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James H

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Everything posted by James H

  1. There's some stunning metalwork there
  2. Plastic plank crimpers do have their place and I still use them from time to time. I have Amati's plank nipper and always found it very useful. Of course, the electric ones are very nice, but the nipper is a simple tool that does its job as long as the internal nip surface isn't to be seen.
  3. No, I apply straight from a bottle of Gorilla Glue CA gel. It's quite controllable. I love the stuff and it's been a godsend this last 7 months since I've been working for Vanguard. https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Gorilla-4044400-15g-Superglue-Gel/dp/B01KVQKG9C/ref=sr_1_56?dchild=1&keywords=gorilla+glue&qid=1602102905&sr=8-56
  4. For second plank, I don't edge glue. I can't see the point as the planks won't be moving anywhere. I do bevel the edges of the planks to make them sit as close as possible to the previous. Also, those little gel dots are maybe 2mm apart, roughly, and quite small.
  5. I have asked the developer about this. If you double click on a marker, or right click (I think, as I'm on a Mac), I do see who the marker is, but that should be a simple hover function.
  6. You're not trying to scroll the one a few posts up? That's a screenshot only. Look at the first image and it will tell you where to find it on the menu at the top of the site.
  7. I see 'UK' as your location under your avatar. I mean that the system looks at your location and translates it to a marker on the map.
  8. Just zoom out and scroll the map.
  9. If you only put a country, it will put a marker roughly in the middle of it, so you got the NW. Our system seems to be adding lots of markers dependent on what members added to profiles.
  10. The system looks like it's importing locations based on your profile. You may want to check that yours is there though as not every member includes their location on registration.
  11. Hi all, A short while ago, we added a map system to MSW. This allowed you to add your location/town/city to the system which would then add a pin on our global map. When we updated MSW, this became redundant as it was incompatible. We have now installed Community Maps to MSW, which works in exactly the same way as the previous. This will allow you to find any member close by, who has also added their location. A great tool for finding if there are members near you for joining any clubs perhaps, or kit trades/sales etc. This is an entirely voluntary application, meaning you manually place your location pin into the map. You can do this manually or get the system to grab your location and drop the virtual pin for you. If members added their location, this could be an invaluable tool as well as a generally interesting feature here at MSW. This is a members-only facility. To access it, click this dropdown: You will also see an extra area on your profile page, like this: If you added your pin to the previous version, you will need to DO IT AGAIN. Our apologies. Have fun with this. I'm going to spend a little while playing around with it.
  12. That is looking super! Totally nailed it 👍 Those laser-cut pearwood garboard planks are a nice touch as well, and dead easy to fit for your next layer.
  13. Masts built and installed and rig is about to start. I'll not be making another update in here until this one is complete. Hoping for a couple of weeks until finished.
  14. Hi Bradley, It's already quite heavy and I've only got as far as installing the lower gun deck, sans details. The hull itself is perfectly workable in terms of manhandling for sanding and planking, for its size. It will of course get much heavier, but I intend to plank this whilst led on my bench. There's no other way really. When I finally sand it, I'll do that outside with a thick towel on the floor on which I'll prop the model whilst I work.
  15. I think it's fair to say it should be black, or even a bottle green (sure I read that somewhere). The reason it was kept in pear was for aesthetics.
  16. Using the Amati tool is something you need to learn. I usually lean it on a finger so the pin lies against the inner wall, then work from there. Hard to believe this is your first time at planking. That is beautifully neat.
  17. No, those were missing in mine too. I've informed @cafmodel and they are sending them over.
  18. At this rate, planking will be done in a couple of days 🤣 Good to see the bulwarks site on well on the faired bulkheads.
  19. I can't believe how quickly you've progressed with this. What are those beams made from? Are those suggested or your own idea?
  20. That's coming along swimmingly. You're right about that stern. I prefer it to the Fifie in shape, but the trade off is Fifie is a tad easier to plank, although Zulu is also easy to do.
  21. That's actually a reasonable price these days. 38mm thick, 90mm across and 1.3m long. As for the dust being toxic, it's best to regard all wood dust as toxic. Don't inhale any of it.
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