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Everything posted by cobra1951

  1. Very nice work on the oar holes. Thanks for the colour insert, looks almost the same as the light teak I have
  2. You can still soak them but only for a short while because they are so thin. Too long and the water dissolves the glue. Or you could use a plank bender on them as they will only require a small bend
  3. If those planks are plywood be careful when you soak them because the layers will come apart. Bending should not be too bad as it looks like the planks are already shaped to allow for the curvature of the hull
  4. So the end is in sight, but the list of jobs usually gets a bit bigger lol
  5. Thanks Frank Progress was faster than normal for two reasons, 1, i had more time to get on with it and 2, i used CA for all the planking which means the one you just laid is dry before you put the simulated caulking mark on the next one. I find with PVA i need to hold the plank down for a bit till it grabs
  6. Colour blindness must be a great problem for you with parts of this hobby. However you seem to overcome it and do a really good job with your painting. Remember it's your build and as long as you are happy with it then that's the main thing. Keep up your good work
  7. Mess is good. I can never find anything once I tidy up and this slows the building down. Long live mess :)
  8. Thanks Mike normally I don't like planking with Lime/Basswood but after a test with the kit supplied stuff I thought it was good enough to go ahead with
  9. And very welcome you are, did you bring any pringles ?
  10. Hi Ian Having double checked you are indeed correct, my bad interpretation of the planking rule Still my favorite one though
  11. Thanks Ian Count again though it's a 5 butt . I use 5 butt shifts because it doesn't make the deck look overloaded with joints
  12. Nice Work on the aft castle I see some very fiddly work coming up
  13. Thanks Don It's 0.6mm x 5mm Lime wood but it has a good amount of grain in it The bottom deck is the same wood but with no visible grain to it, as the bottom deck is not visible later on i though i would plank it with some Lime i had lying about and save the grainy kit supplied stuff for later in the build
  14. Yep it sure has a lot of ornamentation Maybe they put them all there to make the enemy feel guilty about firing cannon balls at them
  15. Thanks for all the likes and comments guys Fitted and planked the next three decks and fitted the bulwark patterns
  16. Looks great Frank Are you fitting sails or just leaving her rigged as if in port ?
  17. Nice as usual Don . The Colours really compliment each other
  18. If Wood Grows On Trees Why Does It Cost So Much ?

  19. Yep the only downside of model building is the never ending sanding, my builds always slow down when a lot of sanding is called for I have some light teak stain which is almost identical to the cherry
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