of what I've done.  After job hunting all morning and mowing the lawn this afternoon, I installed all of the cleats on the bulwarks, and test-fitted the gun tackle.  Also, here's some (bad) pics of the carriage pins I made with the leftover chicken wire.  :)









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Back to the build (after having 2 recruiters and a good resource call today!): 


Yesterday I installed the eyebolts & rings for the guns' inhaul tackle on the deck, and now I'm marking the waterline so I can paint the hull (before getting too far ahead with the deck fixtures to avoid damage).  I also realized I still need to drill out the hawse pipes and install the chafing blocks...  (gotta refer to the plans more often at this stage)


So it seems like the job hunt is more active than my build, which is a good thing!  :)

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Ok. FINALLY got the upper part of the hull painted after 3hrs of trying to get the +#*?!;** waterline straight and even!! So the black is done, now gotta do the line then the lower green.


Regarding the waterline, I tried a few things: pencil in block, supported by my vice, along with trying to shim my stand to get the correct angle; freehand sketching, using some reference tick marks taken from the plans; and a weird sliding-pencil-rail-thingy jig (which did one side perfectly, but the other was all weird). Finally did a combination of freehand + tick marks + masking tape.


Getting the waterline done has definitely been the weirdest and trickiest part thus far. But now it's done, and maybe I'll get the lower half painted.


I'll get some pics up once I have the hull completely painted. :)

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