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Everything posted by fnkershner

  1. Now that's what I am talking about! Thanks Dafi.
  2. Unfortunately someone got to the Mythbusters before us. There is an episode where they use a 6 lb cannon to test the damage to a dummy from splinters. As a result they concluded that Splinters were not a big hazard on Sailing warships. Now I don't there is anyone on this site that believes that is true. We all know how devastating the splinters could be.
  3. Most of the R/C sailboats I have seen are designed so that the Masts can be easily stepped and unstepped to make it easy to transport. I look forward to your build.
  4. Tony - I don't know what to say but WOW! Very clean I can't wait to see more.
  5. Bob - I am glad to hear this from you. So this is a fact. Can you also tell us if the jumping gets more pronounced as you continue to fire? At what point do you determine the weapon is too hot and needs to cool? Now rapidly are you firing? Are you reaching the speed of the British Tars? 2 shots every 3 min?
  6. I hope to be able to show you significant progress by then as well. Maybe all the planking will be done!
  7. There is a simple trick on the mast sections. Lay them on a flat table and let them roll. If they don't roll they need to be replaced.
  8. Wow! Harvey some really great progress. I hope you can bring her to the next meeting on the 16th.
  9. Popjack - I wouldn't worry about running out of wood. Remember the Guarantee from ME. I think I mentioned that when I built the Bluenose I replaced almost everything at least once. I don't to be your authority since I didn't do the scuppers. But I would suggest that if you were to take the first strake of bulwarks at the waterway and cut notches into the bottom of that piece with a small file and then just assemble your bulwarks. It should be all you need to do and it doesn't require additional lumber. Also as Bob mentions above, I had to replaces all my mast sections twice. the first time I requested them from ME. They were just as warped as the first set. So like Bob I bought mine and the Hardware store.
  10. Joe - You may think you are tail end Charlie. But my Syren is still on the shelf. So you are ahead of me. Keep up the good work and I will be looking in.
  11. Bob - Since as we all know sails are not actually flat pieces of cloth. How does the cad take this into account?
  12. Andy - I think you are close. But the question still remains. Why does it jump more when hot?
  13. I would suggest that you plank from both and meet in the middle. Here is my reasoning - at both the deck and the keel you have need of a full plank aligning very closely. When you do your planking there is always the possibility that there will be a slight gap. This is more easily handled somewhere in the middle.
  14. Popjack - I would hold off doing the finish sanding on the hull until you plank the bulwarks. This will help keep you from breaking off the frame extensions and blend the hull together. Have you decided whether you are going to add the scuppers?
  15. In addition to building period models I am also a fan of fiction from the Napoleonic period, Hornblower etc. All of these novels do mention the increased risk of injury from "jumping" guns once the barrel gets hot. I don't know the details or why, but I suspect there is something here we still have not uncovered. Everything I have read seems to indicate that the recoil is more violent once the barrel is hot.
  16. Hmm so it looks like it is going to be 1 set of pictures per page on this forum. OMG! Great work by the way. And this is your 2nd ship?!!
  17. I would agree that this is one of the easiest hulls to plank. I think I only tapered 1 plank! The deck was my first experience with a nibbing strake and I learned a lot. As to the quarterdeck. Well lets just say I am glad it was covered by lots of deck furniture. I too had the practicum. in hindsight I would say that I followed Bob too closely and for too long. And if I had known about this web site then I might not have bought it at all. I found the instructions that came with the kit almost useless. and without either this site or the practicum I would have abandoned the project. I agree with you that the scale and size of the planks pretty much preclude treenailing. Instead of tree nailing have you considered installing the scuppers in the bulwarks? Take a look at Bob or Dave's build logs they did a wonderful job of this and it makes a difference. This is one thing I do regret not doing. You are almost to that point.
  18. For someone who was a Mid on the Victory at Trafalgar! You have aged quite well. My best to you!
  19. Wayne - All I can offer is patience and loyalty are rewarded. I am a graduate of the University of Oregon. in my day we were known as the spoiler. We never won enough games to achieve anything significant. All we did was ruin the chances of other teams. But now! We are #2 in the nation and it is fun to be a Duck!
  20. Ray - I would like to add my voice to your build log. I am a bit saddened that it has taken me so long to find this log. As of this morning I have finally caught up and read the whole thing. You are doing a wonderful job, and I look forward to much more. It may be the series of novels that I am currently reading that turned my attention to this build. I am now up to book 17 of the Alan Lewrie series. and He is now Captain of just this class of ship. You build has helped me to better understand the layout of his ship. Again Thanks!
  21. How did I miss the build log? I have the Syren on the shelf and will be starting it as soon as I finish my current build. Your deck planking is amazing. Thanks for your log. I will be keeping an eye on it from now on.
  22. Augie - How do you manage to keep moving forward with all this pressure?
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