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mort stoll

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Everything posted by mort stoll

  1. There are a number of Constitution builds taking place on MSW. Most are the Model Shipways and Revel version. There are one or two Mamoli versions. To date having a member of MSW for six or seven years dating back to the old forum I have only seen one Bluejacket Connie build. Since this kit is advertised as the ship was "back in the day" I would think more members would want to build this version than any other. I bought the Mamoli version not realizing that version was as she was after her 1929 refit. When I became aware of the Bluejacket kit I immediately bought it and will build it one day. The Model Shipways kit is as she is today. Mort PS The Mamoli kit is a beautiful model and was well worth the time and money spent on it. The plans and materials I had no problem with.
  2. Hi Bill, Get Peterssons book on rigging a British Frigate. That is my only regret with my Connie rigging. The Mamoli plans are great but I did not sieze any of the schrouds or stays. I am using the book for my Snake and will for all of my builds to come. Mort
  3. Hi Jason, I will be at the Joint Clubs Meeting. I have been to 6 of the last 7 - I missed last year. Look forward to meeting you. I will bring pictures of my Snake. I plan to beeswax the unseized portions of the standing rigging. I brushed Elmer's School Glue on the seized portions - which is Elmer's White Glue already diluted and was very satisfied with the results. Be Well, Mort
  4. Hay Jason, You will love the New London show. The interaction with the other modelers, the models. It is a great show. I was going to ask you if you planned to attend. Are you a member of the CT. Club? Anyway back to the HMS Snake. Did you before or after you seized your lines coat them with beeswax? I am thinking of beeswaxing them after I seize them. Mort
  5. Great jig. ..and when one tries to explain how we go about doing these things that we do to a layman, they just cannot understand unless they are a part of this hobby. Mort.
  6. Hi Bill, I followed the plans and was very satisfied with the result, however - as the man said - there is more than one way to skin that cat. That does not mean the plans are 100 o/o correct. For my Snake I am using Petersson to supplement the Caldercraft plans and could not be more pleased with the results. Hope this helps, Mort
  7. You are doing a great job for a first build. Everything looks great. Keep up the great work. Mort
  8. Hi Bill, I misunderstood what you meant by mast hoops. I did not think to add them to my Connie, I used thick card stock for my Snake mast hoops. Worked out very well. Others I know have used Evergreen Plastic Strips for their mast hoops and seem to like it. All the best, Mort
  9. Thanks Rob. I can afford to wait as I plan to build the Diana next. It is just that I like to be as organized as possible or ADD as the Admiral says. Keep up the great work, Mort
  10. Thanks Rob, I will. The good news is I can wait as I plan to build the Diana next and then the Victory. I am just very anxious and I like to plan ahead and be as organized as possible. All the best, Mort
  11. Hi Rob, Your build is great. I am taking lots of notes which will save me lots of aggravation when I build my Victory. Question. I tried to order the sailors and marines and was told Hat has them on back order. How long ago did you order them. Keep up the great work, Mort
  12. Hi Mobbsie, Thanks for the update. I appreciate it. Your build is great. Keep up the great work. Mort
  13. Thanks David. I appreciate the prompt response. I also appreciate your great build. It is a great help to me as I am taking loads of notes which will be a huge help when I finally start my build. All the best, Mort
  14. Hi David, Did use black or tan line when you attached your perrals to the yards? Thanks, Mort
  15. Hi Rich, I built this model about 6 years ago. I think I gently bent them with my fingers. Hope this helps, Mort PS It is a great kit. You will be very happy with the finished product..
  16. It has happened to most of us at one time or another. Keep up the great work, Mort
  17. Hi David, This may be a stupid question but how did you realize - re post #35- that the bulkheads were incorrect? Thanks, Mort
  18. A very happy New Year to you and yours David. The Ship looks great. Mort
  19. If I did not know, I would not know. She looks great. Happy and Healthy New Year My Friend, Mort
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