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Posts posted by captgino

  1. JP,


    I have one similar to this:  http://www.littlemachineshop.com/products/product_view.php?ProductID=4959&category=1271799306  Actually, it's the same just a different brand (Micromark).  Harbor Freight and Grizzly sell the same model but this is the lowest price I've seen.  


    My lathe goes up to 2500 rpm and works ok on wood as long as you use a slow feed rate.  The catch is, that a wood lathe will have a bigger distance between the chuck and tailstock but for our purposes, you'll need a support to keep the wood from flexing when turning masts and yards.


    If you'll mostly be doing small parts, go with what you can afford.  There's other ways to turn masts and yards than a lathe.  But a metal lathe is infinitely more versatile than a wood lathe.

    Thank you for your reply Mark.

    I am looking to get a machine as versatile as possible. Maybe a lathe bigger like yours could be an option.

    is there a location on this site where I could find some  documentation on 'some of the other ways to turn masts and yards' you mentioned?



  2. Hi.


    I am in the market for a lathe. I have to admit that I am a little bit confused with information I am reading . ideally I would like to get one machine to do wood and metal. My understanding if it is correct, is that the lathe must turn faster for wood than metal.most of the micro lathe go up to 5000 rpm and I thought that the smaller the piece of wood (diameter) the faster the speed must be . Based of the calculation method I found , the speed should be much higher for items like a mast, pins,...

    What models are you actually using?


    I found these. Any recommendation?








    The first one is more in my price range.


    If you have any other suggestions, please do not hesitate to let me know.




    Well, almost a year since I start this ship. So much have happened !

    One more kid :) , a home purchase, a full garage remodel (insulation, drywall, paint and even cut out a window) and finally the near completion of my Master degree (one more class).

    I am dying to get back in the workshop.

    I will start posting some updates by the end of December :D from my new man cave!


  4. Hi fellow Shipwrights,


    I am looking for documentation on how to build a new Knee of the head, Stem and Gripe from scratch for a future project, the Fair American. In looking at a lot of different build logs it seem like the idea is to create some kind of "puzzle" - excuse my expression - to rebuild these 3 sections.

    Of course, I am sure there is a method or plans to do that. Are these plans standard per period? Ship type? Is there any reference book I should be looking into it?


    Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.


    Thank you.




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