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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Derek this kit is great. Definitely want to see more QAB logs. Bob, the red certainly looks great in your pictures. Makes sense that black would require a few less coats.
  2. Many thin coats it is. In Chucks post 123 and 125 of his news and forthcoming projects post he explains it very well. Gonna try on some scrap first though. Big round brush, many very thin coats and a lot of patience.
  3. Thanks Bob. I heated the scraper with the soldering torch and then let it cool down slowly. It seemed to make it easier to file the profile in there. I just used it afterward with good results. Now I have to take my second most hated/feared step, painting. I am always afraid of sneezing right as I put the brush near the model 😅. First being using CA for anything. I did add the top molding but am not so sure of my brush skills so I think I will paint the stripe before I add the lower moulding.
  4. I am just catching up on your log and I can say this is coming out really well.
  5. wonderful video although I kinda had some chest pain when I saw the 56$ price tag on the CA.... (Then I looked up the conversion rate😃)
  6. Great progress Darrell. Glad to see that you are back in the shop. Those ‘small’ boats are really nice. Eventually once this hooha all subsides would love to see em in person at one of our meetings.
  7. Under the drop down tab at your user name select account settings then the tab named signature. A text box opens up and you can add whatever signature you want. Highlight the text you want to link and proceed as normal to link the specific page.
  8. Thanks Tom! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going to be missing some pieces later on.
  9. Just a ridiculous question. Is this tab under the rail these rectangles from the same sheet the caprail is on?
  10. Next up is the decorative moulding for which I had to make a scraper for. This is my second attempt to file a profile. The moulding is 1/32 x 3/64 still a little off center. might try another one
  11. Outstanding work. Thank you for sharing details. The rigging discussion was especially enlightening
  12. Nailing has been completed. Sanded down the excess and everything seems to have come out nicely. Going to paint/coverup the few breakthroughs on the inside then move onto next step. sorry for photo quality taken by phone
  13. Interested in and seeing how this turns out. With the significant postponement of the F1 season we have to get our Grand Prix from somewhere.
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