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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Personally some may be able to control a power tool for this but it always seems to get away from from me so I always prefer to just use sandpaper and/or sanding sticks
  2. For the flat sections of the deck probably not necessary but you definitely need to fair the bow and stern frame so you can get a nice positive gluing surface. Most of that char will have to be removed to get those forward and aft frame ready to plank but otherwise as long as there is not any stress the char will probably glue just fine. Page 9 of this article will show what I mean.
  3. Love Cheerful will be following along. I am seriously considering this as next build although I am definitely Surly and not so Cheerful myself these days🤪
  4. the inner planking is done need to finish sanding then onto paint paint and then paint
  5. Wow seems like a complicated problem. Will like to see how you overcome it.
  6. Thanks Darrell! It was good to see everyone even if just for a short time. So do you know what you want to start on next?
  7. Thanks JD Was able to start shaping the thwarts and they seem to line up fairly well. I really appreciate that they were oversized and could be fit to match. Next up working on the upper inner planking
  8. I know Model expo sells cross sections of both the Mamoli 1/93 scale as well as the Model Shipways 1/76 scale USS Constitution The MS one is the same scale as their full kit. The MS cross section is designed by Ken Foran who is a member here. My own opinion is the MS instructions pretty good and the service can't be beat
  9. Recent update. It seems to be paint, paint, paint and more paint. Have the seats and back in as well as the front platform. The risers and stretchers were a bit more difficult to place but seemed to go ok. Next up is the thwarts and then more painting
  10. Great start. I love the POBII. Basswood is sometimes a bit difficult to deal with but you are correct it is going to be covered up and if you have enough for the rabbit it should be ok
  11. Great to see a part in the flesh so to speak. Lots of prep work to get here. Is your plank bender one fo those soldering iron thingies (technical term)?
  12. Welcome! Please do not let the language barrier slow you down here. Would love to see more of your Belle-Poule
  13. Haha I thought you did all that work since Tuesday 51 frames sounds great
  14. pulling his nose...
  15. Absolutely wonderful build! Thank you so much for sharing with us. I’ve looked forward to your updates throughout the entire build.
  16. The jig can be relatively simple. Here is an example from a demo I saw at the most recent NRG conference. Extra piece of wood to hook onto the edge of table so it doesn't slide forward. The V grove can easily be made by just cutting off a corner from a square at a 45% angle then gluing 2 pieces together to get a nice 90 degree V slot. I am pretty sure he was using at least a 3/4 inch chisel maybe even 1 inch wide. Worked great
  17. I think that you can use the edit button on the first post of your topic. oops Chris beat me too it
  18. Looks great I like the flags. I think you can go to to the first post of the log and edit it and there is a wya to change the title.
  19. This looks like an outstanding choice for a next project. Looking forward to it. It is also really nice you have a personal connection to the schooner.
  20. Yup I got the email but didn’t say anything just figuring I had missed the announcement somewhere.
  21. Sad news Kurt. Definitely will not like that post. Looks like a great venue and I am looking forward to 2021. Stay safe
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