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Everything posted by maaaslo

  1. aaaaaand 1. is correct. Martanek's nick-name means "Little Martian". so no, Martanek is no unicorn... he once pushed his modeling different way. he tried to build Tirpitz, in scale 1:100. picture here: http://www.papirove-modely.cz/phpsource/full-image.php?showfoto=51211 if he ever achieved finishing lines, i have no idea.
  2. Dan, as i mentioned to you before, i can get the halinski's Hood for you. yamato is unfortunately sold out, but i could keep my eyes peeled, if you want me to... Aaaaand, as i just stumbled over GPM page, they have Yamato there... it is a kit from 2004, so dont know if the one you looking for... https://sklep.gpm.pl/modele-kartonowe/okrety/1/200/yamato-1-2/2004
  3. anyone else interested in some card models? i still have all those up on offer. if any of you would be interested, just PM me any time and i will get back to you asap. also, if needed, i can help out with stuff from polish publishers. i have my channels to get stuff to UK cheaply and lets say, reasonably cheaply anywhere in the world.
  4. You don't need to feel bad about it. He chose the punishment himself
  5. Achu, how did you progress with your Albatros? im building the same kit and have just finished planking. i am contemplating on doing the wales before the deck...
  6. Might be, cos Bismarck is a whole lot bigger then both previous builds... lol
  7. i meant the whole idea of the cast acrylic enclosure, not the explosions and even the torpedo... it should not be so hard to do it like that. it would most certainly be very easy to keep it dust free...lol
  8. Very nicely put together. I never tried to build a sub, for their shapes are not appealing to my eye. No sails, no masts, not even powerfull guns. But looking at your finished model, they do have certain... qualities. Regarding displaying this finished beauty, did you consider something like this? Obviously, you dont have to do dio, it is just an example.
  9. Ahem, where did you order the kit, good sir? I asume it is not the Halifax from Constructo you are talking about...
  10. Regarding the grey parts not working the way you wanted, did you consider forming and fitting the part and only soing the "glass" portholes once its fully formed? I reckon if you use hair dryer on full blast to soften the plastic a bit...
  11. the only problem with those blocks is that they do not fit the period... otherwise, if you want to use paper only, these sets are brilliant.
  12. Many thanks to Dan, he stopped me from unnecessary spending. and even more thanks to you, Graham. For showing me where to source the timber from. Even though i live in Essex, i do drive down to portsmouth at least once a week, so i could even pop in mysef and save on postage... crap, even more spending on the horizon... and it looks like i might need to change my ks230 for something slightly larger. It just doesnt have the mmph to do the job. thanks boys for the quick answers.
  13. i am extremely sorry for hijacking your thread, but i just need a quick advice i too have a set of plans printed, my shipyard is almost fully fitted out and am currently deciding on what timber to use for framing. never worked with anything as fancy as cherry, besides it is quite expensive in here. but i can source some Basswood with 15% off voucher and i was thinking, is basswood any good for framing? thanks for any opinion on this matter
  14. Why dont to try to give it a session in dry brushing? To unify the color of the decks...?
  15. I dont know why, but i kind of dislike Digital Navy. I know they did put a lot of work into their models, but still prefer the printed versions done by polish companies...
  16. Dan, My Polish friend will be going to visit her mum in Poland next month. If you want me to i can place an order...i will be ordering something for myself, so no probs if you do t want anything...
  17. your only option is Halinski then. gpm sells only old version in the vintage section. i would highly recommend getting your copy ASAP.
  18. Yes Bismarck is coming into the house! Usual good start, nothing to complain about. Did you think about your next project? Yamato? Shall i look out for one? btw, belated happy birthday. Did you have a cold one?
  19. I remember you ,Danny, telling me that it will take you a year to finish her... i knew you will be faster, but this fast?
  20. i think you would do great justice to this model if you swap the barrels for some turned...
  21. danny, you would be surprised what have i found in the dark corners of the internet... copies so bad, that unless you would use repainting heavily, there is no way to build anything presentable out of it...
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