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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. I ordered 2 tubes of those cherry strips from leeValley, wish I had found that sale before the other widths were gone...it was just too good of a deal to let slide by. See I am thinking ahead, approx 500 cherry strips on hand for future planking....can we guess what I will be using to plank my Morgan with lol. Now I get catalogs from both them, micro mark, and model expo all the time....very very dangerous
  2. See this thread begun earlier as well http://modelshipworld.com/index.php?/topic/519-spiling-planks-with-scotch-tape/
  3. I have been watching Bill's log, amazing!!!! I really wish I had that little dentists drill machine he has...
  4. Sjors, I did catch the compliment my friend, you are right, I am a typical woman and generally let the compliment slide right on by. As a woman we never quite know how to respond to compliments. The fear of getting a big head and all! I do hope that I will be blessed with many, many more years of life and model building to help fill it. Seriously think that the Syren will be the next large build. I just think she is a beautiful ship, and I am in awe of the job Chuck did in creating her. I also love his Confederacy....but price wise the Syren is more manageable at the moment. If money were not an issue then I would jump on a couple of the Euromodels, I do love the Mordaunt and the Royal William.....someday.... As for my build, again the first of the week always seems like progress is slow. I am working on the "beak" pieces of the bow. Managed to get them soaked and shaped last night, now just waiting for the wood to dry so I can install them tonight. That will signal the last of the hull work for awhile. I am also building the little cabin that sits on the deck right now, it should be ready to go tonight as well, then I can begin on the gratings!
  5. Steve, part of the biggest problem is the abundance of beautiful ships to choose from...and the time to complete them all
  6. Trust me the longboat will get done next. My plan is to begin it about the time I start the rigging on the SF. I figure there will be times I need a break from tying knots so I figured I could work on both at the same time. The Morgan....old kit, even worse AL instructions...and I have pilfered much of her wood to redo things on the SF. I plan to let Morgan sit there awhile longer, she has waited 25 years, what's a couple more. But, I expect that when I make my next wood order so I have some of the common dimensions on hand, I will also order new wood for the Morgan as well, I haven't forgotten about her. I did hear from some others that she will require some research first though, just to figure out the hull shape and bulkhead placings. I really like the looks of both the Syren and the Mordaunt. Wow, they couldn't be two more different ships. Two things though, major difference in cost, and knowing Chuck is here if I get stuck or don't understand something. I am thinking that building a model shipways kit, with its true to dimension plans and clear instructions would help me learn much more about ships in general. When I started I knew what the bow and stern was. Since then I have learned about bulkheads, knight heads, bulwarks, poop decks, and transoms, but that is really all I know. I figure the Syren plans and instructions will teach me much more of the terminology and workings of a real ship that will help me in future builds. Ah, who knows, maybe I will win the lottery and can afford to buy both kits, and then build them side by side
  7. Choices are narrowing, still going to go for another kit build this time. Hopefully, by the time I finish a second build I will have acquired the proper tools as well as a shop to work in so I can go over to the dark side I really like the looks of the Syren by Model Shipways, but am still looking at a couple of Euromodels too, the Mordaunt and the Friedrich Wilhelm, but then again I think something other than a galleon would be a nice change of pace and the Syren would do that. I also like the idea of one of the riverboats to just do something completely different as well, and I have been watching Popeye's double build of the lobster boat and find that intriguing too. I want something...challenging, yet not too outside my wheelhouse, and something I like the looks of. So..still looking, but I have time
  8. Lol Andy, thanks for the laugh, and the compliment And if your fingers hurt just looking at them, I will happily trade you right hands for a bit. I can't get over how much things still hurt...I can make a fist, I just can't grip anything that requires more than the thumb and first two fingers to hold because I can't put any pressure over the palm below the pinky and ring finger yet. Good thing most of my tools are micro sized and I can use them two-fingered! Have to say though, after getting to spend 10-12 hours both Sat and Sun working on my build, things sure ached. Good thing is that pain lets you know you aren't dead yet, so that means I can keep dreaming about that next build
  9. I will give you my limited opinion. From everything I have heard Model Shipways models are an excellent way to go for new modelers especially. The instructions are excellent, and the customer service is great. They also have many free practicums you can download from them to help with some models. As for this particular kit, I don't know the answer as I have been looking at her and thinking about her myself because the price is so good. I look forward to hearing what others have to say.
