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Everything posted by ChrisLBren

  1. Hey Gang, An update at last ! Ive rigged and installed the rear cannon as well as the ships wheel. As you can see by the profile photo - i probably should have mounted it about 1/32 further aft as the ropes arent centered on the drum. And i think wheel stand is a little too tall by maybe 1/16. Some corrections may be in order.... Stay tuned, Chris
  2. Chris - I think this is an amazing design. Personally i've never considered a build of a Victory or building another kit. But this one has me re considering - the modeler has so many options to fully frame out decks, and add a ton of detail to customize. I do think the price tag will be high - i cant imagine this one selling for under 1600 USD
  3. Thanks for posting Rusty - thats similar to my technique - but ive simplified it a bit further. I use the notched pieces to create the desired rectangular size of the grating. Then rather than "honeycombing" the rest with notched pieces (at 3/16 scale I'm using 1/32nd thick stock which can be delicate and break easily) - i simply use square dimensioned 1/32nd strips for the grating pieces that run vertical and rest on top of the notches of the horizontal grating pieces. Hope that makes sense ?!? Chris
  4. Ive used 100 percent Tung Oil effectively - all you need to do is sand the area you want to glue lightly. Then PVA should do the trick. Once dry you can re apply the tung. I did this to positive effect on my Confederacy, when i needed to sand areas on the interior bulwarks to glue the pin rails.
  5. Hey Randy, I think if you're not coppering - you might want to consider replacing the kit provided wood with some better quality wood (such as Cherry, Boxwood or Pear). The beauty of those models is a large part due to the hardwood used and the finish applied - in my opinion. Good luck with your build, Chris
  6. Thanks Ben ! I doubt I will bother re posting build pics - Id rather spend my spare time modeling. I do have most of them in my iPhoto - so if you or anyone else building her wants photos of a specific area/phase - let me know and Ill post or P.M. them.
  7. Hi Gang, After a hiatus due to my wife and I having twins, she's dusted off and I'm hoping to recommence this build. I've attached some not so great photos from my iphone - the idea here is just to get a log started and motivate me to get back in the shipyard - for at least a few hours per week. This build was started back in November of 2009 using Chucks plans that later were used in the Model Expo kit. The woods used were swiss pear from Hobby Mill for almost exclusively with the exception of boxwood for the decks and a little bit of ebony for the false keel and checkerboard flooring in the great cabin. Im a big fan of Fiebings dyed swiss pear and used this method for all black areas with the exceptions I just mentioned. I used three finishes, pure tung oil for the hull, Watcos Danish Oil for the deck fittings and beams, and diluted sanding sealer for the deck. My goal is to at least get the 6 lb guns rigged and installed along with the ships wheel hopefully by the end of the month so i can begin the headrails this summer if the twins cooperate.... Thats it for now - by the way the photo posts looks a bit different than the old Modelship World - any tips on the best size to upload so they look more standard/fill the screen ? Chris
  8. Looking great Remco - still following my favorite logs while on hiatus with the twins
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