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Posts posted by captgino

  1. Thanks for the advice Dave ! :)
    I am using the first chapter (free teaser) as support. I cannot get myself to broke the bank for the full guide. There is other tools I would prefer to invest  in instead.
    Some drama with a bulkhead, which broke in 2 when doing the dry fitting. I guess this is learning experience #1: bulkhead = fragile.
    I was able to get it fixed. :)
    I traced the bearding line in preparation to start on the rabbet line. The direction for this step are rather cryptic and requires some head scratching. Any suggestions?





  2. Hi All,


    Not sure if this is the right location, so I apologize in advance if it is not.

    I own a kit for the Corel Cross Section HMS Victory SM9. It is the older version and the direction are only in Italian. I can do French or English but Italian... :)


    I am looking to get some help or maybe a copy of them if anyone as them.


    I would really appreciate any help.


    Thank you.



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