  10. Thanks everyone, I am happy with the gun ports...I decided long ago (after the first time I cut them) that I was not going to open these and put a false cannon in the hull...in the beginning I considered it but soon decided I didn't know enough of what I was doing to do it correctly. Now I better understand how I will need a filler block between bulkheads to set those false cannon on. Next time I can do it. For now, the doors are securely glued shut Wacko, that looks nasty!! and painful!! I feel for you Steve, I love how people randomly run amok with my log...I enjoy the banter, and the diversion. I am soooo excited though, I was looking ahead at the instructions last night and realized I just have a couple pieces to add at the bow and the stern and I will be done with the hull for awhile It will be a nice change of pace to move on to the deck furnishings!
  11. DC, yes I am, I feel like a great weight has been lifted now that they are done and in the right place this time. Can't help but think had I not screwed them up the first time and been using my knife the way I was when trying to fix my error I probably wouldn't be trying to get my grip back in my right hand...still wondering if I am going to be able to swing a golf club anytime soon
  12. Dan, I have to ask...what do you do, or did, in the real world? You said it is easier for you to build from scratch than a bad kit; therefore, your knowledge of ships must be quite extensive. I am forced at the moment to just bash a kit since I really know nothing about ships but what I have picked up in my short time here. My first attempt a a scratch build will be the battle station lol.
  13. TMC the castles are something to see that is for sure. I loved living in Germany, at least in Southern Bavaria where I was. Friendly people, laid back atmosphere, and history up the ying yang. My favorite place to visit is Rotenberg od de touber. A very old city with one of the few old city walls that was untouched by the wars. you can walk around the walls and see the historic cannons, and arrow slots for the guards. The moat has been filled in and turned into a park area, but the stones of the city themselves just exude history as you walk the streets, it is an amazing place to visit! It has been a productive day today. I kind of made a compromise on the lower gun ports. Since I have that extra layer of planking, I just cut through the 2 layers down to the basswood and that was deep enough to seat the frames properly. This way I didn't have to cut all the way through my hull. This worked well and I was able to get all the gun ports installed, added the ladders on the sides and (I don't think you can tell in the bad lighting of the picture) painted the columns gold. Not thrilled with the gold color, but I will leave it mostly because I am just tired of messing with them. working on cat davits and other little pieces for the bow, and then I can fix my boo boo and move on to the next item
  14. Wacko, now I understand why I seem to get all plugged up and sick after sanding. Guess I should buy some masks before I sand any more. Thanks for the heads up. TMC PINK PINK PINK PINK lol. Pink is my favorite color, although I am just young enough that the only album I really know is The Wall. I got to see them when they played at the wall in Berlin in 1990. Loved it! That was a real emotional time for sure, I felt at the time, when the wall first fell, that I was front and center of history being made! I was stationed in Crailsheim, Germany at the time and I can still remember watching the news coverage as the first trains full of east-Germans came into west Germany as free souls for the first time ever. It was an amazing time!
  15. Geoffery, run very fast away from that kit now lol. Just kidding, she is her own kind of fun, that's for sure.
  16. I can't get over all the extra little details...really makes it look like a real family's pleasure craft for sure. And the teak swimming platform would make a great addition!!
  17. Bedford, no I haven't been brave enough to peek under the band aid yet, but after drilling through all those columns I know I am up to the task. I figure I will have to do that today as well. Sjors, you made perfect sense to me as always Joe, ouch!!! Yes, I was rather lucky that I didn't cause some serious permanent damage. My other half keeps telling me there is no way he will let me try a scratch build...seems to think me+power tools (saws) are NOT a good idea Tim, you are right, this is my build so if I want to just glue, I can! Thanks for reminding me of that fact! TMC I know I am definitely counting down the days!!! I swear I don't really come alive until summer break. Don't get me wrong, I love teaching, I like having an impact on student's lives, if even just for a semester. I think I really miss teaching at the high school level though, there I could develop a real lasting relationship with "my kids" and really have a lasting impression on them. College is much different in that respect. But wherever I teach summers still mean the same thing...time on the golf course, time in the garden, time to soak up the sun, time to hit the road on the motorcycle, time to rejuvenate my soul!
  18. This whole thing just blows my mind, the intricate details are incredible. I cannot fathom how this can be done from scratch and come out looking so beautiful! Completely awe-inspiring!
  19. Railings are all on....still some staining to do, only have one coat on now but I will let it dry overnight. Don't think I can put off the gun ports any longer. The "beak" is next, and I am worried that will just make more fragile things to break if I am moving the ship about a lot to cut those ports in. Glue them to the hull??? Would that be acceptable? I hadn't even thought about that, and no, I am not making mine so they open anyway. I will have to consider that one... I am just so happy I finally got some time to actually sit and work on her today, this past week has been frustrating with way too many demands on my time, and I was getting really frustrated with not being able to build. 5 more weeks and school is out!!! then I can devote some real time to the build
  20. So since you will have so much practice with the rigging, can I mail you my SF when the time comes
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