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Everything posted by fnkershner

  1. I belong to a club that races R/C sloops. If you have R/C questions I would be glad to help. As to the type of ship you are trying to build. I would look around this forum for the build logs of Jerry Todd. He has built several R/C vessels from the same period. Sorry I can't help with your math.
  2. That's Right Chris! Go SEAHAWKS!!! Sorry Augie. but I think it would be best that you spend this afternoon on planking. You will be much happier. PS Will someone (not me) please tell my wife the 49ers are not playing.
  3. is it s book or do you have it in electronic form?
  4. Richard - I am still deep into my Harvey. Which I estimate will take me the rest of this year. Then I too had planned to start my Syren for the learning experience. I expect that will take 2 yrs if I am lucky. Then it will be the Ajax. I expect I will need the experience from the Syren before I start the Ajax. That is at least the plan for now.
  5. Nice job on the nibbing on the deck. That is hard to do well.
  6. I have the Ajax and would be very interested in any info.
  7. Augie - Am I correct? This is only your 2nd ship? You seem to have learned the art of planking extremely well!
  8. Vince - Grant beat me to it. I was going to offer the same suggestion. Rather than go all the way to AU to get you lumber Jeff does a great job and is much closer. By the way currently Jeff is so popular he is already backed up until April. I know I have an order in the queue now. You will not be disappointed with the quality and service from Jeff. Also I would have just left this with Grant but I wanted to suggest you look at the other choices that are available for deck planking. Tanganyika is commonly used by many European kit manufacturers for this purpose. But if you are going to go to the trouble to order replacement lumber there an many better choices. I would look around this forum and what others are using for this purpose. You will be pleasantly surprised at the result. If you are still sold on Tanganyika I will be glad to send you all of mine. Tell me what your size requirements are and quantity. I am replacing all of mine with wood from Jeff.
  9. Hey are you working in my garage? It sure looks like it. the same work bench, the same tools, and the same clamps. Great work so far.
  10. Are you talking about the fife rail? This is where all the belaying pins will go. Like you I was worried about the stress on these rails when I got to the rigging. I used a wood backing instead of nails but the same result. I did not solder the rings closed.
  11. Cannon Fodder - There is only one hobby shop in the Seattle area that has a good selection of wooden kits. But I would still buy online. But the way I am the president of the local modeling club. If you PM me with your email address I will send you a newsletter and more details. We often have members selling great kits at good prices.
  12. Meredith - Do you like this method better that the putty?
  13. Well Harvey at least by bringing her to a club meeting you gain the photos for this log, and the nudge to post.
  14. I have a euro model kit of the Ajax on the shelf. I am excited to see someone else build one of their kits. I agree about the plans, they are first rate. I did download the translation from Italian to English from the web site.
  15. Why not paint first? Then you don't have to mask the deck.
  16. Very Nice! so your Planking is done. Thanks for the info. She actually look like a very easy build. Have you decided what Blue paint you are going to use?
  17. Richard - I must confess you have got interested enough to peek inside my box for this kit. (very dangerous). So tell me a bit more detail about your first layer of planking. Did you start at the deck line? From what I see the instructions are very limited, less than 1 page in English.
  18. I think you will find you have no problems. In addition to modeling I used to make a bit of furniture from time to time. For that kind of wood working there is only 2 glue choices. PVA and waterproof PVA. If the item will be outside you might use Epoxy. But PVA is the most common use. And if you need to fill cracks etc. Putty is the best solution for that. I think both are formulated to work together. I have never had any issues with adherence of a piece of wood to putty using PVA. Take a look at my current build log (click on the link in my signature). This is a Baltimore Clipper that is double planked. You will see that I used putty and I am not doing the 2nd layer of planking. I am using PVA almost exclusively.
  19. Don't be afraid to use it liberally. If you use too much all you have to do is sand it off. The goal of the first layer of planking on a double planked hull. is to just provide a smooth accurate surface for the 2nd layer. On my first plank on bulkhead model. I used so much you couldn't find any wood. Made lots of dust during the sanding. And it that case I wasn't doing a 2nd layer. So I just painted it.
  20. I just got to the local Home Depot and get a tube of Elmer's putty. Some guys even use spackle. I like the putty since it comes in colors. I too have long been a fan of the early clippers. They were the fore runner to the America of cup fame. They also announced the coming of age of the American designers. I find that most of the info on the web is disappointing. I also suspect that the abundance of large straight timber in the colonies helped.
  21. Nicely Done! I think when I get there I will just plank over the slot.
  22. OK, Now you have got my interest. How are you going to raise & lower the top sails? They need to be hanked to the mast with mast hoops or something similar. I also suggest that if the Gaff is heavy enough to actually raise and lower the sail. The halyard will impede the top sail somewhat. But as you say the gaff and both sails will swing out to which ever side you are tacking. The only problem with be the lack of curvature in the combined sails. Now it sounds like you are going for 4 channels. Do I have this right?
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