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Blue Ensign

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Everything posted by Blue Ensign

  1. Detail shots of the completed model Long boat with the sheep pens beneath. Activity on the Qtr deck, the crew are converted ‘N’ scale rail figures. Poop deck detail. Crew ascending the Main shrouds. Fore deck detail. Crew at the Fore Topmast head. Head details. Stern Qtr details. Full shots of the model   Secure in her protective case. I think this has been the most exacting build I have undertaken due to the small scale and my less than good eyesight, I am very pleased with the result but I don’t think I will attempt another at this scale. I am much more comfortable with 1:64 scale, as with my current Pegasus build. B.E. 
  2. Continuing: Raising the Topsail yards. A word about yards. Working out the details. Parrals at 1:150 scale are pretty small. Topsail yard in place, A member of the Royal Corps of Marine Infantry gives scale to the top. The sails were attached, dampened and pulled into position using the Buntlines, Leechlines, and clues. Rigging the anchors.
  3. Continuing: Details of the sails. These were drawn from the plans of Boudriot and are made of Modelspan tissue . Attaching reef points nearly destroyed what little was left of my sanity. As did the ratlines using 125g copper wire. Almost done.
  4. Continuing Waist with Longboat and sheep pens. Quarterdeck modifications with added cabin detail. Modified berthing of the Main Ladderway and added Chicken Coops on the Poop deck. Modified Head. Copper wire and strip used to make the chains and preventer plates. Upgrading the Long boat. Modified ‘N’ scale figures fit just right. The finished boat. Rigging the ‘show’ guns was a bit of a challenge at this scale Rigging can get a tad untidy at this scale, blocking yourself out is so easy.   
  5. From Le Superbe to Le Praetorian – A Heller Seventy-four, after Boudriot This is a summarised record of my attempt to modify a small scale plastic kit by reference to the works of Jean Boudriot. Very few of the original kit fittings were used in the build. This was to be a first attempt at fully detailing a model of this scale, adding sails and displaying in a waterline setting. Early progress Lower deck detail. Upperdeck showing Galley and Pastry oven. One unfortunate fellow is spending time in the bilboes, for swearing on a Sunday. Restyling the Foc’sle rail. Modified waist railings using brass strip.
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