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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Just a quick question. Should you sand the tops of the nails down flush? No matter how close I tried to cut them there is still a bit sticking up. Also the dang CA has <leaked> and is visible around a few nails. I hate using CA.....
  2. Awesome summary Mike. Wish my kids showed any interest at all.
  3. @BobCardone Yup I am still going to work on the color. I went with the alizarin crimson for my pinnace and it was kinda dark and wanted to go with something brighter this time.
  4. Bob its only about 19 inches long so should fit anywhere??? It is a great kit. Starting to drill the holes and use the line. Oops went through the plank
  5. The kit is so well designed and the instructions so well written that it makes it a breeze even with my limited skill set. The build logs here also give lots of good tips and the additional pictures are a great resource
  6. Thanks Bob. With the barge, longboat, Cheerful and the Win Syren is becoming a major player. Love it!
  7. Lotsa progress on the model over last few days. I added some WOP last night and the cherry really does look nice. Tried some test nails just to see how deep I had to drill. Seemed pretty straightforward. Also added some Windsor & Newton crimson in 2 quick coats just to see what it looked like. No real prep of the surface just a quick color check
  8. Me too. The Winchelsea group project was literally released 2 weeks after I got my Cheerful wood package. Back then I thought I would have more time to work on the barge...
  9. Thank you Jean-Paul. I see you also have ‘Cheerful’ up next. A really nice design.
  10. You can set up a build log and I am sure many knowledgeable members would love to answer any questions you have
  11. Got something to start tonight o yea and the book arrived will start that tonight as well
  12. Thanks Ryland. I tis nice to have some time to work in the shop. So I was planning to take 12 days off starting next week for an extended spring break including a campout with the boys and a 7 day cruise. Obviously both canceled right now. Over the last few days many of our shifts have been cancelled or shortened. We have seen a 40% drop in patient volume over last few days here. Finally people are getting the word that you don't have to run to the ED for every little thing such as a paper cut (saw last week), black spot at edge of toenail 2 weeks after stubbed toe (saw last month), rash been there for 3 years etc. We are not even close to making budget for the few physicians who have to be there to cover. This definitely will not last though so I need to get all the rest in now cause soon enough the patients are going to start flooding in. We also expect to loose a large portion of our Docs, PAs and NPs to illness so its gonna be <excellent>!!! As Major Payne says "Well, guess what ya'll got coming! Seven 23-hour days full of fun and adventure!" Except it is not gonna be just a week.......... Deo Volente
  13. Floors in. Had to keep sanding down the frames until it fit at the appropriate level. Fitting the very fore floor was the most difficult part but went smoothly. Going to WOP the floors and let dry overnight. Deo Volente
  14. I will put in another vote for hand painted side friezes. On my barge the caprail took a while to fit as no matter how smooth I had sanded the frame tops down they still left a gap. Eventually I got it set It is always great to get the frame centers gone as it really starts to look like an actual boat
  15. Quick question. I am thinning down the caprail to the recommended 5/64 width and am now getting to the bow section. In the picture you can faintly see the lines I have marked for that width. How far to that line should I go? All the way? Part of the way? Does it matter for something later on? Thanks all
  16. I know the moderators definitely vet the sponsors. Any one of them is a reliable and trusted source.
  17. Bob it really is a nicely designed model. Hope to see you build one. Even I haven't messed it up yet 🤪. The Medway Longboat looks equally as nice. It could be in my future at some point.
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