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Everything posted by MEDDO

  1. Dang Chuck my next is going to be Cheerful but you are making this project look so attractive.
  2. Carving look great! So glad someone else is carving the decorations. I did get 2 extra sets to practice on and may need to buy some more before I get an entire set to use on the model.
  3. Article from the database here http://modelshipworldforum.com/resources/Rigging_and_Sails/ScaleSails.pdf
  4. I am glad that I went through the trouble of marking out all the frames. It really helped me shape the planks especially toward the bow area. I fitted the top planks first to give additional stability and then the garboard and then filled in from there. The last plank was pretty funny shaped but it fell right on the most angles section and is not really viable to the eye when viewed from the side. overall the planking I think went well for me because I took the time to mark it all out first.
  5. The site has almost 34,000 users. Of course you cannot expect any one member to have experience with every manufacturer or every kit but the aggregate of the members who do choose to vote can at least give you a small look at what people have had experience with in the past and their opinions.
  6. Those strips will definitely help with the strength as the frames are very delicate and that block on top will make things a whole bunch easier.
  7. When i dry fitted the frames some were loose and some too tight. just a but fitting out got them all into good enough shape. (if you like the quality of the Pinnace instructions which are excellent the ones for Chuck's Queen Anne Barge are even better)
  8. Certainly if you are going to offer this then I would stock up on some for sure. Although I am getting to the point where some clean 10/4 stock in manageable sizes would also be nice as I am starting to learn how to use the Byrnes machines.
  9. Definitely best conference I have been to. Thanks for the pictures.
  10. Thanks Chuck. Those are very loose and are not exerting much pressure at all. Being bent off the model makes it so there isn’t much need for pressure. I use regular pva and it takes a couple minutes to set. Will ditch them just to be safe
  11. Started lining out the planking. It is relatively straightforward and the run looks good to the eye. I was able to get the first plank on and it seemed to go well. Will see if I can get the opposite plank on tomorrow.
  12. Yes I would much rather spend the money on some sweet sweet Swiss pear and boxwood
  13. I would also like to add a great big thank you to the board for all the hard work to make this the best conference I have attended.
  14. I think if you let her know you need it to build your next model which will lead to your next book which will then pay for the mill... (kinda like the circle of life ...)
  15. I'll raise a glass of port to that
  16. I still can't believe this all came together. Looking forward to seeing your progress
  17. They look great! Always awesome to have friends with cool tools:)
  18. This seems to work the best for me
  19. Don’t want to steal an idea but something like David Antscherl’s Greenwich hospital barge. Kinda similar but with the added compliment of a deck structure might be nice. Ben that looks really nice in open frame alongside the QAB.
  20. Looks great. I have used TransTint dye I got from Woodcraft with good results on other projects it’s nice to see another brand in action.
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