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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. So they just closed all the bars and restaurants here in Ohio so more shop time for sure. Taking down the inner frames and the caprail takes a bunch of time and a soft touch. getting there...
  2. Congrats on your first build. Looks great I am not sure if I missed it but do you know what you are moving onto next?
  3. If people are stocking up on toilet paper that means you might have a run on rope/blocks. You might end up being even busier... If that's even possible
  4. Was able to get the caprail on. Instructions were very good especially the reminders to check the smoothness of the tops of the frames. Took a few revisions until it matched nicely. Just started to sand the outside flush and then the big job of sanding down the inner caprail and frames. In other news the Governor just cancelled all schools in the state for 3 weeks starting Monday. Luckily the Admiral is a teacher so we don't have to scramble for childcare like so many others. Talk about a freekin panic. She just came home from the grocery and says it was an absolute madhouse
  5. Thank you Jason. More QAB is always good. Thank you Chuck, so far it has been great. It is a very well designed kit. Looking forward to spending more time in the shop.
  6. The first 3 volumes are very good. I agree on the 'not overly stuffy'. Sometimes academics tend to write just for other academics but these seem to be well presented in a very readable form.
  7. I like that you are working at a pub. Or is that your living room......
  8. Welp, this year has been slow in the shop. The flu this year has been particularly rough on our workforce. Many call offs and sick days means the rest of us are working and covering more than usual. I was able to get a bit of progress. No longer looking like a bulk cargo container carrier when upright. The redone rear planking came out pretty well. A small spacer jig was used to set up the flying transom worked well. The hardest part so far was trimming the bottom planks evenly in a graceful curve up from the transom to the flying transom. I did leave just a bit of extra plank sticking out on the rear of the flying transom and will sand them flush once the cap rail is installed. Still need to add the little rectangle planks. Next stop is to sand the top of the frames down flush so the caprail sits nicely. Then will add the rectangles.
  9. And don't forget the Cheerful from Syren. Like the Winchelsea you can scratch or get some of the parts as mini-kits. You can also start off with a cross section if interested in fully framing. There are many build logs of various sections here including one recently completed by DocBlake using the Anatomy of the Ship Book on HMS Blandford.
  10. I have always liked that type of display stand. Good work on the mast hoops
  11. NRG east coast sharpie would be a great next project. I really like these smaller projects that you can actually accomplish something with limited time. This year we have been decimated by the flu so those of us left are working way more than standard hours per month so it is nice to see some progress.
  12. I would love to see pictures of this beaut there!
  13. Dave this is outstanding! It came out really nice. As a current member of the takes forever club I can understand taking a long time. It is going to make a great showing at the IPMS. So with all these new skills do you know what's up next?
  14. I just listened to number 1 on Nelson, gunners and impressment as well as number 13 about the models and am really enjoying them. Great find!
  15. I listen to tons of podcasts and just added the Preble Hall one thanks!
  16. Ug I have a 34 hour drive...... Maybe I will fly.... Ok fine I am gonna fly...
  17. I actually prefer the painting as it is your work.
  18. Looks like a wonderful place to have the conference!
  19. The Cheerful is a wonderful little cutter. Seems the cedar is an outstanding alternative. I wonder if a bit of a sensitivity to western red cedar translates over to the alaskan yellow
  20. After seeing the results with mica I will never use anything else. It is so easy to use and looks great. A few bucks gets basically a lifetime supply.
  21. Looking great! I just am catching up on this build and it is going so well. If I decided to do another pob kit this may be at the top of the list.
  22. Wonderful start to the new year. You continue to impress
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