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Posts posted by Elijah

  1. I have built the rudder, and the next step is staining the hull. I got a dark stain which I will test on some spare wood, and I got a min wax stain pencil to help blend the lighter wood with the planking. The pencil can do a little darker than the stain, so that should help even out the lighter wood to match the planking. I have a small sponge brush for more control. The thing I am most worried about is the planks falling off if I get them soaked with stain accidentally :(. I will probably just need to do light coats so that they don't fall off when a ton of stain gets on them. Anyway, wish me luck!



  2. Thanks guys! I'm going to see if I can buy some stains today and test them on some of the leftover wood. I will be shooting for a dark stain so that the hull still resembles having black paint on it, as that was what it was painted. As you can see from the pictures, the keel, stem, sternpost, and bulwarks are a different wood. Should they have a stain of their own to make them blend in with the stained planks better?

  3. Thanks for the comments and advice guys! Here are some pictures of the garboard. I did some measuring and such, and it looks to me like I have enough room to keep my planks at the width that they are at. There is also a picture of my transom. I know it is a little uneven as the planks make the twist, but I don't think the difference will show with paint on one side, and I am going to try to even it out. The reason it ended up this way was because early on planking I was not measuring the full distance needing planking. A beginner will make mistakes at some point. I plan on not making that mistake next build, mostly because I doubt I will paint the hull ;). Lastly, I am going to copper the whole keel, as not to show dents from carving rabbets and not to show the spacer I have. Anything above the waterline will be visible. I also apologize for not viewing all of your build logs. I will catch up on them when half the hull is planked, and then I will get back to planking.






  4. Hello all! I got three strakes done in the last two days, including the garboard on the starboard side. I took a lot of pictures, so I will let them explain themselves. I did surgery to remove a bad plank that had CA on it, and replaced it. The garboard points up at the same rate as the planks above do, so I think it works, but I would like to hear feedback on it. If I manage to get the next two strakes above the garboard, I will move on to the garboard on the port side. Really, after I get some planks on the lower part of the hull, on both sides, it will only be a matter of closing the gap. Onward :)!












    I will update again at the halfway point! Thanks for any comments and help! Until next time.

  5. I'm thinking the copper will cover half the keel. I'm not sure as to the differences between enamels and acrylics. I will make some sets of test planking to figure out what I like. What I am most wondering about is what I will do with the metal fittings on the hull on the natural side. Should I leave them metal, blacken them, or do something else?

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