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Everything posted by fnkershner

  1. Wow! Congrats. Its time for the bubbly and celebration! :pirate41: :pirate41: I just wish the water had a bit of color. In the pics it is so clear it is hard to see the water line on the boat. PS If I had your weather I think I would be in the tub right along with her.
  2. Well Mike My advice is to make sure there is no one laying on the sheets before you try to cut them up into rags for ship building.
  3. I did much the same thing on my R/C sail boat. And when it got to the point of installing the deck. I made my epoxy the consistency of Pudding. Then laid a heavy bead along the sides of the hull, installed the false deck, and turned it upside down. Over night the epoxy ran into the crack and did a wonderful job of sealing the joint. the deck was 1 solid piece.
  4. Tony! I am in tears with Laughter. Wait till you get caught. :D
  5. I think you got the scale just perfect! Not too large but still noticeable.
  6. Thanks for remembering me. Just in case you want a comparison. Here in Seattle today we currently have a temp of -5 degrees C and the forecast says the high today will be 1 or 2 degrees C. On and by the way it is snowing. I might just have to mix up some epoxy as a hand warmer. Keep up the great work. I will try to feel warmer when I look at your log.
  7. Gil - I like it. no one will know the difference when you are up close. And I want to see those clouds. PS I still have the blue cloth from that class.
  8. Gil - Judy is a saint. I can't wait to show Carol these pictures of your work table. She keeps telling me it has to be outside.
  9. How long are the 2nd planking strips? are they longer than the 1st layer. What pattern do you intend to use for the 2nd layer? and when will you plank the deck?
  10. This is a excellent example of coloring with wood. And a great result.
  11. Just remember - one of the reasons we do this hobby is to justify more tools!
  12. Rusty - I was just about to suggest something very similar to what Rob mentions above. Do you have a Drill Press? I picked one up at Home Depot for $150. It can be used as a poor man's lathe. And I have seen others use a Drill press to make cannons.
  13. Well its about time! Nice looking laminated plans you have there! Now don't you dare get ahead of me or your visitation privileges will be revoked!
  14. After running the rigging thru the beeswax I also drag it quickly over a 40 watt bulb. This tends to melt the wax into the line. I think it is much better method than using an open flame. I use Beeswax on all my rigging and I like the result. I have models with rigging that has been treated this way about 10 yrs ago and have not noticed any deterioration.
  15. I am going to suggest that you will need even more ballast than I do. My T37 is a sloop with one mast and the mast is approx. 5 ft high. she carries 635 sq inches of sail. She has a long fin keel with approx. 2 lb of lead ballast on that keel. The hull is just shy of 1 meter in length. I am guessing your boat will be bigger and carry more sail. Therefore I am also guessing you will need more ballast than I do. I know it doesn't look good but I am afraid you will also need a fin keel. I know that my T37 will turn turtle in a split second if the ballast was in the hull. It would be a shame for such beautiful work to end up upside down.
  16. Our T37 Sloops weigh in at 4.5 to 5 lbs. This includes Ballast. So I think you are fine. You may need a heavy keel.
  17. And Hard a granite once it does set. And yes it can be messy. Consider this - Many of us have Marble or Granite counter tops in our kitchens. These counter tops are actually ground up pieces of marble or granite suspended in a type of Epoxy.
  18. Jud - As I mention above. It is a very common activity in my R/C sailing club to seal both inside and out with Epoxy. We race our boats every other weekend. I know of a guy who has been racing his boat for more than 6 years and has never had the problem you describe. In fact it has been my experience that if the model is well built very little water gets inside. If you plank the hull properly and then seal with Epoxy I really doubt there will be any problems. one of the approaches that some of our club have discussed is that they seal all of the wood first with Epoxy on both sides. This leaves only the edges to join during assembly. Also on my T37 I used Epoxy exclusively as a filler, sealer and adhesive. Jud I noticed that you live in my favorite state. Did you know there is a very good Modeling club in Portland? PS I grew up in Eugene. And I am a proud Duck, Class of 81.
  19. $5000! Is that in Aussie dollars or US? Sounds like you intend to ship yourself along with the boat. Keep up the great work! On my R/C models when we are planking like this we add 1 or 2 coats of Epoxy to the finished hull for waterproofing.
  20. I am going to go over in the corner and cry. Never mind me. I will never do such wonderful work! Thanks for sharing Rusty.
  21. I am familiar with your WA. We have a GPS for the Car that has your choice of voices to give you verbal directions. My wife's favorite voice is an Aussie man. When he pronounces the name of our State Highways you can guess what he says. At first it was confusing now it is just a laugh. I can solve your problem about unsuitable weather for launching. Send her to me! I will gladly pay postage.
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