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mort stoll

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Everything posted by mort stoll

  1. Hi Guys, Sorry if I missed something but Kevin why would you used the Evergreen Plastic Ptrips for the gunport linings? Thanks, Mort
  2. Hi Rob, Next time try the blue painer tape. It works very well and is at any Lowes or Home Depot. Mort
  3. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  4. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  5. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  6. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  7. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  8. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  9. It looks really nice. Can I come over and play? Mort PS Best of luck and enjoy your new home.
  10. I agree the jig looks right. The measurements were incorrect. That is how we learn. I cannot begin to tell you how much I have learned from my mistakes. You are doing a great job, Mort
  11. Hi Ray, Welcome back. Glad to hear the surgery went ok. I am sure it is painful. Just be careful and listen to the doctor and the Admiral. They know best. Your build log is worth waiting for. Thanks for the diagram of your jig. I will try it when I build my Diana. Mort
  12. Your planking looks great as do the gunports. I did not take that close a look at them so I cannot comment as others have but how long did it take? I think cutting the ports is much harder than copper plating a hull. Mort
  13. Looks very nice. I also am going to mount all of my guns rigged. I bought blocks from Warner Woods West. He does great work. I have all but the chase guns rigged. Hope to get to them this weekend. Rigging the guns was slow and tedious but like the coppering it is worth it in the long run. Keep up the great work, Mort
  14. Hi David, Sorry to hear about the problem. Can you remake the strops out of wire or am I way off? Mort
  15. Hi Guys, Jim the build looks great, coming along nicely. Jason I agree with you on both counts that the first gun on both sides should be installed before the platforms and they would not have been carronades regular chase guns. Mort
  16. If a kit comes with copper plates than I would and have coppered the hull. To me coppering the hull is no different from planking. I also feel that there is no substitute for the plated hull look. With that said the above models of the Diana, Minerva and Atalanta are simply maganificent but they are builders models which I do not think were coppered. However if I were building a model of the Connie or Cutty Sark or any other model that I knew had a coppered hull I would copper it. Mort
  17. Hi Patrick, I have always used contact cement when I have applied copper plates. It is easy to apply to the plate and hull, gives one time to adjust the plate and peels off easily if any gets on the plate. Mort
  18. Hi Ray, Question concerning the deck planking. I know you said you made a paper cutout and cardboard deck planks but did you make a jig to help you shape the planks? Thanks, Mort
  19. Your deck is very impressive. I tip my hat to you. Best of luck with the surgery. Hope you return soon better than ever. Mort
  20. Your work is superbe. I love the netting. Enjoy the vacation. Mort
  21. I went the same thing you are in the middle of. Now I have a great room to build my ships. It was worth the wait in spite of the withdrawls I experianced. Mort
  22. Hi Ray, Great job on the planking. Those butt planks are fantastic. I look forward to more posts. Mort
  23. She looks great. It really is an accomplishment. You should feel proud. Mort
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