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Posts posted by SawdustDave

  1. Sounds like the storm has passed, and the sun has broken through the dark clouds mate. Always a relief to have a "re-do" put behind you. We've all been there, done that....and survived.

    On a personal note, my own dear wife of 51 years, shall never be allowed to read your last posting....you know, without asking, what I am alluding to (not much of a galley hand here).



  2. Alexandru....thank you so much for your detailed reply regarding your nailing. The use of brass wire for nails was indeed my guess. The sheer number of precisely drilled nail holes is simply mind boggling to me sir. I solute you with the utmost respect and admiration.

    Also....I was delighted to discover your human side.....ripping out her bow wales to correct the sweep....otherwise we could be thinking you might actually be a computerized machine....har har

    Fell asleep last night in my recliner on page 5....woke up and found my iPad had exhausted power.

    Shop time this morning....will resume methodical study of your early postings later today when I take a break.

    Yes, I did note the dates of your photos....another point....you are also a hell of a photographer to go along with your amazing wood crafting talents.


    BTW.....You can find my two Vic's by clicking on the link below.

    Very big fan....


  3. Master A.....Just read your comment on page 4 regarding gun port positions at her bow....


    "As for the gunports to low - there are things I am willing to repair and things that I do not - this is one of the latter. I'll live with it.

    The fact that I corrected at least some of the problems makes me feel better about my build and this is something already."


    I LOVE IT!!!!


  4. Alexandru....please excuse my questions (just a couple for now)....

    I see more treenailing throughout your entire build than I have ever seen on any model....ever. Even as you did the most beautiful perfect hull planking I have seen (with treenails) knowing it would be covered with copper plating!

    So my first question is - Do you use a filler for all those treenails? It appears that, in some cases, you used actual nails.


    Second question.... Are there actually two of you?


    Now I shall resume my study of your log (beginning at page 4), having turned off the lights in my shop for the night.


  5. Hi Alexandru:

    I am thrilled to discover this build log for two personal reasons.... Of my many builds, the Victory is by far my favorite, having built her twice on different scales (and may build her again POF after studying your comprehensive log). The second reason being that I have found another true MASTER to learn from....and, believe me, I have so much to learn.

    However long it shall take, I plan to visit every entry of your log. From here out, I will refrain from the clutter of so many "likes".....just know, I will be LIKING every thing I see (like a child in a candy store).

    With greatest respect and appreciation....


  6. Frank, Omega, Popeye, Michael...Always great hearing from you guys.

    Waterline.....Chuck's kit has the water line right up to the wale. In fact, he takes it all the way to the stern. I think my wales may have slightly more upward sweep at the stern than his.

    Paint creeping under the tape....we've all been there. I use a blade to trim the edge of my masking tape....sealing a sharp edge.


    Painted first coat last night so it would dry thoroughly overnight. This coat was primarily applied and used to get good light reflection across the surface and identify flaws that needed to be smoothed out.

    Completely re-sanded the entire area this morning, eliminating all surface flaws, and applied another "first coat".

    Fired up the lawn mower and woke up the neighborhood.


  7. Pops....please don't do that to me. After building a fleet of ships, this will be the first hull I've put paint over.....can't count the copper plating on a few of them.

    As an old furniture builder, I do love wood grain. Hundreds of high end custom poker tables (my former business)....never painted one..... http://www.regalpokertables.com/


    Yep....We're gonna paint this sucker white!

    Russ and Pete.... I agree....true water line it shall be.


    Nigel....Coming from one whose work I admire so much, thanks for your visit to my little blog site, and for your kind comments.


    Cheers all


  8. Hull planking completed....

    Decision time....Painting her white below the water line.

    As much as I dread painting over that beautiful bamboo grain....gonna do it.

    The Question in my mind is whether to use the true water line as shown in the last two pics....or.... Should I follow the up-sweep of her wale at the stern in order to include the gun port lids in the painted area?

    Seems like I've seen it done both ways.

    Any thoughts for the old man?





  9. OK Chuck.... Let's get this show on the road!

    Thought I was the only one crazy enough to build the same ship twice back-to-back.

    I did build a 1:24th scale monster once, as a memorial project for my old high school coach. Talk about a monster! My favorite project of all time.

    Looking forward to your progress updates.



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