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Everything posted by kirill4

  1. Thank you Michael, Oh!! No!! I see ,I misplaced blocks position! Should be other way around! Damn!😡 need to rigg it again!
  2. Hello everyone! Re: post 129 ... Slightly reorganized the "steering gear" ... again, without much historical reference, if only to the William Rex model, or Prince William: shock: but certainly not to the Spanish Galleon of the early 17th century, although why not? There must have been some similar device!
  3. it was some conventional two components epoxy massa... "cold welding" something... actualy it is not good for modeling purposes, just it was under hand, and I used it...
  4. Hello everyone, a small sequel - "designed" the balcony, I wanted it to have muzzles, based on the Galleons in the Vroom paintings ...
  5. Thanks Michael for this fotoes! It is Great !!! Great building ! I can only imagine , but wery well imagine how it was and how much costs in all aspects- to complete such project!!! Fantastic job!!! :))) Some years ago I purchased a few most famous in the world big scale plastic models ...that time (approx 10 years ago ...)I planned to assemble them somewhere in the future, one by one :))) ha - ha! but now looking at your model and dafi Victory , I realaised it could be life time project for me , to complete only one set ///OK , may be two of them! :)))
  6. Michael, Thank You very much for the link to your Victory. It is Great! I realy can imagine how it was complicated and interesting to make all of this details! Exelent job You did!!! :))) Jeff, Thank You for kind comments and attention to my build :)))
  7. Good day Michael, Yes, I have such plan to rig the fish pendant tackle ... I try to follow information from the books John Harland "Seamanship in the age of sail" and John McKay "SOTS 1637" , as I mentioned in #128... Have idea just to demonstrate rigged devices in actions without certain scenario :))) ... Franckly speaking , when imagine real situation, converting this scale model back to real size, I think things will not work ...there are numerous serious problems with entire design and almost each components ...dimensions,proportions of the hull and rigs,deck stuff - all wrong!:))) but as kind of art object only,as fantasy spanish galleon, it could has right to exist ! :)))... There are much more plastic models of scailing vessels designed more accurately... Could You give link to your Victory build please? in there is description in do plan
  8. Marc! You just spoke loudly my thoughts !!!:)))z I don't know why... WR model had a few modern time reconstructions... and this is made it not relaible 100% source any more, but it seems very logical ( regarding modern sence) in respect of rich of rigging details and it looks very nice and I like it very much from estetic point of vew :)))... and rudder details as well seems to me very logical ... There are rudder pendats and at the same time we could see emergency rudder tackles fitted! I don't belive that all this things should be fitted sumaltency , but they are ! May be it was made just for more demonstrative purposes ,how all thise things works!? If need to be more hustoric accurate, I think we need to follow what shown on VDV Elder / Yonger pictures as well ... By the way, same arrangements of rudder pendahts- one only from one side( as on the VDV arts) we could see on that famous model oof dutch 17th c. ship
  9. have big doubts I did my rudder-pendant in right way... need to make some rearrangements... I would like to make it as it is shown on WR model pictrs 05,06... understood this is too far from spanish galleon period and historic accuracy but |I like this version... anyway I don't have other clear evidance how it could be\ or must be arranged on the end 16-early 17 th century galleon...🤔😁
  10. MARC, Agree- curious thing! Need to do some acrobatic to reach backet on the top:))) Or they could use jacob ladder as an option... but never saw some kind of ladder or ratlines on the contemporary galley pictures
  11. LOOKS VERY GOOD! And on this pictures colors of the ropes looks more realistic/ natural hemp...
  12. You coud see how galley shrouds fitted - there are no deadyeys? but tackles and toggles...
  13. I saw somewhere exat information in great difference in rigging latin sails and square sails/// as I remember - in latin rigging , ratlines on mast shrouds not an option at all due to specific of latin sails operation\special in case of galley sails! May be there is Jacob ladder is an option?
  14. Good day, Dear sir, All ( 98% I guess :))) information You could try here https://warshipvasa.freeforums.net/ will get all ness-ry information from first hands :)))\ and there are pdf a few detailed diagrams , including rigging in this site as well... much more detailed as any plastic kits supposed to be all plans are free for downloading in pdf///permisions from museum side!
  15. Hello everyone! a little continuation ... No 1 "redesigned" the rudder... painted in the color of the underwater part, a couple of years ago there were objections that the rudder should also be painted, like the underwater part of the hull ... removed the "safety" chains, put cable ... I can't remember what they are called ... and there are big doubts that it is necessary to show them like this ... it seems there should be only one cable ??? I do not mean a hoist for emergency control, but a cable that would hold the rudder blade and prevent its loss in case of accident ... somewhere there was recently information on this topic, but I can't remember where !!! crezy try to check the pictures of the Dutch artists which I have, but there the rudder is not secured in any way ... I continue to design \ improvisation \ anchor device, information from the books by John Harland "Seamanship in the age of sail" and John McKay "SOTS 1637" ... Honestly, here I'm just trying to reproduce those working diagrams that are presented in the books, for the sake of interest by and large ... but, how to say, on the scale of the model, the geometry of engineering structures does not fit in any way, (in the sense of this form, I think it won't work properly: oops) but here it is, that is ... what Vincenzo Luszi (author of this reconstraction , and this plastic kit reproduction)"prescribed", as they say ... you won't go too far
  16. MARC, Why need ratlines? As I know, Shrouds here need to be fast detachable and fitted back depend on situation with wind and operatiin with sails... ratlines make trouble with that...🤔
  17. Dear Bruma, Thank You very much for kind comment and attention!
  18. Good day Maurice , Planks fitted and are sitting very nice and accurate! Nice job! Wish You good progress :))) !
  19. Thank You very much for such detsiled explanation!!! All clear , a lot of very usefyll information!!! :))) All the best!!! Kirill
  20. B.E. Michael, Thank you very much for attention to my building Small progress : "designed" the hinges of the cannon port covers on a new basis, made an imitation with the help of an acrylic contour "dark silver" ... removed the imitation of ropes for opening the lids ... will be without ropes
  21. Could say , that PLAID folk arts No 817( stain) - briliant staff for making various aging / wood effect... even easily mixed with artist acrylic paints as welll... works everywhere!!! :)))
  22. Michael, Rigging looks too much bright compared to entire model colors/ appearance...at least on the foto looks like that...is there plan to stain them a little bit to natural hemp colors ?
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