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Everything posted by yancovitch

  1. sweet job.....even though impractical, some things should be acceptable for their romantic appeal.........
  2. yea, watco is good too..............the only reason i used wipe on poly, was because the grain on the wood i used, was a bit strong, and the poly didn't show up and exaggerate the grain, like oil did....eg. tung oil
  3. i used satin wipe on poly by minwax.....was very happy with that.....have to mix the can really well though
  4. yep...it looks lovely......very nice planking job....
  5. absolutely gorgeous....if i'm not too late ............oh...did i forget to mention your beautiful photographs.....it takes experience to create those shots........
  6. hmmmm......what if the cannons facing in may just be loaded with light shrapnel which may not affect the masts and maybe.just some rigging?....good show on the build.....
  7. haha watching this ...giving me the itch again.......super control of the heads......too much for me to have handled...i just let them flop around .......hope yer other build goes well!!
  8. and lighting...so so so important...did you use the new led bulbs?.......lucky if you can use a humidifier....difficult where i am, as the water contains so much calcium and manganese...........and wow...i was never aware of that kind of problem with that technique of building.....hope you find a solution................
  9. just found out...so sad....didn't know him much, yet i miss him....guess that't the kind of fellow he was.....much respect to his family....good to moonbug to keep the spirit alive....................vic
  10. ha...like one fellow there said...ingenuity at it's best....somehow i missed that or didn't relate it to the finished example:)
  11. on the photo ..I think this has turned out to be my favorite panel at this point.....on the panel next to the queen.....how did you create that really fine mesh or whatever it is?...amazing......
  12. wow, i just discovered this...i had no idea you were such a talented sculptor.....wow! and congrats dave!!!
  13. probably no use posting here as it is so quiet......but i checked with amati, and they said that they are working on the victory and it should be released soon.....
  14. yea...those metal windows- railings etc. (wouldn't bend, made them out of wood) are the weakest part of the kit....smart move.......the sculptures at the stern could have been more refined too, although those on the frieze etc were fine...at least from the kit i got many years ago............haha...i gave my model to a dentist to pay for my wife's veneers......i don't really have it all together upstairs .....
  15. that definitely is a difficult area ....so many angles....coming along well.....good shew
  16. i'd make the colums....maybe make a mold of the white metal one, and cast in acrylic or whatever....i don't remember, but i think i painted them gold .....i always found that much of the cast metal was a pain in the a---.............wait till you get to the rails ...the stuff i got in my kit many years ago, wouldn't bend a smidgen ..........i got the acrylic liquid and powder from my wife who worked in a dental office...i used that a lot..................cheers................
  17. appreciate it mike............thanks......through for now.......may post a couple shots when completed...cheers....
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