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Everything posted by Shazmira

  1. Very nice Andy...gee I thought all those references in your other topic to getting home to Peggy meant the wife. Don't know if that was a or a But either way, I now stand corrected.
  2. Yes, Sjors, enjoy your vaca...and put Le Mirage away for a bit....never firewood!!!!
  3. Wayne no pics of the trip....we want pics of the ship lol
  4. Progress to show, you know I must keep Sjors happy Masts are wrapped, and installed. Even figured out how to do the couple blocks on the foremast. Finished getting the pin racks back on the ship, complete with pins to support them Now it is time to do the stays tonight....pretty nervous about this stage as I really don't have a clue what I am doing on this part of the build
  5. Tim, did we lose you? I haven't heard from you in awhile, and you have been missed
  6. Very beautiful work!!!! I will be referring back here often I know. But as we both know, I am not ready to begin her yet, despite someone's pushing me in that direction
  7. Okay, I have it all figured out now Danny. I am in need of your mailing address. I will just mail you my Syren kit, and watch you build her...that way I will be assured of getting the result I want
  8. Realer???? really now Gee, I thought I felt my ears burning earlier today...should have known it was you two talking about me
  9. Randy, I think the CA would actually make them more brittle while the PVA is absorbed into the grain and offers strength. When I did mine I did not use glue at all because stain and poly seem to show the dried glue, so instead I just used the clear poly to coat them and help hold them together. I have one corner of those beak gratings that still broke, I have no more to redo it, and I just decided to heck with it, I will "cover" the hole with a coil of rope or something when she is all done.
  10. Adrieke, perfection is something one strives for, but alas, can never fully attain. If you are happy then that is what matters most. I personally think the stairs and railings look great! I think when all is said and done, you will be very pleased!
  11. Aaron, ok, I am not sure you want your limber boards to hang over the pinracks. You will actually have to tie off your rigging to the belaying pins (the bowling pin looking things) and if your limber board is in the way it may cause you problems. I placed my flush to the interior side of the bulwarks, and it extends out a bit on the outside where it won't interfere with rigging lines.
  12. I have only done the SFII, but Mark is right, do the one that moves you most. If you are familiar with Al kits then you understand the shortcomings. I figure any of them are decent for either building as instructed and getting a fine looking ship, or bashing the heck out of and getting a fine looking ship; the results are the same, and remember you as the modeler are the only one you have to please.
  13. Sjors, personally I think YOUR ship looks beautiful. I think you are like me...you are not building a historically accurate museum piece, but rather a ship that stirred you in some way, and will look beautiful in yours and others' eyes because of the care and love, blood, sweat and tears that went into building her. And in my mind, each ship is a chance to learn, and hone skills that keep YOU interested in the hobby and what you are doing. IMO, I think the only way to achieve 100% accuracy is to build a ship in full scale!!! Seems as soon as something gets scaled down, it causes problems in placement of things. Kits are what kits are, and as modelers we can only work within the limits of the mismatched "scale" parts.
  14. Progress is a good thing, but remember....take your time and do it until you are happy with it, you are the only one who has to be pleased!
  15. Another WOW!!!! She is beautiful John. I can only hope to be a quarter as good as you guys are. It amazes me how you can do this on such a small scale. I always think women would have an edge with smaller fingers, but I swear I find I am all thumbs lol.
  16. OMG Augie!!!!! Sjors....quit stirring the pot lol. Aaron, I never even considered planking them...doh!!! I think it is too late to do that now...I will just hope a darker stain will look better. I have golden Oak, mahogany, walnut, and ebony. if I do a little mixing perhaps I can get the proper result! Steve...you just broke my heart with the whole brush on thing lol. Here I was thinking the spray poly would be so much quicker. Although I would have to wait for a very calm day (not common in Kansas) to take her outside and spray.
  17. Randy, I did mine according to the top pic. The hook that faces toward the water on the cat davit will hold the anchor line. the drilled holes in the cat davit on that end take the thread that holds the anchor in place against the hull. I have no idea what the hook is for on the other end yet lol.
  18. Aaron, the cheeks actually have been stained, 3 coats worth. However, that ugly stuff they are made of, did not take the stain well. I forgot they are made of the same stuff as the beak, so I will need to stain them again using mahogany instead of golden oak.
  19. Scott, now that was hilarious!!!! I came home tonight, and very carefully closed and secured the Syren box (had originally planned to do an inventory), then I tucked her alongside the desk, where from my perch behind the drafting table she cannot be seen. Then I promptly sat down and constructed my foremast! Here she is dryfit for now. Now it is time to shape the other two masts! See, I am being very good
  20. Don't you just hate how you work for hours and days, and then you feel like there are only a couple of pics to show for your effort. Cheer up Adrieke, all modelers know exactly what you are going through. We understand that a single installed window = hours of preparation. Just keep your head up, and keep soldiering on....she is turning into a beauty! BTW, you need to stop saying those nasty words lol
  21. Wow, talk about inventiveness. My mind would have never considered packing everything "inside" the dowel, but dang if it doesn't create a great end product. It amazes me to know end how each person thinks differently, and we all come up with so many different fixes for the same problems. I love that about this site! You should post that on one of those pages on MSW for how toos and such. That is an awesome fix
  22. Hey, I figure for a change everyone is offerring the same advice. PIN EM. Thanks for the answers, I guess tonight, inbetween making the masts, I will remove all my pin racks and channels and then get them pinned to the hull properly! See once again, doing something for the third time before I finally get it right. NOpe, that Syren is staying right in her box until I am sure I am up to the challenge she will present!
  23. Serious question time. I was reading somewhere in one of the topics about using CA glue to hold the channels and pinracks to the hull is NOT a good idea as it isn't strong enough of a bond once the rigging gets attached. What is the best way to affix those parts to a vertical surface?? I certainly don't want them breaking loose just as I attach the first lines to it, so I would like to get them firmly attached now!
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