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Posts posted by maaaslo

  1. 8 hours ago, catopower said:

    Happy 4th of July, all! 

    I have seen a great meme for this...

    Happy Treason Day, ungrateful colonists... lol

    regarding the hull plating, the reason might be, that you have a stable point of reference. Upper hull plating consists of one plate for each side. It is easy to trim bottom plating to matching angle, when you only need to take a little sliver off. Its substantialy harder to achieve straight line with many sheets, isnt it. 

  2. well, i could say on my behalf, that its not easy, but also its not hard. i managed to build hull of the Le Coureur to relatively good standard, but poor choice of glue have prevented me from continuing it. one day i will take it apart and start over.

    also, you have to be confident in doing your own paint job. kit is supplied on plain cardboard, all laser cut, you just have to assemble it and then paint it.

    i would probably consider building something for the beginners first, as otherwise you are risking it turning into a quite costly fire-starting kit. that's meant to be when you fail, you start fire with it...

    i don't mean to discourage you at all, just giving you a fair warning.

  3. Regarding no tolerancies, i think you are meant to fair and sand the hull until it all fits exactly. That is meant for the bow and stern ends of keel. Pretty much, the sheet needs to fit from centre of one former to the centre of next one, with exception of the bow and stern.

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